
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 50: Change

Chapter 50: Change

A year's time has passed quite quickly and there had been many major changes. The first is that the Spirit Hall had officially listed Xue Tie as dead. On the other hand, he had already informed his family of his plans and they have begun contacting the other subsidiary clans about the rise of his organization. They use his ring arrangement and the enticement of his refinement to hopefully lure them back in.

He had taken control of a few cities to serve as his group's headquarters. Each one is under a different Division. After some time, Xue Tie had decided on official titles and names. The Blood Zone which has him as the leader and extends to all other segments giving him unanimous power and decision. The 2nd would be the Skull Zone. A group that would be under Yu Yue later on but for now is being managed by Adam and Eve. The third is the death Zone, where Xia Wei and the rest of the team are stationed. The Skull Zone will manage all 'Orders' and various task forces on Xue Tie's behalf.

While the Death Hall is in charge of resources and information. It's separated into 2 segments to create a strong sense of comradery and not overflow the other half with their work. These Segments are the Merit Hall and Knowledge Hall. The merit hall is the one providing resources for various jobs and calculating contributions. The knowledge Hall gathers information and provides jobs under this situation.

But there is one more Hall which accounts for all regular folks and unassigned members who are free to act as they please. The Night Hall. Through this hall, groups of spirit masters are arranged into compatible groups and then Xia Wei places a bond on them. A group leader is decided amongst them and then those group leaders are gathered up and a Bishop is decided upon.

The reason Xue Tie did this is for the refinement privilege. He will separate recruits into segments that will form their own groups and thus gain letter privilege along with the first order of free boosts to showcase benefits.Such as being Called A1 as compared to later down the road being T16. The benefits itself come in the form of refinement. For regular group leaders, they get one ring raised by a thousand years. While for the newly made bishops, both they and their teammates will get 2 rings raised by one thousand. This might seem like much but with most people having yellow rings for their 1st and 2nd and possibly even third and 4th. This is a major boost in power for them.

He chose to boost the bishop's team to act as the bishop's support and thus cant be on the same level as regular groups, Through higher strength, they can suppress the lower ranked captains and other members. A thousand ants can take down an elephant, but if there are many elephants then they can only injure one while they themselves get trampled.

Xue Tie set up contributions to be arranged in a way that 1k is the cheapest method of raising. 5k is next, followed by 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, and 50k. Other higher increases require a specific title like bishops or higher.

He rewards increase of cultivation and set up monthly tests to see which groups improve the most in a given time. As such, regular updates to the organizations, ensuring combat power is always up to date and people are given the correct level of jobs they can handle. So a spirit elder won't do the grunt work reserved for basic spirit masters.

Jobs that can provide merit points: referrals for new members that prove themselves over the course of a month and a few tests, providing valuable intel that can be proven through evidence or witness testimony, Contributing resources such as herbs, minerals, pre-existing weapons and armor. Xue Tie gathered up these herbs, at least the ones with potential and planted them at the Fire Ice Yin Yang Well which he now fully owns.

To explain, it is necessary to describe the chance encounter there was between Xue Tie and Dugu Bo.


Xue Tie had been making his rounds to the yin yang well. Setting down new plants and harvesting the old ones. The other immortal herbs have also reached the prerequisite age as well to be picked, so he is gathering them for his students when an emotional voice speaks out

"It's you" Xue Tie gets up and looks to the source of the voice. Xue Tie is caught off guard by what he sees. Dugu Bo's deep green skin has mellowed out and patches of brown have appeared. But the most important is that he is also level 89 from what he can tell. Dugu bo drops a bouquet of flowers onto the ground as he kneels down into Dogeza.

"Thank you. Thank you. If not for the cure you had provided me in the letter, My potential would have dried up and my family would have died from being exposed to me in the first place. It would have been up to me to raise their child, my grandchild. It's thanks to you that my grandchild will not be parentless. If I knew earlier then it would have been possible for me to save my wife as well" he says with a melancholic tone but Xue Tie can feel the thanks flowing towards him but he doesnt get a chance to respond as Dugu Bo continues.

"I was shocked when the Spirit Hall proclaimed your death but I was too busy until now in helping treat my family. I was planning to make you a grave here. Since it would have been unlikely for him to visit the one in Spirit City all that often without causing problems. But your here and alive."

Yes, I am and im doing quite well for myself too. In fact, now that I have you here. Id like to buy some more land from …" "you can have it." "what?" Xue Tie is shocked by his words and Dugu Bo explains.

"I used this land to help my growth and then find a cure for myself and my family. But it had provided little effect and my potential was almost burnt up by the poison to life. Even if I broke through then, I would have been the weakest titled douluo as I had no hope of growing stronger unless using spirit bones. But I have hope now. I am unlikely to still reach hyper douluo but I can get strong enough to fight one if i continue with my current state. So you can have the well, just leave me a spot so i can try to grow some herbs for my family." Dugu Bo says and Xue Tie nods in acceptance but still hands his a piece of paper.

