
Soulmates (Bakugou x Reader Story)

You've been accepted into the hero course at UA! Can you believe it? You can now start your journey to becoming an amazing hero. You knew it wasn't going to be easy. But what happens when you and the biggest jerk in school start having feelings for each other? Can he accept these feelings he has? Will he distract you from achieving your dream?(This is my first story so sorry if it's not perfect. And there is some harsh language. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!)

Daoist253939 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 21: Consuming Thoughts

Isla unlocks the door and throws her bag on the floor.

"Gosh, school is tiring."she says, plopping on the couch.

"It also gives me a big a appetite."I say, walking to her kitchen. Her house is like a second house to me, so I don't bother asking for permission. We're like family.

"Nah, you always have a big appetite."she laughs.

"Shut up!"I say with a mouthful of tofu.

She gets up and walks over to me, grabbing some tofu too. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Hm?"I say turning to her before realizing what she meant. "Oh..I guess..I don't know.."

"If you're not comfortable it's fine."she says.

"No, I want to talk about it, but I just..I don't know what to say anymore."

"I do. You both are idiots. And one of you needs to hurry up and confess because my grandma could see the tension between you two and she's blind."

I laugh and choke on my tofu. "Isla I-"

"Did I lie?"she smiles, grabbing some water and giving it to me before grabbing a cup for herself.

"Well..no..but you didn't have to say it like that!"I chortle.

"It was the first thing that came to mind."

I shake my head and walk over to the couch to turn on the t.v.

"Confessing isn't something that simple."I say.

"Sure it is. You just need to have faith and confidence."she replies.

"Hm. Let's talk about something else now. This isn't good for my anxiety."

"Well, we can talk about the Sports Festival."she suggests.

"Sure. Are you nervous?"I ask her.

"Hell yeah. This is like..what decides our futures as heroes. We have to go up against the entire school and only three people can win."she frets.

"This is only a part of our future as heroes. We'll get more opportunities."I try reassuring her.

"Yeah...we still have to do good though. The teachers are making it out to be like it's the only thing that will decide our futures."

"I know, but don't worry. I'm sure you'll do great."I squeeze her and and lay in her lap.

"Thanks Y/N. I love you."she smiles, playing with my hair.

"I love you too, Isles."

"You better not let his boy take up all of your time if you do get with him."she teases.

"I won't. I promise. How could I forget about the one person who has been with me through thick and thin? Plus, weren't we trying to get our minds off of the said boy."I protest.

"Right. Sorry."

"Mhm."I smile.

I don't want this boy to consume my thoughts. But he's slowly doing so. And it's getting harder to fight back. Gosh. Why'd I have to meet him?? I came to U.A to start my career. To make my dream a reality. Not get in trouble with a hot ass boy with anger issues. Yes. He's hot. I'll admit that.


The sound of my ringing alarm disturbs my sleep. I grab my phone and turn of the alarm, groaning.

"Ugh."I yawn and rubs my eyes. I haven't been sleeping well. Since the only time I'm really alone not doing anything is when I'm trying to sleep, Bakugou is the only thing I can think about. It really sucks. I need to find a way to get over him. I need to focus on my mission; to become a hero. I don't have time for boys. Especially boys like Bakugou. Anything with him probably won't end well.

With his anger issues and big ego, we'll probably just be fighting all the time. I just know it.

I force myself to get up and get ready. These next few days are gonna be hard. Harder than normal.

"Sports Festival, here I come."

Okay. I'm back ^m^I know I left for a long time again and I'm sorry. I've just been busy and haven't found the time to sit down and write. But I'm finally on Thanksgiving break! Hopefully I'll be able to write more. Love you all !(^^)!

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