
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs


"This… this is pretty bad." Subaru said as he weakly chuckled and coughed out more blood again. A result of the gaping hole in his stomach, which was definitely not helped by the rest of the blood gushing out from where his legs used to be.

"Well, that's the obvious result when someone as unremarkable as you don't know their place." And all of those was caused by the man smiling above him. He pissed Subaru off; his smile, his clothes, his mannerisms, his jokes, his stitches, his power… they all pissed him off.

Yeah, this bastard that somehow managed to possess Geto Suguru's body pissed Natsuki Subaru off.

"I mean, I guess you are somewhat talented for a sorcerer of this era. Reaching your current standing without even having an innate technique or the backing of any of the clans. But still, you're not impressive when compared to the sorcerers of the past or the rising talents of this generation like Okkotsu Yuta or even that gorilla Todo Aoi." Another thing about this bastard that pissed Subaru off, he just kept talking about shit Subaru already knew.

He knew that he was worthless compared to his juniors. So what if he had managed to finally become a semi first grade sorcerer? Both Kin-chan and Todo had done the same before even finishing their first years as students and Okkotsu had managed to regain his technical status as a special grade sorcerer in one year.

Even Gojo sensei's newest students were far more impressive than him, each of them had managed to exorcise a special grade curse of their own before that damn Shibuya disaster. Not to mention that his newest cute kohai Dori-chi was the vessel of Sukuna, the god damn King of Curses; capital initials earned.

Compared to that, what did Subaru have?

His cursed energy reserves were merely above average, he also had no cursed technique of his own. His so called mastery over barrier techniques was nothing truly impressive or useful against those who were actually strong. The one thing he had other people didn't was the fact that his cursed energy had an attribute and that attribute was pretty much an inferior version Kin-chan's.

None of which were helpful against this bastard, or in Shibuya when Gojo sensei was getting sealed or when Sukuna had taken over Dori-chi and used his body to murder over two thousand civilians, people who had nothing to do with the world of Jujutsu!

...and he knew that Dori-chi blamed himself for it. The newest first year was simply far too noble to see that tragedy as anything other than his fault. Something that Subaru had wanted to fix after he found him. Subaru may have graduated before the vessel of Sukuna even learned of curses but that didn't change the fact that he had a duty to his kohai.

Yet that would never happen.

"Honestly, did you actually thought that you had a chance?" Of course he didn't.

"I'm not sure if that's just arrogance or plain stupidity." Neither, he just couldn't let go of the chance. No matter how insignificantly small it might be, he couldn't let go of the chance of not letting Gojo sensei kill his best friend again!

Yet his current state was all that he had amounted to, at the hands of cursed spirits of no higher than second and third grades.

"Whelp, I hope that you have learned what happens when an average guy like you aims too high?" Average? That was laughable, Subaru knew that he wasn't average. He was pathetic, a completely pathetic senpai who didn't deserve his awesome kouhais and a pathetic student that only wasted his sensei's time.


'Come out, we'll make something out of you.'

'Wanna get carried away by my passion?'

'What kind of girl is your type?'

'Do you know of Sebastian Stan? He has a great body.'


'Pandas are awesome.'

'You wanna get kicked or something?'

'Senpai, I think that's enough mayonnaise.'

'Can you stop posing, it's embarrassing to watch.'

'I won't lose if it's in Wii.'

'That's so cool, Baru-san!'

...yet he would not accept things ending like this. Because no matter how pathetic he was, or how envious he was...

"Farewell, Average-Person-kun."

...calling the strongest sorcerer 'sensei' and being those monstrously talented idiots' senpai was the small petty pride of this worthless and envious being known as Natsuki Subaru!

So with determination filling his body, Subaru focused his cursed energy to his hand and pushed himself at the fake Geto with a speed that he never had reached before, a speed sufficient to get past all the cursed spirits around the bastard and make his eyes widen as Subaru's teeth sank on his shoulder with black sparks coming out.

"You little!" Fake Geto yelled as he punched Subaru away and away Subaru went, with a rather large piece of bastard's shoulder between his teeth that he spitted out before once more throwing himself at fake Geto with all of his might.

He didn't care that he had no legs! He didn't care that the last punch had likely fractured his skull! He didn't care that there was no chance that he could ever win!

All Natsuki Subaru cared was to attack and hurt this monster that had sealed his sensei and hurt his kohais, until his dying breath!

Those were his thoughts as a heavy weight connected with him from above, and Natsuki Subaru died.


Huh... he died.

"I love you." He had kinda expected death to be more... painful.

"I love you." With far less darkness and more shades of past that would torment them about their pasts.

"I love you." Principal Yaga had said that no Jujutsu sorcerer would die without regrets after all.

"I love you." He... had kinda wanted to prove him wrong.

"I love you." He hadn't been able to though.

"I love you!" Huh, what was that light?


"This... is a different world." Subaru said with a hand shielding his eyes from the sun before looking down.

"Oh, legs." It was nice to see them again after that panther like spirit had eaten them.

Was this one of those 'isekai' adventures? Kin-chan had liked them, something about ordinary people finally going after their passions being something he could get behind. Subaru always liked how true to himself Kin-chan was, even if he did end up getting suspended after punching one of those stuffy geezers.

Speaking of Kin-chan, he was surrounded by people that looked like idiots who tended to gather in one of his clubs and lose all their money. Oh, one of them had just pulled out a knife.

"Hey mister, would you like to..." That was as far as dumbass number one could get as Subaru's fist met his face and then his heel met one of the other dumbass' side.


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