
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Chapter 51: TianShang Sky kingdom, A story for another time pt1

Chapter 51: TianShang Sky kingdom, A story for another time pt1

(So the story is the one mentioned in the last chapter about hunting with Bibi Dong getting her first red ring. No it does not include a certain rabbit, thats for later)

(Bibi Dong pov)

"Huh, huh, huuuuu" A tall lady with pink hair and a black silver outfit is sitting hunched over, breathing hard and covered in sweat. The day has been quite long and lots of progress was made for her. She has single handedly fought 3 different 50k year old spider beast and absorbed it's ring to grant her, her third ring for her 2nd martial spirit the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor. Her third ring allows her to release a purple aura from her and from her feet, illusions of spiders are formed which she controls with her mental power.

"Can we rest? I haven't had a chance so far today. Unlike you, I struggle to take down 50 thousand year old monsters." She speaks out and gets an aggravating reply


"It just means that you arent playing your strengths to your advantage. You have 2 spider martial spirits. Do as the spider does and set a trap. If you don't expect to catch anything quickly then the intent that is spreading into your webs will diminish faster and your prey won't mind it until it's too late. Poison nets, poison mist, and your newest spider illusion. Fuck with the beast so it cant figure out what your doing then deliver multiple decisive strikes. Especially with that 2nd ability of yours, half moon." the manly voice speaks out and Bibi Dong knows that she has no right to deny them. While vulgar and brash. The strategy is sound. The voice had been guiding her around today. Helping find her prey and then also guide her technique to become better as well as adjust to all the boosts he has inflicted on her body.

The owner of this voice is naturally Xue Tie, her senior brother, her…lover. She blushes every time she thinks about it and the session they had a few months ago. She shakes her head as she thinks more about his words and having rested a bit to regain her energy as well as heal with Xue Tie's potions. She got up and asked.

"Where to next?"

"I spotted a 79 thousand year old Human faced spider some distance away. It will take you roughly an hour to arrive there without interruption."

"And how long would it take you to get there?" she asks back a bit annoyed.

"Hmmm. 5 minutes if i was to fly straight and bulldoze through every tree on my way there." He disgustingly says which makes a tic appear on her head at his blatant bragging. But she can only shake her head once more and get moving.

She takes a bit longer than an hour so as to ensure her energy is at it's peak before she attempts to engage. It's her fourth spider opponent and Xue Tie makes a good strategy. They only apply to non-spider enemies as they can easily escape her nets and have resistance or outright immunity to poison. The human faced spider is especially fearsome as after a certain point, their webs gain an illusionary property which can completely neglect her battle power. At least, if it wasn't for her skull bone that negates the illusions. With the bone being 100k years old, it can easily handle a 79 thousand year old beast's illusions.

As such, she begins to create her own strategy for how to handle it. She analyzes the weak points of the spider and quickly realizes that she will need the rakshasa scythe to finish off the beast. Shaking her head once more to get rid of Xue Tie's words about not relying on the scythe too much. She heads out into the foray.

With her first martial spirit, she activates her 6th, Bloodsucking Spider Thorns, she summons hundreds of thorns that begin an onslaught upon the recently aware enemy that entered the vicinity. It gets barraged by the thorns and screeches from the pain and insult the human has caused it.

It jumps up after Bibi Dong and uses it's claws to begin striking at her when she activates her 4th ring. Thistle Thorn armor. A spider shell engulfs bibi Dong which protects her from the onslaught. Once it stops, Bibi Dong summons her Soul devouring spider emperor martial spirit and uses its first ring, Half Moon to deliver a powerful gash to the human faced spider.

The spider brings it's limbs up as it trys to smack them down onto Bibi Dong once more but she escaped before that. Bibi Dong then uses her soul devouring spider emperors 2nd ring to have her back spider legs (how her 2nd martial spirit manifests) to slash forward and create giant sickle slashes to be thrown at the spider beast. Both of it's front legs are cut off and it stumbles a bit and with another screech, it charges at Bibi Dong who closes her soul devouring spider martial spirit and reactivates the Death Spider emperor martial spirit and shoot out both her 1st and third spirit rings webs to cover the spider before activating the 6th again to send out thorn spikes at it.

The Human faced spider eventually escapes the webs but not without getting multiple thorns embedded into it's body. And while it can resist the poison, it's not immunity and as such, is greatly weakened from the effect of the thorns and heavily poisonous webs. It bobbles a bit which is the signal for Bibi Dong to summon out the Rakshasa scythe and swoop in for the killing blow. The spider sends out it's own threads but they are cut up by the scythe before an intricate spinning action is done which cleanly beheads the spider with ease.

