

In a world where gods exist, there was one named Sora who possessed unparalleled strength with his sword Khapes. However, due to the fear of the other gods, Sora's power was divided into five fragments and sent to a world where magic and swords coexist. Every quincentenary, these fragments are reincarnated as Sowas who can only use the full power of Sora when they gather at Khama Lake with the sword Khapes. The story follows Atlas, one of Sora's fragments who was born without any magical or sword abilities. He meets Lyra, another Sowa, and falls in love with her. Together, they commit to restoring the original body of Sora by gathering all the fragments at Khama Lake. Will they be able to succeed in their quest and restore the power of the strongest god?

0Atley · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1: A Strange Baby

Cold winds suddenly rose in the inky darkness of the night, making the decay on the dilapidated residence door more noticeably appalling as it rattled in the wind. An iron door opens and a mysterious person wearing a white robe comes inside.

The mysterious man (quietly): what are they doing here? It looks like they were practicing forbidden magic.

Masked man: What forbidden magic? What are you talking about, and more importantly, why is the Arch Lord of the Order of Mystics here?

Mysterious man: Who are you?

Masked man: We are The Obsidian Order.

Mysterious Man: The Obsidian Order??

Masked man: The infamous Auric hasn't heard about us??

Mysterious man: Auric is not here. You are speaking to the Arch Lord, Valen. And I have indeed heard of The Obsidian Order. You have quite a reputation for your involvement in illegal and immoral activities.

Masked man: We prefer to think of ourselves as operating in the gray area of morality. We do what needs to be done to achieve our goals, regardless of the methods. And what brings you here, Arch-Lord Valen?

Valen: My Order has received reports of forbidden magic being practiced in this area. We came to investigate and put a stop to it.

Masked man: And what if we refuse to cooperate?

Valen: Then I will have to take you into custody and bring you before the Council of Mystics for trial. Do not underestimate the power of the Order, Obsidian.

Masked man: We do not fear the Order, Valen.

Suddenly, a cry from inside the residence interrupts the conversation between Valen and the Masked man. The cry was followed by a series of strange noises as if something was happening inside the house. Valen's eyes narrowed, and he motioned to his team to move inside.

Valen: What was that noise?

Masked man: Deadman doesn't need to know about secrets. I have some important matters to attend to, so I will leave my man to dispose of you.

A black some immerse from nowhere and the masked man suddenly disappears

Valen:(surprised) Where did he go?

Valen rushed inside the residence, his footsteps echoing against the wooden floor. The strange noises grew louder, and he could hear a woman's voice crying out in pain.

Valen followed the sound and found himself in a dimly lit room, filled with strange symbols and artifacts. In the center of the room, a young woman lay on the floor, covered in sweat, and screaming in agony. Valen's eyes widened as he realized that she was giving birth.

Valen: What is going on here? Who are you, people?

The woman's screams were soon joined by the cries of a newborn baby. Valen's eyes narrowed as he approached the woman, a feeling of unease washing over him.

Valen: What is the meaning of this? What have you done?

As Valen leaned over the woman, he saw something that made him recoil in horror. The newborn baby had a strange, otherworldly no aura surrounding it and a strange mark was on his forehead. Suddenly some man in a black hoodie attacks him but Valen kills them in an instant.

Valen quickly realized that the baby was no ordinary child. He stood back up and surveyed the room, taking in the strange symbols and artifacts that surrounded him.

Valen: What kind of magic is this? What have you done to this child?

The woman on the floor looked up at Valen, her eyes filled with fear and desperation.

Woman: Please, sir, do not harm my child. He is not responsible for what he is.

Valen's expression softened slightly as he looked down at the baby, still crying in his arms.

Valen: What do you mean? What is this child?

Woman: He is a Sowa, sir. One of the five fragments of the god Sora.

Valen's eyes widened in shock. He had heard of Sora and the Sowas, but he had never encountered one in person.

Valen: This is no ordinary child, then. He is a powerful being. What are they planning to do with him?

Woman: They were sealing its power by putting a curse on it. Please save my child!!

After saying that a curse activates and the woman dies.

Valen stood there, holding the strange baby in his arms, unsure of what to do next. He knew that he couldn't leave the child there, not with the Obsidian Order lurking around.

Valen: We have to go. We cannot stay here any longer.

As he turns to leave, he notices something strange happening. The symbols on the walls and the floor start to glow, and dark energy begins to emanate from them.

Valen disappears into the portal, taking the baby with him. As the portal closes, the arcane symbols on the walls and the floor fade away, leaving the room in darkness once more.

wakes up in his bed and quickly sits up, looking around the room in confusion. He sees the baby lying on the floor next to his bed, and memories of the previous night come flooding back to him. Valen(to himself): I must have been transported to my bed. But how did the baby end up here?

Valen picks up the baby and examines him closely. The strange mark on the baby's forehead still remained, and he could feel a powerful energy emanating from the child.

Valen: What am I supposed to do with you?

The baby looks up at Valen, and he suddenly feels a strange connection with the child. He knew that he couldn't simply hand the baby over to the Order, not after what he had seen.

Valen: I will protect you, little one. No harm will come to you while I am alive.

Valen knew that he had to keep the baby's true identity a secret, even from the other members of the Order. He had to find a way to protect the child from those who would seek to use his power for their gain.

Valen: For now, we will keep you safe and hidden. I will find a way to remove this curse and unlock your true power.

Valen looks down at the baby, a determined look on his face.

Valen: You are no ordinary child. You are a Sowa, one of the fragments of a god. And I will make sure that you are protected and that your power is never used for evil.

With that, Valen picks up the baby and leaves his room, determined to keep the child safe and unravel the mystery surrounding his birth.