
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

The Rising of the Princess

Warnings: Fem MC, Evil MC, Yuri MC, Incest, genderbends


A sombre air was on top of the kingdom of Melromarc, each of it's citizens gathered in sorrow as they prepared to give their final farewells to their beloved king.

For Aultcray Melromarc XXXII was dead. The wise king of Melromarc, the Star Staff Hero, had died in his sleep. No one understood how as the king had been quite healthy but there were also no signs of foul play in his death. No poison, no wounds; nothing.

He would be mourned by the people of the Melromarc for years to come, but none would mourn him like his family. The queen of Melromarc, Mirellia Q Melromarc, watched the funeral with a frown that she hid behind her fan while trying to comfort crying Melty, her youngest daughter was shaking as she tried to contain her tears to no avail. It was times like this Mirellia cursed herself for the training she gave to her daughter in order to prepare her for the throne.

Speaking of her daughter, Mirellia couldn't help but look towards her elder daughter; who seemed to mourning just as anyone else, even if she wasn't crying like Melty.

Mirellia wasn't sure how to handle her, Malty had always been closer to Aultcray throughout her life. It wasn't like Mirellia had anything against the red haired princess, she was her daughter after all. But still, there always had been something about Malty that had... unsettled her. Even if she was for all intents and purposes a perfect daughter with a strong sense of morals and unparalleled talent in magical arts, Mirellia could never get herself to be comfortable around her, maybe because of the looks she had caught her sent towards Aultcray's staff.

It was that distrust that had led to declaring Melty as her heir, a decision that hadn't been appreciated much by her husband; unlike Malty who had simply congratulated her sister and offered her treats she had snuck from the kitchens. The sight had made Mirellia ashamed of the feelings she had towards Malty and giving her birthright to Melty, but as the queen of Melromarc she could not afford to give the throne to someone she did not fully trust. Even if that someone was her own daughter.

Not to mention that girl beside her, Mikasa. A young girl that Malty had saved while they were young, Mirellia had no problems with the girl living as a vassal and a bodyguard to her daughter but the sheer devotion she had, it scared her. The obsessive loyalty that her daughter inspired. She would have to talk with Malty, try to understand her intentions better. She had to since with Aultcray gone, Malty was the most likely candidate for the position of the Star Staff Hero. But not today, today she would mourn for her husband; even if they had certain... disagreements in the last few years.

She could think of how to deal with her daughter, the rest of the kingdom and the Star Staff situation tomorrow.


The last few days had been... peculiar.

Just as she had predicted, the Star Staff had chosen Malty as its new wielder and the country had a big celebration for having a new Star Staff Hero. Which was good as her shadows had reported spies from Siltvelt snooping around more frequently than before, likely trying to determine whether Melromarc was weak enough to be invaded now that Aultcray was dead. It had been something of a surprise, Mirellia had thought that Siltvelt would have been too busy celebrating to send spies. After all, saying that her husband was hated in Siltvelt was like saying that water was wet.

They likely would have caused even further problems if it hadn't been for the reemergence of the waves. The sign of catastrophe was likely the sole reason they didn't have small skirmishes at the border.

Now, she had a different problem. She needed to leave Melromarc in order to meet with the representatives of other lands in order to make plans for the waves, which likely would fail as pretty much everyone who would be at the table hated each other. But that was not her current issue, no. It was the fact that there were no one that could take charge of Melromarc in her absence. If Aultcray had been still alive, she could have left him in charge with some worries but he was dead. Meaning that there were none she could lave the country to.

Sure she could put Malty on the throne while she was away but the thought simply left an unpleasant feeling in her gut, like doing such a thing would be the worst mistake of her life. She couldn't leave Melty either, the blue haired princess was simply far too young; the nobles definitely would have started an attack on her youngest.

Maybe she could convince lord Seaetto to leave his lands for a while...

Before she could think any further on the issue, she felt a small prick on the side of her neck and immediately lost her balance as her hand went to her neck. Before the darkness fully claimed her, the last thing she saw was a steel boot and the her last thought was where her shadows were.


With a groan, Mirellia opened her eyes with a splitting headache. She felt almost as bad as the morning after the celebration of the end of the war between Melromarc and Siltvelt years ago. Which was rather impressive as she had consumed enough alcohol to affect a dragon that day.

