

  Anna's POV

  I tried to release myself from his grip but he pulled me tightly.

  "Hey what do you think you're doing??Let me go"

  "I will release you if you only tell me the truth"

  "What truth??Let me go"

  I seriously hate this position.. Being on top of a girl.

  I tried so hard to stand up, my eyes met something on his wrist.. It was a scar.

  "You have a scar?” I asked.

  "Does that matter??” He said and then suddenly he rolled me over resulting to him on top of him.

  "CJ, what are you doing??Get off me??"

  "Now answer me.. Between me and your crush Eric, who do you prefer??Answer me truthfully" he asked looking deeply in my eyes.

  "Of course Eric, why will I choose a gay??I yelled trying to push him off but it prove abortive

  "So you choose Eric right??then that's good" He said and let go off me.

  What has gotten over him??"

  "You can go" he said"I mean to Eric" he said and I was surprised.