
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
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171 Chs


"My apologies for the wait, mister Bauta." Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the headmaster of the Hogwarts said with a smile as he welcomed the young adult into his office.

"Please, call me Dolus; mister Dumbledore. Mister Bauta makes me feel rather old." The young man said with a smile.

Dolus Bauta, a young man from America with some Norwegian roots; he was not exactly the first choice Dumbledore would have made for the position of Defense Professor but to be perfectly honest, he had hired much worse before. Turns out the knowledge of the fact that every Defense Against Dark Arts professor hired by Hogwarts had ended their contract after only one year due to either personal reasons, getting fired or dying made people rather... reluctant to take the position. Which was why in the last decade Dumbledore had to hire a former muggle studies professor, a fraud, a werewolf and, the worst of all, a french to teach the class.

He had hoped that things would be going in a better direction when he had managed to hire his old friend, Alastor Moody to take the class; who better to teach how to defend one's self than a legendary auror after all. So of course it turned out that the man he hired wasn't his old friend, but a criminal with life sentence who was supposed have died in the worst prison on the planet.

Dolus on the other hand was merely an inexperienced young man with stubbles on his face, nothing about him was pointing towards him being a threat to his school or it's denizen. He even had proper credentials needed to be a teacher, a surprise for a DADA teacher indeed.

Still, this year he had to be more throughout. There was no room for error now that Voldemort was back, aiming for Rose's life.

"Now then, mister Dolus, please let me ask you these questions."


I had to admit, there was something about Dumbledore that made me not want to piss him off. Sure he looked like a regular old man, if one with a very bizarre fashion choice, even if he looked a good decade or two younger than he actually was but what I felt from him told a different story.

The experiences, that had been downloaded into my brain, of years and years of dealing with magical deities and monstrous abominations as John Constantine was telling me that this man was a wizard I did not want angry until I had at least fifteen minutes of preparation. Considering the kind of beings that Constantine had fought throughout years, and the fact that Dumbledore was purely human, that was high praise.

"And will your class have any activities concerning the current situation our country is facing?" Though he could do a bit more subtle.

"Officially, I have no intention of bringing politics into the classroom. Unofficially, please do ask your real question a bit more transparently; mister Dumbledore." I said with a shrug and the old wizard chuckled.

"Very well then; what do you think of the Prophet's claims about me being either senile, crazy or a liar for what I have claimed at the end of the last school year?" The old man asked with a smile but I could see the curiosity and ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Again, officially I have full trust in the words of your government." I replied with a smile before leaning forward.

"Unofficially, I am not dumb enough to believe those people at the World Cup would try to do what they did without any reason behind it. Nor am I stupid enough to believe the writings of a paper barely above the gossip of old hags without checking the facts." I said with a smile but my tone had steel in it. Which would hopefully convince this man.

My current situation as a contractor was... not exactly ideal. That is not to say I was getting shafted, I just did not like my current level of power. I only had the powers of a wizard that was, while quite powerful in his own right, not exactly strong enough to compete against top tier sorcerers. The template I had would help with that, but it would take time. Which meant I needed points and Hogwarts was the best place to get them. If I also ended up fulfilling some of my childhood fantasies while collecting points, that was merely a happy coincidence.

"Mister Dolus... I hope that you will have a happy time among our staff." Albus Dumbledore said with a grandfatherly smile as he offered his hand to me and I shook it with a smile of my own.


Admittedly, the meeting had gone far better than I had feared it could. Though that was mostly because I had thought there would be a chance of dealing with fandom's manipulative Dumbledore. That is not the say Albus Dumbledore wasn't a manipulative man, he used to work with politicians until this year after all, but he wasn't the mustache twirling villain the fandom made him out to be either.

He would have a easier time twirling his beard anyway.

But even though a I was happy about getting the job, now I had a far different conundrum.

"What to teach them?" I sighed as I walked around my new place of work.

I couldn't really teach them about the specialities I had as John Constantine since I doubted that the rest of the staff wouldn't have issues with me summoning demons. Not to mention teaching kids that could very well end up with this world having its own Newcastle situation.

Oh well, not like there was any chance I could blow it worse than their former teachers. But… I kinda pitied these kids, they were about to enter a period of time where the worst dark lord of their known history was going to properly reemerge. A true master of dark arts and a master of… lies… hmm.

I think I knew what my lessons would be about.



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