Dugu Bo looks at the paper and nearly chokes on the amount of money listed on it.

"It's alright with me for you to keep a share still. In fact, i'd be asking if you can continue being this places gardener. You are far more aware of the land than me and my group. Though I am going to be planting a large variety of herbs now and even try to see if minerals can also grow better here from the energy, that isn't as important since I have my own method. I'd also like to provide you with an invitation to join my new organization."

Dugu Bo is about to say something but is stopped as Xue Tie continues, "yes I left spirit hall incognito so they assume im dead since i never made any report and i've set up a new organization which would be more hidden for a while more" (this is at most 6 months into the year long time skip)

They continue discussing the details of the organization and eventually Dugu Bo accepts and becomes a guest elder under his Blood Hall. By technicality, Dugu Bo is the strongest person in the organization but he can only take the number 2 place due to the abnormality that is Xue Tie.

In fact, Dugu Bo had his rings, up to the 5th refined for a few thousand years. This increment in strength allowed him to reach level 90 a few days later and Xue Tie helped him hunt down the 80k year old medusa where he got a spirit bone since Xue Tie had taunted the beasts incessantly as he was barely affected by the petrification effect due to his soul core and hardy body.

With the garden taken care of. Xue Tie had given one of the fire peaches he got from the volcanic region to Yu yue. He hopes that if she gains the fire affinity then this will apply to both skeletons and other undead she resurrects but might cut off access to cold and some of the more intense yin type beasts which he is fine with. A walking torch of a monster rampaging around? Sounds nice, especially since he kept the corpses of the 100k beasts he killed. Once yue can actually control them then that will be a great boost in power.

Xue Tie had not eaten his own peach yet. He also told Yu Yue to hold off until she reaches one or 2 levels away from her next ring. Xue Tie had been mostly busy with his organization and didn't bother with his cultivation since he is already plenty strong. Instead he has been searching for whatever it is that Mohg had told him about his bloodline or rings. He feels some sort of connection but can't quite reach the result necessary, doesnt help that he is still unsure of what he is actually going for.

A major discovery that was quickly squashed down was the fact that under Xia wei's bond ability, it was possible for regular people, who had been deemed talentless or without affinity to spirit energy had been granted this ability through the bone. A higher grade spirit master is needed to direct the energy for them and no effort was made to increase them past 10. The reason for this is to 'create' more people who can serve as conduits for the organization's cultivation. Level 10 is a small number but killing hundreds of thousands of beasts for talentless people is not worth it.

Their numbers are good for the lower ranked members to quickly rise up in power wherever they are stationed due to possessing multiple cities as outposts.

On the Spirit Hall end, Bibi Dong has been selected as the Rakshaka gods inheritor after passing the trials with the highest remarks. She was given preliminary access to Rakshasha scythe and the scythe art. Bibi Dong has reinforced her goal of unifying the continent, if nothing else than for the faith it would provide her. She has also begun Collecting rings for her 2nd martial spirit. They all start out as black and Xue Tie's interference had allowed her to get her first ring at the 5th stage but that is a story for another time.

As Xue Tie is repeating his meditation into his bloodline he is interrupted by a subordinate from the original scout group which had been merged into the Knowledge Hall. They had been keeping an eye on Heaven Dou and Star Luo empires and had come to deliver the news personally.

"My lord, heaven Dou empire is moving"


To provide a simple understanding of the organization

(using zones instead of constantly saying Halls for everything and even the subgroups gets them confusing)

1: Blood Zone= Xue Tie the Blood Pope

1a: Elder hall-currently only Dugu Bo as a guest elder

1b: Death Squads: group of powerful spirit masters that were the original members

2:Skull Zone, and Death Zone

3: Night Hall

The Death Zone: managed by Xia Wei and her team. split into Merit and Knowledge halls

Skull Zone: Ruled by Yu Yue once she gains enough power. enforcement and interrogation. Has access to all other halls and zones except Blood Zone

Merit hall contains all the resources of the organization and sets the internal currency of the whole organization. Providing points for exchanging various resources.

Knowledge hall: contains all knowledge archives. Provides missions in exchange for merit.

Night Hall: Overarching group that contains all members. Members may be set up into groups and those group leaders and then leader of the group leaders are provided a boost to both serve as incentive as well as establish a group of bishops (there will be a max number and so competing groups of captains/leaders can fight each other to get the title of bishop. Create a sense of rivalry without weakening the organization overall)


Author Note

Recently it was recommended that I rewrite my earlier chapters and so I wanted some more opinion if yall believed this to be the case. Behind the Yes option, ill comment on some extra options which you all just need to put a like on.

It will be about how many chapters I should remake. I will hold this poll open for a week but if it passes then ill transition to a chapter per 2 days schedule so i can spend the day in between to fix up one chapter at a time.

1: Yes

2: No