
Chapter 35 New Quest

​Everyone at the camp were quiet as they watched the two stare at each other. "And what would that be kitchen boy? Please enlighten me in your all mighty plan!" Tantulus said sarcastically.

"Well isn't it super obvious? What is the the thing that can revitalize a dying plant? Any guesses? No?.....Its the Golden Fleece. We happen to know where it is." I said, mocking Tantalus as much as I could. "Do you now? And where would that be?" Tantalus asked, but I scoffed. "Do your really think me stupid enough as to tell you the location? You'll only give the quest to someone else." Tantalus glared at me but smiled. "You are certainly stupid. Besides, we dont need saving."

When Tantalus said that, everyone glared at him untill he started to sweat from nervousness a little. "Your going to have to tell me where it is if you want to continue with this conversation." I rolled my eyes. "You mus seriously be delusional if you think we-" before I could finish Annabeth grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Its in the sea of monsters." Annabeth said, causing Tantalus to raise an eyebrow and me to glare at her.

"And do you even know where to start looking? The ocean is a big place." This time Percy jumped in. "30, 31, 75, 12."  We all looked at him a little weird but then it clicked for me. "Are those coordinates?" I asked, which Percy nodded as an answer. "Great, now that that is all settled, we need a quest!" I shouted out, but Tantalus still did not want to give up. "Now wait a minute-" Tantalus said.

But the campers started to chant loudly. "We need a quest! We need a quest!"

"It isn't necessary!" Tantalus tried his best to stop this, but he simply couldn't. "WE NEED A QUEST! WE NEED A QUEST!" The chanting got louder and louder untill finally Tantalus caved in. "Fine! You brats want a quest?"Tantalus asked with anger in his eyes. "YES!" Everyone screamed out. "Then I will assign a champion to undertake this quest. They will bring back the Fleece or die trying." Tantalus stared at me with mockery in his eyes. "The champion shall consult the Oracle, and bring two champions with them. The choice for champion is obvious. They will be someone who has earned the camps respect, did well in the chariot race, and defended the camp...Clarisse!"

The Ares cabin started to cheer madly. "CLARISSE! CLARISSE! CLARISSE!" Nobody but the Ares cabin were cheering, everyone else were dead silent. Clarisse stood up looking stunned but puffed up her chest with pride. "I accept this quest!" She said.

"No." I said simply. Tantalus looked my way and narrowed his eyes. "What did you say?" I wasnt scared and stared straight into his ugly brown eyes. "I said no. This quest is mine. I have been trying to warn you about the tree from the very beginning. I have already decided to go whether you like it or not, I would like to see you try and stop me." Tantalus nashed his teeth. "You freaking brat! I would like to see how you can stop me." Tantalus said taking a step toward me. Clarisse was also glaring at me.

"I already accepted the quest. I am the daughter of Ares, God Of War. You are just the son of Aphrodite, sit there and look pretty." I merely smirked at her and raised my hand in the air. Tantalus was confused as to what I was doing but continued to stomp toward me, looking like he wanted to eat me on the spot.

However he stopped short when he heared a piercing noise in the sky. In fact, everyone heard it. They were all looking at the sky but were not able to see anything since it was so dark. After a second more, they were able to see a silver gleam moving extremely fast. The gleam was flying straight to Lucian and looked like it would kill him on the spot.

However his death never came. Instead the sword flipped itself over so that the hilt was facing toward him and delivered itself into Lucians open palm.

Everyone marveled at the beautiful sword. They had seen Lucian carry a sword around, but it was always sheathed. Its also amazing that Lucian can summon the sword like that, and that the sword will fly toward him!

Lucian smiled and pointed his sword to Tantalus. Tantalus was sweating buckets and was frozen stiff. "like I said, I would like to see someone stop me." Clarisse spoke out this time. "How can you threaten our councilor like that?! Others may be scared of you, but I'm not. You have not spared with me, but I'm sure I'll win, after all I am the daughter of a war god.

"Oh please. Who do you think that sword originally belonged to?" Said Annabeth. "What do you mean?" Clarisse asked, frustrated at this whole matter. "Let's just say it belonged to someone more powerful than you by many folds. Lucian was able to beat him and take his sword. Look, we discovered everything so the quest should go to us." Annabeth said as she looked at Tantalus at the end.

Tantalus was still frozen stiff but was woken up by Annabeth. "Y-you little shit! Do you not think that I will not expel you from camp?! Do you think I will not kill your mother?!!" Tantalus said, seemingly loosing his rationality at the receiving end of a blade. "Like I said, I dare you. My hand has been itching to kill you the moment we met. You attacking my mother only gives me the perfect reason to hang your head on a pike."

Lucian lowered his sword and sighed. "Why don't we do this. Me and Clarisse will go on this quest, and it will be as a race. First to find the fleece wins. This way all parties are satisfied." Tantalus who has now calmed down, nodded his head with anger still in his eyes. "Very well. We will have the both of you to go and bring back the Fleece. Clarisse, you go and consult the Oracle first. Lucian shall go second."

Clarisse nodded and left toward the big house. Tantalus told everyone to sit back down and tried to lighten the mood by telling a ghost story. Percy strolled next to me and said that he will be at the beach since he needed some time to think, and he was tired of hearing Tantalus' voice. I nodded and waited for my turn with the Oracle.