
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Another day

The day unfolded in Lysandria with a sense of serenity, and Alaric found solace in the quietude of his study. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the polished wooden surfaces. The resonance of the awakening ceremony lingered in his thoughts, but for now, he sought refuge in the mundane.

Seated at his desk, Alaric surveyed the array of books that adorned the shelves. He ran his fingers over their spines, a silent acknowledgement of the knowledge they held. Some were familiar, remnants of the previous Alaric's literary pursuits, while others were more obscure, inviting exploration. Perhaps he still held some vague interest in the novels the previous Alaric read.

As he delved into the tomes on elemental theory and cosmic energy fundamentals, Alaric discovered a gap in his memories. The lack of recollection regarding these fundamental concepts puzzled him. A silent dialogue played in his mind as he questioned the previous Alaric's lax approach to understanding the very essence that defined his awakened existence.

Elara entered the room, her presence a subtle interruption to the solitude. She bore a tray with a steaming cup of tea, its fragrant aroma permeating the air. The delicate porcelain clinked as she placed it on the desk before him.

"Your tea, my lord. I thought you might find it comforting," she offered with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Elara. Your thoughtfulness is always appreciated," Alaric replied, the genuine warmth in his expression reflecting his acknowledgement of her efforts.

Elara lingered for a moment, her eyes casting a brief glance at the open books. A subtle curiosity danced in her gaze, a testament to the transformation she observed in her lord. The once indolent scion now immersed himself in the pursuit of knowledge, a metamorphosis that didn't go unnoticed.

"Is there anything else you require, my lord?" Elara inquired, her tone respectful yet tinged with the familiarity that had developed between them.

Alaric looked up from the pages, his eyes meeting hers. "No, Elara, I'm content for now. Thank you. Enjoy the remainder of your day."

With a graceful nod, Elara exited the study, leaving Alaric to the embrace of solitude once more. The ambience of the room shifted as the daylight waned, replaced by the soft glow of magic-powered lights. Alaric's thoughts swirled in the tranquillity, contemplating the dual nature of his existence—both a scion of the Astreaus lineage and an awakened with the potential for extraordinary abilities. He didn't really think much of his responsibilities but he didn't altogether discard them.

His gaze shifted to the drawer of his desk, where the oval communication device lay. An inexplicable curiosity seized him, prompting him to inspect the device further. The celestial gaze attribute's intensity could now be altered at will, although he couldn't yet switch it off. He doubted the possibility of ever being able to switch it off. As for the little device, he found it uncannily handy. It worked and operated the same way a modern-day smartphone would albeit having slight differences of course that went hand in hand with the arcane nature of this world.

As he examined the device, Alaric's mind wandered to the impending evening. The flickering candles in the grand hall hinted at the upcoming supper—a customary affair within the noble estate. The prospect of engaging in casual conversations and observing the dynamics of familial relationships enticed him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the estate, Alaric made his way to the grand hall. The subdued chatter of servants and the gentle clinking of cutlery echoed in the air. The Duke, engrossed in conversation with Eldmund, acknowledged Alaric's presence with a nod.

The supper unfolded in a tapestry of familial exchanges and courteous banter. Alaric navigated the delicate social intricacies with newfound ease, his interactions revealing layers of the Astreaus family dynamics. The evening passed in the rhythmic cadence of shared stories and subtle laughter, a respite from the weight of awakening ceremonies and cosmic energies.

As the supper drew to a close, Alaric excused himself, citing the need to return to his study. The Duke offered a parting glance, a silent acknowledgement of his son's pursuit of knowledge and introspection.

Alone once more in the quietude of his study, Alaric considered the dichotomy of his existence—a scion immersed in the tapestry of familial bonds and an awakened on the precipice of unraveling the mysteries that lay within. In the flickering candlelight, shadows danced on the walls, mirroring the interplay of his dual roles in the intricate saga of the Astreaus lineage. Alas, tonight was not a night where he would remain within the confines of his room. He was paying the nightlife Lysandria a visit.

The moon hung high in the indigo sky as Alaric ventured beyond the familiar halls of the Astreaus estate, guided by the call of Lysandria's nightlife. The city's nocturnal pulse beckoned, promising a canvas of experiences that transcended the boundaries of his study and familial obligations.

The streets came alive with a symphony of sounds—the rhythmic beats of music, the distant hum of conversations, and the occasional laughter that spilt from restaurants and establishments. Alaric moved through the vibrant tapestry of the city, his steps in harmony with the pulse of Lysandria's heartbeat.

As he strolled down the cobblestone streets, the celestial gaze attribute gave him quite the experience. The vibrant hues of cosmic energy painted the surroundings in ethereal shades, revealing a hidden layer of the nocturnal city. Alaric marvelled at the interplay of lights and shadows, an exquisite dance that mirrored the complexities of his awakening journey.

His destination emerged in the form of a renowned restaurant known for its lively atmosphere and diverse patrons. The establishment's entrance spilt warm light onto the street, drawing Alaric into its embrace. The air within hummed with the melodies of a skilled bard, creating an ambience that resonated with the city's heartbeat.

The restaurant's interior unfolded like a tapestry of diversity. Patrons from different walks of life congregated, their conversations weaving a rich narrative that echoed through the establishment. Alaric, clad in the subtle elegance befitting a scion, blended seamlessly into the mosaic of the night, as he adorned an intricately designed mask.

He found solace in a quiet corner, a vantage point from which he could observe the ebb and flow of the nocturnal city. A waiter approached, his demeanour a mix of familiarity and professionalism.

"Good evening, my lord. What can I offer you tonight?" he inquired, a welcoming smile gracing his features.

Alaric returned the smile, appreciating the genuine warmth that permeated the restaurant. "Bring me a glass of wine, and perhaps a plate of your specialty for the night," he replied, his gaze lingering on the menu.

As he awaited the delicacies of the evening, Alaric's attention drifted to the patrons around him. Conversations flitted through the air like fireflies, each one a glimpse into the lives and stories that intersected within the walls of the restaurant. The city's heartbeat pulsed through its people, a vibrant cadence that resonated with the cosmic energy coursing through Alaric's awakened senses.

The waiter returned with the wine, its rich aroma mingling with the restaurant's tapestry. Alaric savoured the flavour, allowing the notes to linger on his palate. The night unfolded in a kaleidoscope of sensations, a testament to the myriad facets that comprised the awakening scion's journey.

As the hours waned and the city's pulse embraced the stillness of the night, Alaric found himself immersed in the enchantment of Lysandria's nightlife. The restaurant, a transient haven of shared stories and fleeting connections, mirrored the cosmic dance that awaited him beyond its doors.

With a final sip of wine, Alaric rose from his seat, ready to navigate the nocturnal labyrinth once more. The streets of Lysandria held secrets yet to be unveiled, and he, the awakened scion, had finally decided to begin moving. There was far more on his agenda than just an incognito night out.