
So, am I responsible for the harmonious relationship between heroines?

“…….” “…….” "So, you want to say that I'm responsible for the harmonious exchange of elemental energy between you four?" Lei Kongming gazed at the four beautiful figures before him, his attention was drawn to the majestic queen-like presence of one woman as she explained the concept of 'energy exchange' to him. 'Are you sure the energy exchange you're referring to is serious?' Lei Kongming fell into deep reflection. “If I don’t go to hell, then who will? Come here, I will help you all and solve your problem.” "It will also help you in improving your cultivation. Don't act as if you're making a sacrifice..." "Hey! Why are you turning off the lights and setting up sound isolation formation?....." Thinking that they are shy, Lei Kongming replies "Um... it's to facilitate better 'energy exchange'... Huh? Why are you drawing your sword?... hey! WAIT! STOP!"

ChasingSunMoon · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Meeting Senior Brother Yang

Seeing Lei Kongming not replying, Lei Meiying's eyes flashed with curiosity as she inquired about it again. Even Lei Meixia also looked at Lei Kongming curiously.

"Brother Kong, have you really cultivated 'those' types of cultivation techniques?"

Lei Kongming glared at Lei Meiying angrily and said, "Where did you hear these kinds of bullshit rumors? I have the responsibility to spread the seed of my Lei family and will never disappoint my ancestors by cultivating 'those' self-destructive techniques."

Lei Kongming still decided to indirectly tell her that his crime tool is still with him so as not to destroy his image in their hearts, but who would have thought that Lei Meiying would shamelessly pester him again?

"Brother Kong, are you shy? Don't worry, we will never tell anyone about it, right, Sister Meixia?"

Lei Meixia also nodded vigorously in response to Lei Meiying to show her agreement.

At this point, Lei Kongming's face darkened completely as a glint flashed through his eyes. He then bent down a little to reach Lei Meiying's and Lei Meixia's ears and said, "What? Do you want to check it yourself?"



Finally, Lei Meiying's face turned red with slight shame and embarrassment, but she didn't say anything because she was the one pestering Lei Kongming. As for Lei Meixia, she was already covering her face with her hands, which were as red as tomatoes.

Lei Kongming then ignored the two embarrassed sisters and glared coldly at Lei Longwei, the culprit who had spread these rumors and was lying unconscious beside Ye QingQing. He silently thought about how to take revenge on him.

"Brother Kong, don't be angry. Sister Meiying has a lively personality, so she likes to ask all types of weird questions. She didn't mean any harm to you, Brother Kong."

Lei Kongming looked behind him and saw Lei Meixia, who thought that he was angry with Lei Meiying and had come to calm him down.

Looking at Lei Meixia, who has an amazing body but is giving an explanation for her sister with an innocent expression, Lei Kongming suddenly wants to tease her.

"Sister Meixia, it's not that I don't want to forgive her, but her repeated pestering hurt my heart," Lei Kongming said with a sad expression.

Lei Meixia became slightly anxious as she asked, "Brother Kong, do you want Sister Meiying to apologize to you? I can help with that."

Lei Kongming shook his head to deny it and said, "As long as Sister Meixia gives me a hug, my anger will definitely disappear."

The reason he made this type of request was that his gentlemanly image was probably already destroyed in the hearts of the two sisters when he asked them whether they wanted to check the availability of his crime tool.

"Hug-g? Huggg!"

Lei Meixia took a step back with a red face as she started fidgeting with her fingers.

"Brother Kong, stop teasing Sister Meixia."

At this time, Lei Meiying came forward to protect her sister, glaring angrily at Lei Kongming. Lei Kongming didn't try to make any excuses and straightforwardly apologized to Lei Meixia.

"Sorry, Sister Meixia, I was trying to tease you."

Lei Meixia nodded toward Lei Kongming, indicating that she didn't take it to heart. She then sat with Lei Meiying on a nearby boulder to stabilize their minds for the next trial. This sitting action made their curves stretch sideward as if they were glowing.

Lei Kongming decided to stand behind them to prevent anyone from disturbing them, but in the broad daylight, from the corner of his eye, he started admiring the Glowing moons the two sisters on the nearby boulder. Perhaps coincidentally or intentionally, Lei Kongming's figure also blocked others from gazing at the beautiful sight.

"Hello, can we talk in private for a bit?"

Suddenly, someone interrupted his admiration of the moons of the two sisters, which made him very annoyed. Turning around, he found that it was actually a Purple Cloud Palace disciple who was calling him.

There were four Purple Cloud Palace disciples. The leader was a young man, but when his eyes fell on the three following disciples, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

The three following disciples were the ones whom he had encountered in the rabbit burrow on Jade River Mountain. His first thought was that he had been recognized and social death was not far from him, but then he relaxed because they would not be so polite if he had been recognized.

"Sure, where should we go?" asked Lei Kongming with a polite nod.

"Come with us."

The leading young man asked Lei Kongming to follow and started moving.


The leading young man took him a little further from the place where the other trialists were staying. It was neither far nor near, just enough to prevent others from eavesdropping, but Lei Kongming could still see the other trialists in the distance.

This also made Lei Kongming relax even more because those Purple Cloud Palace disciples were not trying to avoid the other trialists' eyes, which suggested that they didn't recognize him.

"Hello, junior brother. I need to discuss something with you. You can call me Senior Brother Yang."

"Senior is polite. I have yet to pass all the Purple Cloud Palace trials, so I'm not yet qualified to be called junior brother by the senior."

Lei Kongming decided to be very polite to leave a good impression on them and prevent them from associating him with that naked man incident in any way.

"Junior brother, you don't need to be very polite. It's making me uncomfortable. With your ability, it's just a matter of time before you become a Purple Cloud Palace disciple."

Senior Brother Yang's words clicked in Lei Kongming's mind as he thought that being overly polite without any reason might indeed arouse suspicion, so he just started acting normally.

"Since Senior Brother Yang said so, then this junior brother will not be polite. What does Senior Brother Yang want to discuss with me?"

"Junior brother, have you decided on which peak you will join after entering the Purple Cloud Palace?"

Hearing this, Lei Kongming fell silent, lost in deep thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ChasingSunMooncreators' thoughts