
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasia
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19 Chs

Into Trolls Territory.

"Fenrir huh?" Aaron remarked. "A name of a true beast"

Aaron began scrolling through the system's shop searching for something he had seen days ago.

"How? You just beat the king of this forest into submission, what in purgatory's name are you?" Atalai questioned.

"I'm the one who seats on the pinnacle of all other races," Aaron answered still focusing on his shop.

'What a mighty beast' He thought as he watched Fenrir lick his wounds.

"Here take this it should help fix your wounds" Aaron uttered pulling out a small glass that contained a light green liquid from his shop.

[Ti-ring! You've successfully purchased the 'Health Recovery' potion.

-500 gold coins]

"Is that alchemy you use?" Fenrir could not help his questions.

"No, it's a little different," Aaron answered, "but that's not important right now... How do I even get you to drink this, do I have to jump on your head?"

Aaron could communicate with Fenrir telepathically due to his trait... Not just Fenrir but any other intelligent beast.

"Ohh am I still in my secondary form? Just a second" Fenrir notified as he began to gradually shrink in size till he was about 6 feet.

"Hmm... Interesting so you doubled in size just to take me on... You look less intimidating now, anyways here drink this," Aaron worded as he poured the green liquid down Fenrir's mouth.

A light green aura enveloped Fenrir and his wounds began closing up as the potion flowed through his system.

"What's this? In all my hundreds of years alive, I've never seen a potion with such recuperative speed," Fenrir voiced out amazed by what he was experiencing.


"You don't expect me to travel alongside you with that beast by your side, do you?" Atalai hesitantly worded her concerns.

Aaron looked at Fenrir before shifting his gaze back at the troll. "I thought you trolls were brave and fearless" Aaron questioned with the same look of disappointment a father would have for his 35 years old freeloading son.

"Don't look at me like that... Do you know how many of my ancestors this creature has killed?" The troll argued.

Aaron shifted his gaze back at Fenrir as if he was asking "how many lives did you take to give this troll and her people PTSD..."

"Don't look at me... The forest king got to eat something, blame the food chain not me," Fenrir explained.

"Atalai we still haven't reached your tribe yet so, get yourself here or you'll be of no use to me, hence there'll be no need to keep you alive," Aaron said getting a bit agitated.

Atalai summoned all of the courage she had and continued to lead the way. After a few hours of navigating the forest, a clearing could finally be seen from a distance, and on that clearing were houses made of straws.

"That's it, our tribe," Atalai pointed at the straw houses. "Please don't kill them all, let the Grunge tribe not die out" Atalai pleaded.

"Y'know, the only thing uglier than those straw houses is your voice," Aaron let out "And you're in no position to tell me what to do"

"Fenrir you stay with her, If she tries anything funny," Aaron paused, "Well let's just stay I'll blame the food chain," He finished his statement as he walked off.

Aaron pulled up his long black adventurer's cloak as he approached the Grunge tribe settlement, leaving Atalai alone beside Fenrir who kept staring at her hoping she'd try something funny.


Aaron came to a stop in front of a gate made out of bones. Standing in front of the gate were two trolls who hadn't noticed him till he was just a stone's throw away.

"Look at that, of all the places to wander into," One of the troll guards said as he approached Aaron.

With his hood still covered over his head, Aaron walked passed the two guards and through the gate, he went.

The guards were dumbfounded by the lack of fear exhibited by Aaron, but they soon snapped out of their daydreams and tried to hold him back.

'Crack... Crack... Crack'

Their legs crumbled under them and they dropped to the ground. They both looked at their legs and they were completely broken.

During the time they were examining Aaron, he had used [Ancient dominion] to shatter all the bones in the lower half of their body.

'Uwarrgghh!!!' the two trolls let out an unbearable scream that alarmed the residents of the tribe.

"Stay there, I'd have Silenced you but I'll need every one of you," Aaron started.

"We have an intruder!!!" one of the younger trolls yelled. And within moments several trolls had blocked Aaron's way with mighty clubs in their hands.

'Yeah, I knew they wouldn't just welcome a human... And I'm trying to minimize casualties' Aaron thought, 'what's the best course to take here?'

And almost as if a light bulb had lit in Aaron's head a brilliant idea had popped into his head.

'Fenrir, Can you get here... Ohh, and I need you to make quite the impression.' Aaron called.

Within seconds loud steps could be heard approaching the tribe's colony, the steps only got louder with every passing second. By this time the trolls had begun to retreat hoping it wasn't what they thought it was.

The trees could be seen shaking in the distance as birds scattered into the sky, and finally, the cause of the uproar could be seen approaching the small troll town.

'Rooaaarrrrr!!!!!' The 12 feet terrifying feline let out as it came to a stop right behind Aaron.

"Listen to me if you wish to live" Aaron declared. "Drop your weapons and make way or this great beast behind me will lay waste to this pathetic slum."

Owned with fear the trolls laid down their weapons and fell to their knees. They had all heard of the 'King of the forest' but standing in front of the mighty thing was an entire experience on its own.

"Good job, this should be enough to subdue this muscle-headed species," Aaron said as he saw the kneeling trolls stricken with dread.


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