The beasts body falls to the ground with the black ring rising up and Bibi Dong drops down too and she hears clapping.

"Very good. Though I still don't like you relying on the scythe, it is your main damage dealer so i will allow it until you can stand on your own ground." Xue Tie speaks up in the tree tops as Bibi Dong gets to absorbing the ring.

He avoids corrupting her rings as he is still unsure if corrupting a ring and then having another absorb it will have negative effects. He also doesnt want to stifle her growth when she is actually attempting to go for the divinity of the rakshasa god. He has his own plans for the god and as such, won't interfere with each other.

Xue Tie keeps watch over Bibi Dong as she spends an hour absorbing the ring. She looks a bit pale and exhausted from the process. Xue Tie gives her a bottle of blood just in case of any injuries she got. It will also help her recover her energy. She drinks it with a bit of disgust since it is blood but she relents and gets up. 4 black rings encircle her.

"As congrats for reaching this far. Ill help you get your next two rings to boost you up."

I puff up my cheeks in annoyance, 'he thinks I cant handle them'

Xue Tie simply has a smile on his face as he suddenly hugs her and before she gets a chance to say anything. They take off. They travel quickly through the inner region of the Great Star Dou Forest. Xue Tie strangely uses his 6th spirit ring to slap a fire onto his chest, just narrowly missing me (first person). Fire begins to be emitted from Xue Tie as his armor veins are filled with fire.

(third person view)

The end result is that Xue Tie drops Bibi Dong off in an opening while he goes for a crash landing into a giant web-covered 'hive'. A cacophony of screeches and screams of pain are heard before multiple 'smaller' spiders are launched out along with a 100ft spider. The Poison Terror. An infamous 100k year old Nightmare Spider Emperor. It's close to 120k years of age now but that is a simple matter for Xue Tie.

With the single use of a nihil, the spider is weakened even further after it had been punctured and drained of blood through his unique spear technique. The smaller spiders which are at least 40k year old scramble away in fear since Xue Tie defeated it's parents

"Quickly kill it before it bleeds out. I don't want it's ring"

Bibi Dong is knocked out of her stupor and delivers the killing blow with her martial spirits claws. The red ring rises up and with a few potions from Xue Tie she begins absorbing it. Obtaining a leg bone from it which she stores away for later. She is unfortunately at level 69 which puts her one point away from getting her next ring. She could absorb the bone but that would be a waste. As such, they begin making their way home for now.

" I shall take my leave then" He says and gives her a kiss before departing

(End of side story…for now)

"The heaven Dou empire is moving" The scout member says to Xue Tie who was broken out of his meditation. Even though he doesnt feel good about the interruption. He forgives it over the nature of the matter at hand as his excitement rises.

"Hahaha, good. It is time for us to finally take our place in the light." Xue Tie responds as he thinks about the recent events going on in the world.

Recently a minor kingdom far to the west of Heaven Dou City…which was on the border of star Luo as well, thus being treated as a neutral state to prevent either side form gaining a footholds into the others land.

This kingdom has spread news of a set of Titled Douluo rising up in their land and their government, aka the kingdom itself was revolted against. They successfully did this and are now seeking to expand their land after stabilizing the internal discontent. Both Heaven Dou and Star Luo know about this happening but since Star Luo is lacking the manpower to take down multiple titled douluos, they have kept to the shadows like usual. As such, it is prime time for Heaven Dou to sweep in and claim the land. At most, Star Luo will be forced to set up a defensive perimeter and maybe shave off some land to serve as the barricade.

Xue Tie gives out the order for multiple combat squads to begin heading out by his side to this fallen kingdom.


Apologize for the 2nd cliffhanger here, I didn't expect the side story to get this long. It's just more natural to me now since I'm used to writing fight scenes but not so much in making unique abilities for a beast or people. So I could only base Bibi Dong's abilities on constantly hunting down spider beasts for that unifying quality between the beast martial spirit and hunted beast.

It helps to have her ability list but when 3/4th of it is unknown except the age, I can only set up the story myself.

I'm leaving the 6th ring for part 2. Which will come later down the road since I've sidetracked from the main story itself.

Also the name of the kingdom should be roughly translated to Heaven star or Star in the sky for those curious.