
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs

Ghost King-3

"Was it really a good idea to deal with her like that?" Ivy asked as I sat down beside her, Nfirea and his grandmother standing by the door with blank looks in their eyes. They had been captured by Ivy while I was going after the dear princess.

"Probably not. But one can't make only smart choices all the time." I said with a shrug. What I had done wasn't unlike a student watching a show even while knowing that they had an exam tomorrow. A rather unsmart decision made for pleasure rather than smarts.

"All work and no play makes Nico a dull boy huh?" Ivy said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as he put her hand on her hip. It was rather impressive how seductive she was while she wasn't trying to be seductive.

"But that is same for me too you know." She said with a smile that did not reach her eyes.


"Please, I want to have Harley with me. You made an illogical decision, why can't I?" She asked with a pout, trying to appear as cute as she could in order to make my defenses crumble. Luckily, I was strong.

"I think this world is a bit too dangerous for Harley at the moment." I shook my head.

"Then give her something to become strong. We should have enough credits for her and a template."

"We do." I admitted. Simply capturing Renner, Nfirea and his grandma normally wouldn't get them much credits. But when you added the discounts on the defenses I possessed due to having them with me, instead of just twelve credits; I had gotten thirty two, making our current budget forty two! Plus the fact that Harley's own discounts meant that I could technically buy her for free. The problem was...

"The templates take time and training for its owner to become strong if they don't have a certain affinity with each other." I shook my head. That was the reason I had gotten a Hades template for myself and a Swamp Thing for Ivy, our own affinities made the templates make us stronger without much effort.

"Even for a seventh tier like you, strong enough to be a god to the locals of this world, I spent eighty five credits to make you stronger. Whoever we buy now needs to be strong even in a fantasy setting before we starting powering them up." I said with a tone that would allow no arguments. It might not be what Ivy wanted to hear, but it was what she needed to hear.

"...who are you gonna summon then?" She asked with a sigh. Seeing that our argument was over, for now, I took out my company device and showed who I wanted to her.

"Seriously? She is only fifth tier, I thought you were gonna wait until getting more credits or something."

"She is a fifth tier with extremely useful abilities and comes with a discount to my defenses enough to cover her whole cost. Meaning I can give her a template and an elemental cloak if we capture another third tier." I countered with a smug smile.

"Can't we just sell the boy then?" Ivy asked with a raised eyebrow as she pointed at Nfirea with her thumb, his eyes still as dull as the eyes of a fish.

"No can do, if I sell him then I lose the discount I have for him. And the discount gets us more points than selling him." I shook my head. If it wasn't for that, I may have gotten rid of him and his grannie; but they were more useful like this. As simple familiars.

"Sheesh, that is just sad." She shook her head in disappointment at Nfirea and his grannie's low selling profit.

"What will we do now?" She asked.

"You will be staying with Nfirea and wait until Momonga comes to the town in his adventurer persona Momon. Then you will hire him and his party to go to Carne village. I want you to stay near them and capture Clementine when she tries to kill them." I said and Ivy nodded.

"Should I try to capture the bone daddy as well?" She asked with a smirk.

"First of all, don't call him that. Second, no. Momonga is an eighth tier and Narberal is sixth tier, you can't capture them without getting found out." I shook my head.

"And you will be?"

"I'll go after Shalltear. If I can time it right, I can get her without any conflict." I said.

"They should be at the moment..." I said as I opened the target tracker and made it ignore anyone in the world who wasn't at least a seventh tier. She should be right around...

...wait a moment. Was it just me or was there a few more targets than I remembered there being in this world. There shouldn't be this many who are seventh tier or higher in this world. Hell, the highest of the natives who weren't dragon lords or with player blood was only sixth tier.

A few of the targets I didn't know of were the true dragon lords that I hadn't gotten to see in the actual novels. Which made sense as these unknown guys had supposedly killed players who even had World class items with them. There were five of them on the map excluding the Platinum Dragon Lord, each of them an eighth tier. But they weren't the only ones. Then I realized what was happening.

Universal Calibration. I really shouldn't have bought that.

"Ivy, there will be some small changes in the plan. I need you to be extra careful while away from me." I said with a sigh, no use crying over spilled milk. I should just use this as a chance for further points. I should think like that but...

Momonga(T8)(F), Bukubuku Chagama(T8)(F), Peroroncino(T8)(F), Yamaiko(T8)(F).

...it was kind of hard to do that while Nazarick had four players on their side instead of just one!