
Solo Run

After death Min-Soo suddenly found himself in a white room where he became a candiate of Nameless and was granted a System to help him prepare for the trials of nameless. After completing the trials Min-Soo returned to earth! Sorry this is all the info I can give don't hate the author hate no, not the book either just read it.

Usot2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Evil System

Min-Soo sat on the cold floor, eyes fixed on the glowing holographic interface before him. The screen's soft illumination flickered as he muttered the welcome message aloud.

– Welcome to the tutorial on how to operate the system.

Impatiently, he tapped the screen, eager to make progress.

"We're finally getting somewhere!"

He whispered.

– [Tap next to continue.]


[Information on how to operate the system will flow into the user's brain in 3...]

Min-Soo's disbelief deepened.


[ 2...]

[Warning: This action will result in a minor electrical shock.]



"Minor electrical shock?"

[Initiating data transfer...]

Min-Soo scanned the room, bracing for impact, but nothing happened—no shock, no sensation.

"I mean, how bad could it really be?"

Before he could finish the thought, searing pain erupted in his skull.


Min-Soo's scream of agony reverberated through the empty room, his voice cracking with the intensity of his pain.

"My head... it feels like it's about to burst! Please, make it stop, make it stop!"

He cried out, clutching his head in desperation.

The pain was unbearable, a searing torment that felt like his skull might split open at any moment.



Suddenly, the pain vanished as if it had never been there at all. Min-Soo released his grip on his head, panting heavily.

His mind was flooded with information, an overwhelming torrent that threatened to make his brain explode. Dizzy and nauseous, he fell to his knees, retching.


"What just happened to me?"

He gasped, wiping his mouth.

It was unbelievable. Concepts he had never encountered before now made perfect sense. He understood the system's intricacies and how to operate it with ease.

He looked up, focusing on the new message displayed on the holographic interface.

[Data transfer complete.]

[Alert: User now has operational knowledge of the system.]

– Congratulations on completeing transfer [Min-Soo]

[Alert: Your rewards for completeing transfer is now available.]

"System, enter Quest Rewards,"

Min-Soo commanded.

The screen shifted, displaying the Quest Rewards messages.

– [Quest 1: Becoming a candidate. (Completed)

* Unlock Shop- [Redeem]

* Receive 15 Attribute points [Redeem]

– [Quest 2: Data Transfer (Completed)

* Unlock Random Passive Ability- [Redeem]

* One question will be answered [Redeem]



[Alert: Shop Unlocked.]



[Alert: 15 Attribute points now available.]

"System, show Stats,"

Min-Soo said, deciding to save his question reward for later.

The screen updated with his profile.


Name: [Kim Min-Soo]

Race: [Human]

Age: [16]

Trait: [Weak]

Lv: [15]

Special Ability: [None]

Constellation: [Candidate of Nameless]

HP: [Auto]

MP: [50]


IQ: [3]

Strength: [2]

Speed: [5]

Stamina: [2]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [2]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 15)

Min-Soo frowned at the negative Luck stat. "Let's distribute these points wisely."

"Luck is undoubtedly what I need right now..."

Living his entire life with a luck rating in the negative, he figured raising it might improve his situation.

'Distributing all 15 points to Luck stat distribution'

[Alert: Unable to distribute 15 points to Luck. The stat will remain unchanged.]


IQ: [3]

Strength: [2]

Speed: [5]

Stamina: [2]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [2]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 15)

[Warning: Distributing to luck is prohibited. Any attempt to distribute will result in deduction of points.]

He attempted to boost his Luck, but the system resisted.

"Ah, what was I thinking? Even the system noticed how ridiculous that distribution method was,"

He muttered, realizing his mistake.

[Alert: This System has decided to help the below average mortal Kim Min-Soo.']

His expression shifted from confusion to anger.

"Who are you calling below average, you stupid system!"

[Alert: You Kim Min-Soo]

"What did you just say? You're just a machine, you have no right to speak to me like that!"

[Alert: apologize; you have hurt this system's feelings.]

Min-Soo scoffed at the system's response, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding me. Did you just ask me to apologize? You're not even alive!"

[Alert: Apology undetected. User will experience eletrical shock for five minutes.]



He screamed in agony, his voice raw with pain.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

he gasped between agonized cries.

For the next five minutes, his screams echoed the room.

[Alert: Shock Stopped]


After catching his breath, Min-Soo clenched his fists, frustration boiling over within him.

"You demon! You nearly shocked me to death! What if I'd died right there?"

[Alert: apologize; you have hurt this system's feelings.]


He growled in anger.

[Alert: apologize; you have hurt this system's feelings.]

"Okay, okay, my bad. I apologize. Is that what you were looking for?"

[The System will not engage in meaningless arguments with dumb Kim Min-Woo.]

