

  Author 's POV

  When Eric got inside, he went to his room to get his hand cleaned up. Not too long it started raining

  He let out a sigh and change his cloth, he brought out his phone and log in into his old account and was surprised to see Anna's message popping in

  ... Hello, Eric ... sent 2 hrs ago.

  ...Eric, I miss you, I know you will be worried about me but my mom sold me out to CJ, I know it sound crazy but it is true ... sent 2 hrs ago.

  ... I wish I could see see you and tell you everything ... sent 2 hrs ago .

  ... Eric pls reply ... sent 2 hrs ago ago.

  Eric paused when he see the picture that Anna send to him, it was his picture after surgery.

  ... hey Eric, this guy name is also Eric, he is quite cute right, I have a crush on him, I know I am just a random girl and he will never notice me but it is okay ... sent30 min ago.