
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs

Sea of Monsters(One Piece/WC)-2

"My my, those are quite scary faces. And here I thought that I might get a thanks or two for helping out." I said with my hands raised in surrender as I looked at the duo that had been harassed by the marines till I had them burn.

"It's probably because you burned all those guys." Shoko said as she pulled another cigarette and lit it. "The whole place now smells like shit." Yeah, she was right.

"I think the whole killing them thing is a bit more important than the smell." The girl with bunny ears, that I had a rough idea who she was about, said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Speak for yourself." The punk girl on the other hand simply placed a hand over her nose. "This smells almost as bad as my uncle's home." Wow, quite cruel towards family this one. 

"Oh, and let's not forget the fact that you pulled a monster out of your shadow!" She then yelled as she pointed at me.

"I didn't pull Katen out of my shadow." I denied her words and pointed at her. "He rose from my shadow by himself!" That little argument continued for a while before Shoko interrupted us.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" She asked as she threw her cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. "We kind of killed the local government officials and it probably won't take too long they send more after us, all of us."

"Excuse me? You guys were the ones who killed them, why would they come after us?" The punk girl asked and the bunny girl sighed.

"Because they did that while they were harassing us." Her ears twitched with irritation. "If those guys are any indication to what kind of organization this government is, then they won't care who actually is responsible or innocent."

"That pretty much describes the World Government to a tee." I said with a nod.

"You seem to know about them pretty well." The punk girl said, her tone wasn't accusing though.

"You can say that I was a rather avid reader when it came to them." I said with a chuckle and then clapped my hands. "Now then, let's introduce ourselves before I get to the whole boring explanation thing, my name is Sangha Dōman and this beautiful doctor by my side is Ieiri Shoko. and you guys are?"

"...Thalia Grace." The punk girl said.

"Usagiyama Rumi" Followed by bunny girl.

"Cool, now let me start my explanation. It goes about eight to nine hundred years ago..."


"Say that again!" A loud shout echoed through the Marineford and Tsuru, the Great Tactician, repeated her words.

"The navy squad under captain Pasparagus of Papaya island have been killed, reports say that they have been burned alive by an unknown party after they tried to arrest a woman with rabbit ears." Tsuru said as she watched the veins of her old friend bulge as he slammed his fist on his desk.

"What do we know about this 'unknown party'?!" He demanded.

"His name is 'Sangha Dōman' and they say that he summoned some sort of fire breathing monster to burn captain Pasparagus' squad, likely some sort of devil fruit similar to Charlotte Daifuku's Hoya Hoya no Mi." She said before pulling a sheet from her coat. "We also have a picture." And then handed it to Sengoku.

He was a rather handsome fellow, even if Sengoku would never admit a criminal being aesthetically pleasing(no homo), with black hair that barely reached his neck and red eyes. The fact that he was wearing the kind of clothing one would find in Wano was concerning, Sengoku did not want to deal with the second coming of Kozuki Oden in his lifetime, but he didn't seem to have a katana so the fleet admiral threw those worries into the back of his head.

"Give this to the intelligence unit and tell them to give him a proper bounty and distribute the posters in the next newspaper. I want this bastard in Impel Down as soon as possible." Sengoku said with gritted teeth.

It wasn't like the boy in the picture was the worst criminal he had ever known, the list of those people was a long one anyway. But at least most of those didn't murder a marine squad as their first notorious act, at most some of them had beaten some marines. Actually killing them though, burning them alive, that was not something he was willing to ignore. For the families they would have to notify about the loss of their loved ones, this bastard brat would pay!

As every other pirate would one day.

"Do we have anything on the people captain Pasparagus tried to arrest, other than rabbit ears thing?" He asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

"No, the agent that took this Dōman's picture is a rather new one. He left immediately after taking the picture in order to make sure he wasn't caught." Tsuru said with a frown, displeased by the situation even if she could understand the agent's decision. It wouldn't do well if a criminal got their hands on a Cipher Pol agent, no matter how low they were on the hierarchy.

"Very well." Sengoku said with a sigh. "Then I want you to..." He then started to talk but was suddenly interrupted.

"Sengoku, I'm coming in!" By a very familiar voice that made the fleet admiral's eyes widen in panic. Not because of the speaker's identity, not entirely anyway, but because the voice was coming from his office's wall; not from the door.

"Garp don't!" Sengoku screamed but he was too late as the wall on his side burst open, with the Hero of the Marines standing where the wall had been once with his fist raised.

"Heyo Sengoku! Heyo Tsuru-chan!" Monkey D. Garp greeted him with a wave and a bag of rice crackers in his hand. "What are you guys talking about?" And as always, he had absolutely no care for the amount of damage he had caused.

"We are talking about the murder of captain Pasparagus." Tsuru said with a glare, trying to make the old marine understand that their current talk was not something joyful.

"Asparagus? Good riddance! They taste super bad anyway." And Monkey D. Garp managed to not understand in a way only he could as he laughed.

"Not 'asparagus' you moron! Pasparagus!" Sengoku yelled as he jumped at the Hero of the Marines, the Resourceful General's hands already in position to strangle his old friend.