
Chapter 36 Oracle

I sat on a log as I waited for Clarisse to come back from her talk with the Oracle. To be honest, I am a little nervous as I have never talked to or even seen the Oracle. As I waited, I sometimes shifted my gaze to Tantalus who glared at me the whole time. It seems like I have really pissed him off this time, but I don't care. The only thing that worrys me is that he will do something stupid. I'm not worried about Mother Medusa as she is able to take care of herself, and Tantalus dosent have the balls to mess with her after what I just did. But this does not include Tyson.

I fear Tantalus might hurt Tyson once we leave for our quest. The only way I can think of helping him is if he comes with us.

"Your turn pretty boy!" I was brought out of my thoughts by Clarisse who was walking back toward the camp. I immediately stood up and headed to the big house, Annabeth also walked with me.

"Are you nervous?" Annabeth asked. "Should I be?" I asked back with a smile. "Well, yes. It's your first time meeting with the Oracle." Annabeth rolled her eyes as she pushed me a little with her shoulder. "Haha...yes. I am a little nervous."

After a bit of walking, we made it to the front of the big house. I looked up to the attic and saw the curtains on the window move, like if someone was looking through it but closed it quickly. Annabeth said that she would wait outside, so I walked in by myself.

Currently the house was empty and dark. Mother was eith the children since they cant be at the campfire with Tantalus. She decided this, since Tantalus is always trying to scare them.

I walk to the stairs that Chiron once told me never to go, and start to walk to the attic. The wood on the stairs seemed to be old as they crooked and sounded like someone screaming.  It was a very creepy experience climbing the stairs, but that was nothing compared to when I got to the attic. The attic was like a haunted house. Spider webs everywhere, heads in glass jars, and there was a giant coffin standing upright in the room that had a dried up mummy. The body seemed to be female as it had dried up hair, but it looked to be dead for a very long time.

I couldn't help my curiosity so I walked closer to it. But once I did, the mummy reached out and grabbed onto my wrist tightly. "You...You..." The mummy spoke in a whisper so low, one needed to really pay attention to it. "What about me?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Your fate...war...death...you are scared of yourself...of your anger...you fear the idea of your father...and yet you cant help but feel the need to meet him. You are here to seek the quest of reviving the tree, so you may bring along two companions." The Oracle spoke with a whisper, but Lucian was able to understand. He couldn't help but feel weird after what he heard the Oracle say. "I want to bring Tyson along as well. I fear for his safety here in the camp, as I do not trust Tantalus."

The Oracle went silent for a moment but eventually spoke once more. "Very well. You may bring along the Cyclops." Lucian nodded and was about to walk out, but he wanted to know one more thing. "My father, can you tell me where I can find him?"

"You seek your father...but will you be able to survive the journey to get to where he is? You have a strong fate Lucian...your fate has many paths. Your father...is in the realm that the Greek gods do not rule over. He lives in the woods covered in a field of white...your fate will eventually lead you to him, you must have patience." After this the Oracle went quiet. Lucian had to make due with the information her got. Lucian memorized what the Oracle said and left the big house.

Outside Annabeth went up to Lucian with a curious look. "How did it go?" She asked. "It went well. We'll leave tomorrow morning. We should go and look for Percy." Annabeth nodded and followed Lucian to the beach.


"Percy! Where you at man?!" Lucian called out as he and Annabeth searched the beach for Percy. "Where is he?" Annabeth asked as she tried to see in the dark. "I don't know-" At that  moment, Lucian saw footprints on the sand. "Found his footprints. He should be that way." Lucian pointed at a direction and started to walk there with Annabeth trailing behind him.

The footprints lead them to a rock Percy was sitting on. The weird thing is, he had a duffle bag with him. "What's that Percy?" Lucian asked as he pointed to the duffle bag. "Oh, umm. Its things I thought we would need for the quest?" Percy said unsure if he wanted to stick with that explanation.

"Uh-huh. Well, we'll be leaving tomorrow morning so I hope you packed something useful. We'll be bringing Tyson, since I dont trust he is safe hear with Tantalus around."

Percy nodded, and followed Lucian and Annabeth back toward the cabins.

sorry for the wait guys, I'm packed with a kit of homework and I have a test in Monday so I have to study...sigh.

bamjrrcreators' thoughts