

In a world where gods exist, there was one named Sora who possessed unparalleled strength with his sword Khapes. However, due to the fear of the other gods, Sora's power was divided into five fragments and sent to a world where magic and swords coexist. Every quincentenary, these fragments are reincarnated as Sowas who can only use the full power of Sora when they gather at Khama Lake with the sword Khapes. The story follows Atlas, one of Sora's fragments who was born without any magical or sword abilities. He meets Lyra, another Sowa, and falls in love with her. Together, they commit to restoring the original body of Sora by gathering all the fragments at Khama Lake. Will they be able to succeed in their quest and restore the power of the strongest god?

0Atley · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In a world where gods and magic exist, there was a powerful deity known only as "God". He had two sons and three daughters, but the youngest of his children, a son named Sora, was the strongest of them all. Sora possessed a sword called Khapes, rumored to be the strongest weapon in existence, and only he could wield it to its full power.

However, Sora's strength was also his curse, as the other gods feared him and the power he possessed. In an effort to contain Sora's power, the other gods decided to fragment him into five separate pieces and send them to a world where magic and swords were prevalent. Every five hundred years, all of Sora's fragments would reincarnate simultaneously into powerful beings known as Sowas.

The only way for the Sowas to fully harness the power of Sora was to gather at Khama Lake, the place where Khapes had fallen. This cycle of reincarnation continued for centuries until one of Sora's fragments was born as a young boy named Atlas. Unlike the other Sowas, Atlas had no power to use magic or wield a sword.

Despite his lack of power, Atlas was determined to fulfill his purpose and restore the original body of Sora. His journey led him to meet another Sowa named Lyra, and the two fell in love. Together, they committed to finding the other Sowas and using Khapes to restore Sora's original form.

Little did they know, their journey would be filled with challenges and danger. But with love and determination in their hearts, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.