
Returning To Camp And Decision

After we we're able to defeat the Devouring Plant we we're finally able to rest for a while before we would need to start getting back to camp, but what do I do with the Devouring Plant's body? I mean, it's not like I can butcher it and harvest it since there's no light right now which means that I would probably make quite a few mistakes and even the slightest mistake can absolutely ruin the materials that I can gain from it, and it's not like i can just keep it here and go without it since then other Solmythos can snack on it's corpse.

Which leaves me with two choices, one being to sleep here and two, which is to take the corpse with me. From these two choices the best one to chose would be to bring it back to camp with me since if I take the other choice then I might freeze depending on the tempreture or I might just get ambushed by a wild Solmythos or another human that found the corpse and wants the materials and items from it.

Wiht that in mind I obviously took the second choice which was to take the corpse with me to camp. But there is a problem and that problem is that I don't have anything that I can really use to bring with me and it might fall into the acid in one of the other areas on this route.

I then started to think about it for a while and after around ten minutes I was able to think about a solution. "Hey Ignis, Lunaris can the two of you use your thread to make a type of net that's durable enough to carry the corpse all the way back to camp?" I only asked this since I think that their more than capable of doing so. Ignis and Lunaris then nodded and then started using their thread to to create a net.

It didn't take long until they made the net so when they finished making it we quickly put the corpse inside the net and started returning back to camp.

A few minutes later we finally got back to camp after a long while of being away from there, the first thing we did when we got back to camp was make the net into a cacoon like thing to prevent the smell of the corpse to attract any Solmythos since I think we had enough fighting for a while.

We then went to get a bit of wood to make an area that people would't be able to see me bathing since that would be both embaressing and akward. So after we got enough wood we immediately started to get to work since I wanted to take a relaxing bath so that I could rest and relax after all that happened today.

I didn't take very long to finish building the bathing area and when we did finish we immediately got in the bath which was warm due to us making pipes under it that would make it so that nice and warm water would flow in to the bath instead of cold water.

When we finished bathing we started preparing to sleep and when we finished we got in the tent and fell asleep in less then a minute.

In the morning I woke up and got out of the tent since I felt like getting some fresh air since I'm already in a forest so I might aswell enjoy how nice the fresh morning air is.

I then thought about what I should do today since there were quite a few things on my mind. After thinking about it for a while I came to the conclusion that I should start making the picture book that I was planning to make for Ignis and Lunaris since the both of them since they seemed to like to like my drawings quite a bit, but I should also make it about dragons since it seemed like Ignis absolutely loves them.

But it's not like I can do that all day long, after all I'm still human so I get bored quite quickly, which is how I got another idea. Since we're already staying here for a while then we might aswell use the dangerousroute to train and test our agility, reaction speed and senses shouldn't we? Plus there might be something rare there since I got unlucky without getting lucky before that. Which is how I decided to stay in Starfall Forest for a while so that we could utilize it to it's max.

Hello, I just wanted to say that im sorry if the quality is a bit worse today since I made this while I was sleepy so yeah

BlepLeFrogcreators' thoughts