
Chapter 26 Another Summer

After Chiron left to inform the gods of Luke's betrayal, I immediately went to inform my mother. I told her of what has happened at camp, and I asked if she would like to move there and help defend it. At first she did not want to, saying she doesn't want to babysit a bunch of snooty nosed brats, but I knew it was because she was afraid she might hurt someone. Mother has a heart of gold, even though she covers it behind a mountain made of ice. After a few hours of me trying to convince her, she eventually agreed. I helped her pack her things, and a lot of different kinds of sunglasses, and escorted her to camp.

After I allowed her in I introduced her to Chiron. Chiron seemed wary at first, but soon became comfortable after detecting no ill will. Chiron said that she will help on the arts side of the camp, which is mostly for the little ones of the camp. Although mother complained and said she was right about babysitting brats, she had an eager look in her eyes to meet the little ones.

Mother was to live in the big house with the other camp directors, and it made me happy that I will be able to see her every day now.

Other than spending my time in the camp with mother, I also trained to my hearts content. Climbing the volcano wall was all to easy for me now, and I had the idea of trying the obstacle course again. Unfortunately I was knocked off towards the end of the course.

A lot more than half of the kids left the camp, meaning it was mostly deserted and pretty lonely. So other than spending my time training, I spent the rest of it talking with Thalia. I talked to her about my day and what I was feeling, no matter how private. I guess I am just very comfortable talking with Thalia, that I dont really care what I tell her. I thought about telling her about my father, but I refrained from doing so. After all, even though I trusted Thalia, I didn't trust her father. Zeus is the one who turned her into a tree, so he might be able to listen in on our conversations.

Life at camp without my friends is very boring, Although it did make the line for breakfast nonexistent.

It's been months since I have last seen my friends, but soon I will meet with them again. They will be coming in a week, along with everyone else. There are a few people who came early, and among those people was Piper. I started taking this opportunity to spend more time with her, as I wanted to get to know her.

I was able to learn more about this half-sister of mine. She is the daughter of a man named Tristan McLean, who apparantly is a famous movie star. She also has the tendency to think of herself as useless, since she is the daughter of Aphrodite. She has low self-esteem, since she thinks of herself as useless like our mother. After I learned of this I started to ask her to spar with me, in effort of getting her confidence up.


In the Arena, a beautiful girl with a dagger and a godly looking young man with a sword were sparring. They clashed blades with one another several times, but the beautiful girl seemed to lose out and looked rather frustrated.

"Your too strong! I cant beat you!" This beautiful girl is Piper, who started to whine at not being able to best Lucian even once. These months of training has refined Lucians combat technique and ability. It was now safe to assume he had the best sword play in the camp.

Lucian pointed his sword toward Piper. "Dont complain. Your enemy will not go easy on you because you complain, find a way! Look for an opening, use your opponents strength to your advantage!" Lucian said as he swung down his sword heavily onto Piper, who tried to block it but was thrown to the floor.

"Its no use! I'm not able to best you Lucian, I'm not good enough! It's easy for you since you have already completed a quest, your a hero!" Piper said, as she tried to get back up from the floor. Lucian stared down at her and spoke."I am no hero. Heros are those who are brave enough to do what is needed, I dont see myself as someone who is brave. Heros aren't invincible Piper, if you want to be one, then complaining wont be the way to become one. Now, pick up your dagger and try again." Piper picked up her dagger and stood back up. She had cuts and bruises all over her, and her leather armor was in tatters as well. One can see how ruthless Lucian was when he trains.

"Good, now remember. If your opponent is much stronger than you, use that to help you. Your weapon is a dagger, quick attacks are your advantage while range is your weakness." Lucian swung once more like before, but this time Piper learned better than to block it head on. Piper dodged to the side and slid the sword off her dagger. She used this to her advantage and charged toward Lucian, as she aimed her dagger toward his throat. Lucian smirked and bent backward, avoiding the strike.

Seeing the opening, Piper quickly reverse griped her dagger and slammed it downward toward Lucians heart. Lucian dropped his sword and grabbed both of Pipers arms, and used her momentum to flip her over him. Lucian quickly picked up his sword and aimed it at her neck.

"Better, you listened. You used my first heavy strike as a way for me to be trapped in my movement, and charged toward me. That last strike you did was also very well thought out, but you have still yet to best me. Better though." Lucian lowered his sword and held out a hand toward Piper, who accepted it and pulled herself up.

"I almost had you there. I'll beat you one day bro." She said as she punched his arm. Lucian  took of his leather armor and bracers. "You should go get cleaned up, wouldn't want your beautiful apperance to diminish would we?" Piper scoffed. "Who cares about beauty? It's rather annoying actually." Lucian laughed. "Believe me, I know. I even thought about wearing a mask."

The two of them laughed as they went to the infirmary. Lucian dropped Piper off and was going to go and have his routine talk with Thalia. On his way there, Lucian started to feel something was not right. Lucian picked up his pace and was now standing in front of the Pine tree. What he saw made him freeze in place, the tree was withering and was a deathly white. In front of the tree was a blonde haired teen holding a pistol.

"Luke!" Lucian growled in a dangerously low tone. Luke poisoned the tree, he poisoned Thalia. Lucian looked at the bullet hole on the tree trunk, and saw green ooze coming out.

Luke turned around and saw Lucian, and smiled. "Hello Lucian, didn't expect to see you here. We never really got to know each other did we?" Lucian unsheathed his sword and pointed it to Luke. "Luckily we didn't, it would sicken me to be a friend of yours." Luke looked at the sword and had some hidden fear in his eyes, but that was quickly hidden. "That hurts Lucian, really."

"You poisoned Thalia, you have made her sacrifice worthless." Luke seemed to become angered. "DO NOT TALK ABOUT THALIA!" He growled out, but Lucian spoke coldly. "You have no right to speak her name, traitor." Luke took a deep breath and smiled again. "It seems like I must take my leave now, after all I have accomplished my goal."

"Your not going anywhere Luke. You can leave your life here." Fire started to spark on Lucians hands, and slowly started to crawl up the sword. "You see, you cant keep me here. After all, I am the son of Hermes." Luke said as he crushed something made of glass, causing smoke to rise and cover Luke. Lucian quickly slashed at Luke but the blade went right through the smoke.

Luke has escaped, and he has poisoned Thalia, the camps only protection to monsters.

The start of book 2 is here!

Hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

bamjrrcreators' thoughts