
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Night Life

As Alaric traversed the labyrinthine streets of the city's underbelly, he found himself immersed in a cacophony of sights and sounds that underscored the thriving illicit activities. Neon signs cast an ethereal glow over establishments, ranging from seedy gambling dens to clandestine potion parlors. Shadows played a sinister dance as he walked through dimly lit alleyways, each one harboring the secrets of clandestine deals and dubious transactions.

The air was thick with an amalgamation of anticipation and trepidation, creating an atmosphere charged with an enigmatic energy. Alaric's senses, augmented by the Celestial Gaze, absorbed every detail of the clandestine world unfolding around him. He overheard murmurs of shady dealings, glimpsed furtive exchanges, and felt the clandestine pulse of the city's darker side.

In the midst of this underworld symphony, a lady of the night, adorned in provocative attire, approached Alaric with a sultry invitation. "Looking for a good time, handsome?" she purred, attempting to entice him into a transaction of a different kind. Alaric, however, gracefully declined, his gaze firm and unwavering. His focus tonight was on a different kind of business.

Continuing on his journey, Alaric eventually arrived at his destination—the ominous yet enticing facade of The Devils Lounge. The entrance exuded a crimson glow that spilled onto the desolate street, inviting those daring enough to step into the heart of the city's underworld. Despite its unassuming exterior, Alaric knew that within its walls lay the intricate web of connections he needed to begin dismantling the darker side of the city.

Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and crossed the threshold into the unknown. The night had only just begun, and Alaric was determined to navigate the shadows for the sake of his city and his family. The Devil's Lounge awaited, a den of secrets that would soon be unravelled by the strategic moves of a young lord set on reshaping the fate of his duchy.

Alaric stepped into the dimly lit establishment, a place that reeked of debauchery and clandestine dealings. The air was thick with the unpleasant blend of alcohol, unwashed bodies, and the acrid scent of secrets. The patrons, a motley crew of unsavoury characters, revelled in their own vices, their laughter resonating with a sinister undertone.

As he walked through the dimly lit lounge, Alaric's keen senses absorbed the unsettling ambience. His celestial gaze, veiled behind a mask, flickered into a silver sheen. Cosmic energy danced around, revealing the varying concentrations and the diverse intentions of those present. Unbeknownst to the patrons, Alaric's perception reached beyond the mundane, glimpsing the concealed underbelly of the establishment.

The ethereal energy of a Principality hung in the air, distinct from the cosmic energies. Alaric's eyes discerned the interplay of soul essence and cosmic energy, creating a unique resonance that marked the presence of an awakened individual. The cosmic energy behaved unusually, indicating a different will at play, a will that commanded both the cosmic and the spiritual forces. Alaric tightened his guard, wary of the powers concealed within the shadows.

Approaching the grandiose bar at the centre of the lounge, Alaric engaged the bartender with a covert order, "Devil's shot with extra lies of the sinner." The bartender, attuned to the coded phrase, nodded knowingly and proceeded to the back, leaving Alaric in suspense.

Two ladies, clad in the provocative uniforms of the servers, emerged to escort him. As they led him through the convoluted maze of the lounge, Alaric noticed their gaze lingering on him, their expressions ranging from curiosity to veiled amusement. Upon reaching an inconspicuous door, he extended his wrist, willingly submitting to the placement of a peculiar bracelet.

The bracelet, unbeknownst to the ladies, served as a restriction, hindering Alaric's control over his cosmic energy. Yet, he maintained his composure, masking the realization beneath a façade of indifference. The door creaked open, revealing a room shrouded in opulence and secrecy.

Entering the room, Alaric found himself in the presence of the establishment's elusive figurehead, the current master of this den of shadows. The figure reclined on an ornate chair, an air of authority emanating from them. Alaric's piercing gaze from behind his mask met that of the enigmatic master, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. Dressed in a well-tailored suit, he was the epitome of affluence and authority. The room, adorned with opulent objects and masterfully crafted weapons, spoke of a history steeped in luxury and conflict.

As Alaric surveyed the room with his unleashed celestial gaze, his eyes met the enigmatic figure before him. Four guards flanked the master, adding to the intimidating aura. Alaric's demeanour shifted, becoming more ominous and foreboding. The once casual atmosphere transformed into an impending confrontation.

"Usually I prefer to talk things out and avoid violence... I don't think I've killed recently however I'm not in a good mood right now." Alaric's voice held no emotion, and it set the tone he was looking for almost immediately. 

The master, realizing the intruder was no ordinary threat, inquired about the identity concealed behind the mask. Alaric, instead of revealing himself, responded with a veiled threat. "How long do you think your guards can protect you from me?" he questioned, his voice carrying an unsettling undertone. "Are you willing to bet your life on it?"

A tense silence enveloped the room as the master's initial smile waned. He appraised Alaric with a discerning gaze, contemplating the gravity of the situation.

Alaric's cold gaze lingered on the master, the silver sheen in his eyes betraying an otherworldly power. "Your little den of debauchery," he sneered, "reeks of decay. It's time to do away with the underworld, and I'm here to usher it out."

The master, a veneer of confidence masking his unease, scoffed at Alaric's words. "You must be out of your mind if you think you can waltz in here and dictate terms. Who the hell are you? Who sent you? Was it Steven? Tell him he can go to hell. This is my kingdom, and I rule it with an iron fist." Alaric took note of the name the man mentioned.

Breaking the silence, he dismissed Alaric's implied threat, asserting that many masked individuals had attempted to coerce him before.

"You're just another fool who thinks he can control the underworld," he declared, "I've dealt with pests like you before, and they all met the same fate." demanding an apology and offering Alaric a chance to leave with his life intact.

Alaric's response was unwavering. "My mercy is reserved for very few," he declared, the air growing heavier with impending conflict. He presented the master with a final ultimatum: submit peacefully or face the consequences.

In a swift and decisive turn, the master, no longer willing to negotiate, ordered his guards to attack. The tension in the room escalated as the guards prepared to confront the masked intruder. Alaric, prepared for the imminent clash, met their gaze with unwavering resolve. "Your mistake," he retorted, "may cost you more than you realize." The scene hung in an eerie silence, the air pregnant with the anticipation of the impending clash of wills and powers.

The master faltered for a moment. "Who are you?" he demanded, the bravado slipping from his voice. "What madness has brought you here?"

Alaric's masked face remained an enigma, the shadows concealing his true identity. "I am the harbinger of change," he replied cryptically. "A force beyond your comprehension. Your ignorance will be your downfall."

The master, torn between defiance and fear, glared at Alaric. "Enough of your cryptic nonsense! Guards, seize him!"

With a flick of his fingers, Alaric summoned a swirling vortex of cosmic energy, the room pulsating with its ominous glow. The guards hesitated, exchanging uncertain glances. Alaric was wearing the bracelet. He was not supposed to have enough control over his cosmic energy, things weren't adding up. Alaric's voice cut through the tension like a blade. "Last chance, submit or suffer the consequences."

The master, cornered and desperate, sneered defiantly. "Kill him!"

As the guards took a step forward, Alaric's form seemed to blur for an instant. He reappeared closer to the master, his movements defying the laws of conventional speed. "Your guards won't save you," he whispered, his voice a chilling undertone. "I suggest you reconsider before this room becomes your tomb."

I had a few challenges with regard to the network but here are your chapters ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy :)

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