
Solo Run

After death Min-Soo suddenly found himself in a white room where he became a candiate of Nameless and was granted a System to help him prepare for the trials of nameless. After completing the trials Min-Soo returned to earth! Sorry this is all the info I can give don't hate the author hate no, not the book either just read it.

Usot2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Training Area

[Y/N: Confirm Selection of Weapons.]


[Y]: (distribution Comfirmed)


- Purchased: [Sword added to User's Inventory.]

- Purchased: [Gauntlet Crossbow added to User's Inventory.]

[Alert: Shop pricing reverted to original.]

– Congratulations on your first Purchase [Min-Soo]

[Alert: Creating gate to training Area.]

[3...] [2...] [1...]

A rift was formed in the space, revealing a gate before him.

Min-Soo stood at the gate, anticipation mingling with nervousness.

"System, how long until the trial?"

[Alert: Approximately 4 hours remain before the commencement of the trials of nameless.]

"Do I have a choice about taking the trial?"

He asked, anxiety lacing his voice. 

Though he was willing to do anything to be able to get away from this solitary place where it was only him and the system. he wasn't eager to face death again.

[User's options identified: proceed with trials or be dispatched to the 21 infernal realms of Naraka.]

"Doesn't sound like much of a choice, System."


After hearing the System's response, Min-Soo stepped through the rift.


The training area was a wooden room, much like the previous white room, quiet except for Min-Soo's footsteps echoing on the wooden floor.

"System, is this the training area?"

[Alert: Affirmative.]

"I didn't expect it to look like this."

[Alert: This simulation was optimized for your sword training.]



[Alert: Is this not to your liking?]

"Are you worried about me, System?"

Min-Soo chuckled.

[Alert: User may experience shock.]



"Why do you always resort to violence?"



"System, inventory."

At Min-Soo's command, the screen displayed his Inventory.


- Kurokiba: [ Know as Black Fang a katana a Japanese sword]

- Boltcaster: [ A Gauntlet Crossbow known for it's accuracy]

Min-Soo retrieved the katana from his inventory.

[Alert: Kurokiba Equipped]


The katana slipped from his grip, clattering loudly on the wooden floor. Min-Soo winced and adjusted his shoulder.

"Ow! why is it so heavy?"

[Alert: Kurokiba, forged from the tooth of Cerberus, the hound of Hades, was wielded only by Odysseus, the slayer of the multi-headed beast of the underworld.]

"I didn't need a history lesson. How am I supposed to wield this?"


"Oww. Okay, okay, sorry."

[Alert: User's current strength level: 5. Required strength to wield: 20.]

Min-Soo chuckled in disbelief after reading the message.

"Haha... Seriously, how am I supposed to increase my strength?"

Was this the feeling of disappointment?

It seemed there was no way for Min-Soo to boost his strength; he lacked the necessary attributes.

[Alert: There is a method to increase strength tenfold.]

Min-Soo had a Pessimistic look on his face.

"What's the catch, System?"

[Alert: Extreme pain.]

Min-Soo shook his head decisively.

"No, I won't increase my strength that way."

[Alert: This System strongly advises utilizing this method as it is the sole option available.]

"No, System."

[Alert: This System will forcely use this method for the User's well being]

"I said no, system!"

Min-Soo yelled defiantly.


Min-Soo resigned himself to it, bitting his shirt and bracing for the inevitable pain, reminiscent of scenes from movies where prepared for excruciating pain.



[Commencing the procedure.]


Min-Soo endured the unbearable agony, gritting his teeth with his shirt and holding on for dear life.



[Updated Stats]

Min-Soo eyes shot open.

He quickly raised himself up, his body aching. The first thing he did was check his stats.

Min-Soo opened his Stats.


IQ: [-1] → IQ: [-1]

Strength: [5] → Strength: [50]

Speed: [9] → Speed: [9]

Stamina: [6] → Stamina: [6]

Magc: [Locked] → Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8] → Attack: [8]

Defense: [0] → Defense: [0]

Evasion: [6] → Evasion: [6] 

Magic Defense: [Locked] → Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked] → Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100] → Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 0)

"Fifty attribute points... This is a cheat!"

[Alert: Welcome back, Kim Min-Soo]

"I don't know if I should be thankful or angry. What do you think, System?"


Min-Soo smiled brightly.

"You're the best, System."

e attempted to embrace the screen but was promptly zapped by the system.

"How about we test it out? What do you say?"

[Alert: Affirmative. You should get on with your training. You only have an 3 hours left.]

The screen shifted, displaying the inventory.


- Kurokiba: [ Know as Black Fang a katana a Japanese sword]

- Boltcaster: [ A Gauntlet Crossbow known for it's accuracy]

Min-Soo retrieved the katana from his inventory.

[Alert: Kurokiba Equipped]

This time, the katana wasn't heavy for Min-Soo. It felt like a bird's feather as he swung it at random.

Swish... Swish... Swish...

"Um, System, I don't know what I'm doing,"

He admitted with a chuckle.

[Alert: To acquire basic sword skills, User must complete the following quests:]

[Quest: acquire basic sword skills]

Vertical Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [0/50]

horizontal Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [0/50]

Medtiation, 1 hr: Incomplete [0/1]

- Penalties: [None]

No, this was for the better. Rather than getting zapped, this was far more preferable.

Well, as long as he had enough time, he'd be able to complete this quest after all.

"System, how long before the trials?"

[Alert: 2 hours remain]

He groaned almost reflexively.

Min-Soo stood up and began executing vertical slashes with his katana.



Vertical Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [1/50]

He wasn't keen on enduring the pain to gain strength again. While beneficial, the agony wasn't worth it.



Vertical Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [2/50]

Since he was here, why not give it his all and grow stronger?



Vertical Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [3/50]


Vertical Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [50/50]

horizontal Slash, 50 times: Incomplete [50/50]

Medtiation, 1 hr: Incomplete [0/1]

Min-Soo sat cross-legged, focusing intently as he attempted to complete his final quest.

...Ten minutes later, he breathed deeply, centering himself.

[Alert: User has completed Medtiation.]

Medtiation, 1 hr: Incomplete [1/1]

Min-Soo's eyes shot open.

[Alert: Your rewards for completing the quest have been delivered.]

"System, show Quest Rewards."

The screen updated, displaying the Quest Rewards messages.

– [Quest : acquire basic sword skills. (Completed)

* Passive skill basic sword- [Redeem]



[Alert: Redeemed Pasive Skill basic Sword.]

"System, show Stats."

The screen updated with his stats.


IQ: [-1]

Strength: [50]

Speed: [9]

Stamina: [6]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [6]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 5)


Passive skills:

- Basic Sword Lv: [5]

- Mana Lv: [Locked]

- meditation Lv: [9]

Active skills:

- Veritcal Slash Lv: [5]

- Horizontal Slash Lv: [5]

[Alert: User is being transported to the trials of nameless.]

"Wait, let me distribute my Attribute points!"

[Alert: System Locked.]

[Access Denied]

[Access Denied]

[Alert: User is being transported to the trials of nameless forcefully.]


Min-Soo screamed as he was forcibly transported away.


I don't know what I'm doing I'm just trying my best to make it good.

Usot2creators' thoughts