[Warning: All insults towards the system will result in a shock.]

"Ha, haha… Seriously, man."


[Alert: This system will guide Kim Min-Soo in distributing points.]

"4pts to speed attribute, 4pts to Stamina attribute, 3pts to strength attribute, 4pts to Evasion attribute.


IQ: [3]

Strength: [5]

Speed: [9]

Stamina: [6]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [6]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 0)

[Y/N: Confirm Stat distribution.]

Min-Soo let out a halfhearted chuckle as he reviewed his updated stats.

"Oh, is this it? Why didn't you bother to distribute any points to IQ?"

[Alert: Min-Soo's IQ Attribute have decreased to negative.]


IQ: [-1]

Strength: [5]

Speed: [9]

Stamina: [6]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [6]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 0)

[Y/N: Confirm Stat distribution.]

Min-Soo's brows furrowed as he stared at the updated stats, his anger palpable.


[Alert: Your are unable to decline point distribution]

"Seriously? I can't decline? Is this some kind of joke?"

Min-Soo muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice.

[Alert: This is not a joke. The System has determined that your intelligence level is not positive but negative.]

Min-Soo scoffed incredulously as he read the system's evaluation.

"Negative intelligence? Are you seriously mocking me?"

His voice dripped with frustration as he glared at the screen, fingers clenching into fists.

"What kind of messed-up system is this, anyway?"

[Alert: This is not a joke. The System has determined that your intelligence level is not positive but negative.]

He gritted his teeth, disbelief morphing into simmering anger.

With a sudden burst of frustration, he lashed out, swinging his fist at the shimmering projection with all his might.

His fist passed through the screen as if it were made of smoke. The momentum carried him forward, throwing him off balance, and he stumbled, landing hard on the ground.

[Warning: Your Attempt to harm the system will now result in a shock.]


A sharp, searing pain shot through him, and he screamed in agony.

[Y/N: Confirm Stat distribution.]


"Stop, Stop."

he gasped between agonized cries.

[Y/N: Confirm Stat distribution.]


[Y/N: Confirm Stat distribution.]

He gritted his teeth, reaching for the screen.


[Y]: (distribution Comfirmed)

[Alert: Shock stopped.]

"Huff... huff... huff..."

He panted heavily, Trying to regain his composure.


IQ: [-1]

Strength: [5]

Speed: [9]

Stamina: [6]

Magc: [Locked]

Attack: [8]

Defense: [0]

Evasion: [6]

Magic Defense: [Locked]

Magc Evasion: [Locked]

Luck: [-100]

(Attribute points to distribute: 0)

[Alert: System advises User to head to Shop.]

Min-Soo seethed with anger, but he had learned not to provoke the System.

"System, enter Shop,"

He muttered, still feeling the pain from the shock coursing through him.

The screen shifted, displaying the title Shop.


- Sword: [Free]

- Spear: [Free]

- Heavy Blade: [Free]

- Axe: [Free]

- heavy club: [Free]

- Staff: [Free]

- Dagger: [Free]

- Brass knuckles: [Free]

Min-Soo couldn't help but smile as he looked at the list.

"Everything's free!"

Suddenly, a message popped up on the screen.

[Alert: Only 2 Free weapon.]

Min-Soo chuckled dumbfoundedly at the message.

"Heh, as always, at least it's better than nothing."

Though a bit disappointed, two weapons were still better than none.

"System, return to Shop," he commanded.

The screen shifted, displaying the next category.


- Longbow: [Free]

- Composite Bow: [Free]

- Short Bow: [Free]

- Orc Bow: [Free]

- Goblin Bow: [Free]

- Crossbow: [Free]

- Hand Cannon: [Free]

- Gauntlet Crossbow: [Free]

Moving to the defense section, he found:


"Hmm, just one,"

He muttered, looking slightly puzzled.

[Alert: Access Denied]

[Alert: Access Denied]

TTrying to access the Artifacts category, he was met with another message:

[Alert: Access Denied]

"System, what should I choose?"

He asked hesitantly.

[Alert: User must refer to System as "Master"]

"Heh, seriously?"

Min-Soo scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

[Alert: Waiting for User response]

Min-Soo scoffed at the system's demand, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I'm not doing that,"

He retorted.

[System shutting down...]





"System! System!"

He yelled angrily into the empty air.


Min-Soo shrugged nonchalantly and sat down on the white floor.


Minutes passed. Eventually, Min-Soo gave in, dropping to his knees and beginning to plead.

"I'm sorry, Master. Please come back,"

He begged earnestly.

Flashing lights from the screen reappeared, accompanied by floating words.

[Alert: This System has decided to forgive you.]

Apologies if this chapter seemed slow. I wanted Kim Min-Soo to establish a connection with the system before diving into the action. This story unfolds at its own pace, so please bear with me.

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