
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs


"It's beautiful." Kozuki Momonosuke, the former Shogun of the land of Wano, said as he gazed at the sun setting on the horizon.

How long had it been, since the day he had sacrificed his lifespan to help the liberation of Wano? Since the days he roamed the seas like his father once had roamed? Since the days he trained in order to obtain a strength that would not shame his family?

Since the day they had opened the borders of Wano?

"That it is." Since the day his family had gotten bigger? It was with pride and love Kozuki Momonosuke looked up from where he was sitting to see a young man as tall as Momonosuke had been in his prime with green hair and two swords strapped to his waist.

Kozuki Koushiro, Momonosuke's grand nephew. And soon, the new Shogun of Wano. The former Shogun may have some... reservations when his sister entered into a relationship with the right hand of the Pirate King, but after seeing how happy Zoro made Hiyori; Momonosuke decided to point all of his frustrations at Zoro himself rather than at their relationship. Which was worsened after the bastard had gotten his sister pregnant!

"Granduncle, don't you think that we should go inside?" The green haired samurai asked the elderly man but Momonosuke simply chuckled.

"Heh, look at you, all worried about little old me. Hard to believe you're the same brat that started crying because of a little hit." At that Koushiro's eyebrow started to twitch with annoyance.

"You hit like a damn giant, and I was only nine!"

"Bah, by that age I was already twenty nine!" Momonosuke scoffed before laughing like a maniac, which soon turned into a coughing fit. When it finally ended, there was blood on Momonosuke's fist and at the corner of his lips.

"Granduncle... please..."

"Hold those words boy. This is simply something we all have been expecting for a while." Momonosuke grunted as he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

He had been getting sick quite frequently. None of them exactly anything mysterious or incurable but the sheer amount of sicknesses he was getting made people afraid. Not Momonosuke though, as far as he was concerned this was merely a sign of him getting weak in his age enough that simple sicknesses decided to try their chances against him.

"Granduncle please, we can call professor Chopper's apprentice. I am sure that with his hands you can live for several more years..."

"Bound to a goddamn bed?" Momonosuke asked with a glare and Koushiro stopped talking.

"I have lived my life well, admittedly twenty years shorter than ideal but I still lived it well. I am not going to have the last memories of my life be being bound to a damn bed, withering away until my last breath." Momonosuke said with a scoff.

"I have no intention to live in such a restrictive way." Momonosuke finished as he simply laid on his back and smiled.

"Don't give me such a sad look, Kyoshiro." He said as he raised his arm and wiped the small gathering of tears away from his grand nephew's eye.

"The shogun of the Land of Wano, should have a smiling face. Such is our duty as those who stand on the top of the Land of the Rising Sun." An ancient name of the Land of Wano from the Void Century, one Momonosuke took pride in.

"Not to mention if you cry like that, you'll be making your great grandparents cry in heavens." At that Kyoshiro chuckled.

"Are you sure they are not crying because their only son is leaving this world without ever getting married?" The heir of the Shogunate asked with a teary smile, making Momonosuke chuckle.

"Hehe, you know what? I'll ask them. I'll even do you a favor and take Kin'emon and Denjiro's opinions as well." Momonosuke said and then took one last look at the skies of Wano.

Clear. Blue. Free. Just as they always wanted.

Kozuki Momonosuke died, with a peaceful smile on his face.


And then he woke up with a splitting headache.

"Mother fucking, this is worse than the time I challenged Zoro and Nami to a drinking contest." The former Shogun said with a groan as he scratched the back of his head and realized several things.

He no longer felt like shit due to his several sicknesses, he was full of energy like he hadn't been for years, his back didn't ache like a bitch anymore and most importantly...

"My hair is back!" Momonosuke said with a laugh as he jumped high in the air. He kept jumping up and down for a while, almost half an hour, before deciding to check his surroundings and decided that he definitely was not in the Land of Wano anymore. His first clue?

The big ass tower on a small island, there were no such island with a tower like this. He would know, he was once the goddamn Shogun after all; knowing things like that was kinda part of the job.

Something else he noticed as he went to the edge of the sea, he was young again. It was rather clear from the very much not old reflection of his on the water, though he wasn't sure how old he was now. Definitely younger than twenty eight but older than eight.

"This is pretty sweet." Momonosuke said as he rubbed his chin. He wasn't sure what was happening and why he wasn't dead, but the smell in the air was a smell he was very familiar with after years on voyage.

"It smells like adventure!" Momonosuke said with a grin and decided the first course of his adventure, into the tower.


Momonosuke's grin died a rather ugly death after he entered the tower. It was hard to have a smile when your eyes landed on bunch of people with whips making dangerously skinny people in rags work in a mine. A sight that was easily recognizable to anyone who sailed in the second half of Grandline. Slavery.

"Who the hell is that giant?"

"Don't care, get him to work!" One of the men yelled and the man he yelled at walked towards Momonosuke with a whip made out of crackling blue light.

"Hey, I don't know who you are, freak, but you better start working on helping us bring back great lord Zeref or..." That was as far as the man was able to go as Momonosuke's fist crashed onto the top of the bastard's skull and a rather wet crunching sound echoed through the mine.

"Screw this shit!" Momonosuke yelled as he drew Ame no Habakiri and Enma from their scabbards and started to do as his father, Zoro, Luffy or any other respectable person he knew in his long life would do to slavers.

He started to butcher them!


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