
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Prove You Deserve It.

"Where is your tribe leader? I have business with your commander" Aaron declared.

A well-sculptured troll covered with battle scars courageously stepped forward. "That'll be me, I'm Ner'Zhul the undefeated... Who are you and what is it you seek?" Ner'Zhul inquired.

"So it was you who sent your hideous men to ravage my kingdom" Aaron let out pulling down his cloak.

"Well, they're all dead now... Including the self-proclaimed champion," he added.

"Vahahahahaa!!!..." Ner'Zhul's animalistic laugh responded. "A human has a kingdom?... Vahahahahaaa!!!" he couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the idea.

"When the scout came back with the news of my brother's defeat I had hoped it'll be someone worthy," Ner'Zhul paused, "But seeing you in person I can't help but feel disappointed"

"And to think my men would kneel before you and that overgrown cat behind you," The commander continued, "It's supposed to be the terrifying forest king, but then if it's defending a human then what's there to fear" Ner'Zhul went on.

"Master, allow me to silent this one... It barks a lot" Fenrir proposed.

"Not yet, I want to see how this plays out," Aaron responded.

"You dare kneel before a human and this cat from ancient tales, you bring shame to the warriors who came before you," Ner'Zhul declared.

"What will you tell your father's father who died fighting if you bow so easily," Ner'Zhul questioned his subordinates with fire in his eyes.

Inspired by the words of their commanders, the trolls began to get up one after another... Picking up their various weapons as they hailed their leader's name.

"All hail Ner'Zhul the undefeated," the trolls chanted.

"Now come here and meet my wrath, you've lived a foolish life and it ends here," Ner'Zhul professed as he swing his club which was larger than his torso.

'There's no way I'm having this dance again...' Aaron thought shaking his head in disapproval.

'And even after I summoned Fenrir thinking they'd be thrown into despair... But some idiot had to open its mouth and raise their already dead morale,"

[Ding! You've activated the skill: Darkness]

'Huh? I can't see anything... What's going on?' questions kept going through Ner'Zhul's head but for some reason, he couldn't word his thoughts.

A few seconds later he regained his vision but it was too late, Lying on the floor was the head of the leader and commander of the Grunge tribe 'Ner'Zhul the undefeated'.

[Ding! You've defeated the leader of the troll tribe]

[Tri-ring! You've earned 12 stat points]

Ding!... You've Leveled Up!

Ding!... You've Leveled Up!

[You've acquired 10 stat points for leveling up x2]

The trolls had seen their undefeated ruler fall and along with his head, their weapons dropped to the ground.

"No, No, No... You don't get to surrender, not after I gave y'all a fair chance back then" Aaron announced. "You'll have to prove you deserve my mercy" he added.

"Fenrir, where is the troll I left with you?" Aaron demanded.

Fenrir then opened his mouth and spat out Atalai... Covered in saliva the troll lay on the floor looking uneasy.

"This troll right here is the reason your leader is dead," Aaron addressed the tribe of trolls, "If she had just died with honor I wouldn't have made it here"

"No... No... Please, I was just scared" Atalai said with tears lingering under her eyes.

"And she's the reason you'll all die here, unless..." Aaron waited as he looked at all the angry, scared, and disappointed looks on the trolls face. "I'll spare your lives if you kill her right here and now," He concluded.

The trolls looked at each other nodded in approval. "She was one of us no more the moment she brought danger to us all," One of the trolls said to the rest.

"Please hold on... I didn't mean it like that," Atalai tried to appease her tribe but they only kept on coming closer.

"Please untie me, I brought you here... Please I don't want to die," Atalai pleaded with Aaron but soon gave up on him the moment she saw the wicked smile on his face like he was going to enjoy what was about to happen.

"No... Please don't kill me... Plea-" Atalai's pleas were cut shut as a club struck her head.

The trolls ganged her and had begun striking her with their clubs.

"You traitor... You deserve nothing less than death," they declared with every strike they took.

"Aaaarrrrggghhh" Atalai screamed in inconceivable misery as their clubs struck her from her head down to her legs.

Her screams began to fade until it was completely gone, and the trolls clobbered her some more before departing.

Aaron walked up to where Atalai was and lying on the floor was the dead troll beaten beyond recognition.

"Now listen up you slightly oversized pigs, henceforth when you hunt know you'll be hunting for two towns," Aaron announced.

"Pick someone who'll represent you, so by the end of every month fresh meat should be supplied to my kingdom," Aaron spoke out.

"And if you dare migrate or try anything troll worthy, you'll all wish for a slow death," Aaron assured before walking away from Atalai's dead body.


Just as Aaron was walking away a dagger came flying toward him, he sensed it coming and instantly evaded it.

"Fight me... I challenge you to a duel," a female voice rang.

Aaron turned and stood in front of him was a green-colored, pointy-eared, well-developed feminine ogre.

She had a dagger in her hand as she pulled another from the leather pouch she had strapped on her smooth greenish thighs.

"And who're you?" Aaron questioned.

"I am Ysera the last living child of Ner'Zhul the undefeated," Ysera introduced, "and I challenge you to a duel... Face me if you have any shred of dignity left," She challenged.

Aaron scanned Ysera from head to toe,

from her immense chest covered only by a bra made from leopard skin right down to her impressively smooth and feminine legs.

"I'm not under any obligation to duel you, why should I entertain you when I get nothing in return," Aaron argued.

"If you lose I get to take your life and if you win my life's yours" Ysera informed.

Aaron placed his gaze on Ysera for a while trying to see if the risk outweighed the reward.

"Alright, daughter of 'Ner'Zhul the weak' come at me with your life," Aaron taunted Ysera with a wicked grin on his face.


OGRES: Ogres are trolls who have elevated beyond the troll species through extensive training both in body and mind.

Trolls who have attained the Ogre class lose their muscle like bodies and troll features to become more human-like but still possess incredible strength and agility.


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