
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


"Is that really a good idea?" Hinata asked from where her team stood. "I know that this spar is for training purposes but Natsumi-san was the kunoichi of the year while Shido-san was a bit above average. Wouldn't this spar be a bit too one sided to be proper training?" It was at this moment I realized that I liked the shy Hinata who could barely form sentences more than this Hyuuga heiress. Who could have thought that growing up without a huge trauma from almost getting kidnapped would lead to her becoming worse?

Darn you Kumo and your cowardly asses that weren't willing to start bullshit with Namikaze Minato like you were willing to with Sarutobi Hiruzen in the canon timeline.

"Meh, if you think like that you can go against him before her." Anko said with a shrug before turning towards me. "As long as Shido has no problems with it."

"I don't care who my opponent is." I said nonchalantly, it wasn't like there were any meaning in holding back against them anymore.

"Cool! Then we can have the Hyuuga princess..."

"No." The purple haired jōnin was interrupted by Kiba who stepped before Hinata. "That would still be the same as if he were to fight against Natsumi, I will be his opponent." Inuzuka girl said with confidence as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"As long as he has the courage to do so." She continued with a smirk.

"I'm okay with you too." I said with a smile as I decided, I would be humiliating this bitch.


As she watched Kiba leave her partner Akamaru behind and take a fighting stance with her fists clenched tightly, Kurenai could only sigh with disappointment and embarrassment.

An Inuzuka fighting without their ninken was considered to be weird enough, but the girl was also taking a stance for a style she didn't use in serious fights. Inuzuka clan's taijutsu was based on combo attacks with their partners and claw attacks, not punches.

She was underestimating Shido, in a way that could only be called arrogance; the kind of arrogance that got people killed on the field.

This was the problem with students freshly out of the academy, they all had this sense of assuredness about their strength. Combine that with already biased view she had towards Shido... Kurenai could only hope that the Inuzuka girl would not embarrass herself too much, especially since she was in front of Hinata; whom Kiba seemed to have accepted as her alpha in normal life. A rather weird quirk of Inuzuka clan, though neither the current head or her eldest daughter seemed to have it.

"Ready?" Kurenai was roused out of her thoughts with Anko's voice as the purple haired jōnin raised her hand and then brought it down after seeing both Kiba and Shido nod. "Begin!"

As expected of her, Kiba immediately ran forward and tried to throw a straight punch at Shido' stomach, which was avoided by the young man jumping to the side and throwing a right punch that landed squarely on Kiba's jaw. Then as the Inuzuka girl was trying to regain her bearings; he threw a left uppercut and finally, as she was crumbling down, he threw a left roundhouse kick that landed on Kiba's jaw. Finally after the third hit, Shido allowed Kiba to fall to the ground and turned towards them.

"So, what next?"


"The fuck did we just watch?" Ino asked with a wide open jaw, trying to make sense of what she had just witnessed.

At first she had merely thought that this would be a fun spar. A spar that Kiba would not take seriously at start, take a few hits and then get serious and win. That had been a pretty normal sight when it came to Kiba's spars; the only exceptions being when she was against Hinata, Satsuki, Natsumi or Naruto.

What she had just witnessed definitely was not that. Instead the Inuzuka girl took three consecutive hits and then fell on the ground face first.

"How the fuck did Shido just do that?" She asked, not really expecting an answer.

"The jaw." But she got one anyway.

Yamanaka heiress turned her head to the side and looked at her childhood friend. The pink haired kunoichi had a knowing, but also somewhat resigned, look on her face.

"What do you mean by that?" Hinata asked, looking as polite as ever but Ino could see the tightening around her eyes and how her hands in front of her skirt were clenching each other tightly, the Hyuuga heiress was not pleased.

"Shido hit Kiba at the edge of her jaw." Sakura said as she raised her hands and placed the knuckle of her left hand on the lower edge of her right palm. "Because of the force of the hit, Kiba's brain crashed into her skull and then that crash caused it to crash onto the another side of her skull; kind of like a pinball game, which causes the symptoms of a concussion." She explained.

"The other two hits after that first punch then made of the crashes speed up, making the symptoms even worse." Sakura continued with a sigh. "To Kiba it must have seemed like the ground itself rose from it's place and hit her in the face."

"...you seem rather familiar with it." Ino said with a disturbed look on her face, wondering what exactly happened to her friend in such a short time since they graduated.

"It's kind of weird to see it from the outside." Yet Sakura did not seem to be listening to her at all; instead she was in a small world inside her head with some, Ino could only assume to be, less than pleasant memories that involved hits to her chin.


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