Her drowsiness was immediately gone as she realized that she couldn't move her arms, or her legs. She was tied up, to a chair in the middle of a room; one that looked like one of the many unused rooms in her castle.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." A voice came from behind her as a pair of hands placed themselves on her shoulders, a voice she knew very well.

"Malty..." She trailed off, not understanding what was happening.

"Yes, yes it is me." Her eldest daughter said with a laugh as she walked around her and then crouched down in order to look Mirellia in the eyes.

"I do hope that this is to your liking, dear mother, as you will be staying here for a long time." The redheaded princess said with a smile that felt almost evil to the queen.

"Malty what is the meaning of..." Mirellia tried to ask but before she could fully speak, her mouth was invaded by her daughter's tongue; making her eyes widen.

She tried to squirm away but the ropes binding her to the chair held strong and she could feel herself get hotter by second. This was wrong, very wrong, but the longer her daughter continued to kiss her the more Mirellia was feeling a pleasure she hadn't felt since before Melty's birth.

Finally, much to Mirellia's horrified disappointment, Malty ended the kiss and leaned away; but Mirellia found that she still could not speak. There was something covering her mouth, something that felt close to flesh but somewhat... fake, if that was the right word.

"There, that should keep you properly quiet while I explain to you what's happening." The redheaded princess said with a smile.

"Right now you are in one of the unused rooms in the castle, a room that I have sealed and hidden using magic. You won't be getting out anytime soon." At those words Mirellia's consciousness properly came back to it's place and Melromarc's queen tried to focus on her mana in order to turn her immediate surroundings into a tundra, but nothing happened.

"Oh yeah, your magic is sealed off too. I have been preparing for this moment for quite some time after all. It wouldn't do well if this climax after years of work was ruined by something as simple as you using magic." Mirellia glared at her daughter but there was a hint of confusion in her eyes, what did Malty mean by years of work?

"Come now, haven't you ever found it weird? How everyone around us thought that I was a perfect princess and a capable heir to the throne except for you. I know for a fact even Eclair's father has more than once spoken favorably of me but you still felt suspicious of me. Did you really think that you were simply smarter than everyone around us?" Malty asked mockingly and Mirellia could feel a pit of dread forming inside her.

"Even little Melty, whom you have warned several times about me sees me in a very nice light. She thinks that your warnings were because you were afraid that I would react poorly after you made her your heir but even those worries of her's have turned into guilt after I kept being a nice big sister to her." The redhead said with a smile and then placed her hand on Mirellia's cheek.

"But now that the waves are here, I can't really afford to play my game so leisurely anymore. It is about time to make my own move since you won't be around." Malty said as her smile took a more sinister edge to it.

"Oh and if you are expecting help from your shadows, don't bother. They are all under an illusion. I should thank you, I wouldn't have been able to find all of them if it wasn't the shadow you had assigned to watch me years ago; dear Charla had been very helpful these last years." Malty continued as panic started to take ahold of Mirellia, this could not be happening. There was no way Malty had been outmaneuvering her all these years, and even if she did...

"From that look in your eyes I'm guessing you are thinking something along the lines of how I can't keep you here as people would notice, especially since there is that conference about the waves with the other countries soon. Let's nip that shall we, Mikoto." Malty called out with a clap of her hands and a woman with ebony hair appeared out of nowhere.

"Dear mother, this is Mikoto; and she has a very special trick she wishes to show you!" Malty said with a cheer as the newly names Mikoto nodded with a smile and clapped her hands together, then a puff of white smoke covered her and when the smokes dispersed; in Mikoto's place an exact copy of Mirellia was standing!

"I believe she is quite impressed, don't you think so Malty?" Even her voice and her mannerisms were a perfect copy of her's.

"Yes, but it is about time we left her with her amazement and make our preparations." Malty said with a smile before clapping her hands twice and two women in cloaks wearing skull shaped masks stepped out of the shadows and walked to Mirellia's sides.

"Now then, please do take my mother to her... rehabilitation room. She will need a lot of time there." Malty said with a laugh as the cloaked women grabbed the sides of her chair, picked it up and started to walk away from Malty; all the while Mirellia trashed in her binding in some vain effort to escape from this madness while Malty simply gave her a wave.



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