
Snake's Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare

Meet Sam—a socially awkward, noodle-obsessed NEET who never expected his greatest achievement to be... getting flattened by two trucks at once. But hey, if you're going to die, might as well go out in style, right? Instead of moving on to the afterlife, Sam finds himself reincarnated in a magical world. The catch? He’s not a hero, not a wizard, and certainly not some mighty warrior. Nope, he's a snake. A tiny, scaly, noodle of a snake with zero chill, a sarcastic attitude, and a hunger for survival. Armed with a status window, some basic skills, and an unnatural obsession with eating other monsters to gain their powers, Sam’s got one goal: to become the ultimate predator. Along the way, he’ll unlock new abilities, devour anything that crosses his path (seriously, no one's safe), and evolve into increasingly deadly—and ridiculous—forms. But it’s not all fun and slithers. Between dodging overzealous adventurers, evading ridiculously powerful monsters, and navigating ancient ruins with world-altering secrets, Sam’s got his hands—er, fangs—full. It’s survival of the sneakiest as Sam tries to climb his way up the food chain, one bite at a time. Can this former NEET-turned-snake survive the wilds, outsmart his enemies, and become the nightmare every adventurer fears? Find out in "Snake’s Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare"—a tale of deadly evolution, sarcastic humor, and one very persistent predator!

Fourleaf_Clover_ · Fantasia
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49 Chs

Chapter 41: Into the Wilds

(Lina's POV)

We stood outside the guild, the air filled with anticipation. I gripped my bow tightly, my nerves gnawing at me as I watched adventurers gather around. This was it. The moment we'd been preparing for. The mutant hunt.

Leon, Derrick, Marie, and I were among the F-rankers—logistics, really. But today, we weren't just fighting low-level monsters. We were tagging along on a raid with real adventurers—a team of E-rankers and a D-rank leader who had seen more battles than we could imagine.

I could hear Marie whispering excitedly to Derrick about the possibilities. Leon, of course, was in his element, grinning like this was a walk in the park.

And then they arrived.

(Third POV)

Harlan, the D-rank leader, was the first to step forward. He was built like a mountain, his armor worn but sturdy, and his face bore the hardened expression of someone who'd spent years on the battlefield. He didn't say much, but his presence alone was enough to silence any chatter.

Behind him was the E-rank party—a group of four, each of them distinct in their own way. The first one to catch our attention was a tall man with messy brown hair and a perpetual smirk on his face.

"Well, well, looks like we've got the kids with us today," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm as he glanced at us. "Try not to slow us down too much, alright?"

Leon didn't miss a beat. "Don't worry, we'll keep up."

"Let's hope so." The sarcastic man chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Sienna, the mage from their party, rolled her eyes at him and then looked at us with an apologetic smile. "Don't mind Garret. He likes to think he's funny."

Garret winked. "I am funny. Just because you're all serious, Sienna, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be."

Sienna sighed, clearly used to his antics, and adjusted her staff. She was tall, with long silver hair tied in a neat braid, and a serious demeanor that contrasted sharply with Garret's laid-back attitude. If Garret was the joker, Sienna was the one who kept him in check.

"Enough jokes, Garret," a calm voice interrupted. A woman stepped forward, her dark green cloak fluttering slightly in the breeze. She was taller than me, with a kind yet authoritative air about her. Her eyes scanned over us with a warmth that felt almost comforting. "We're all in this together. Let's make sure we do our part, alright?"

This was Alyssa, the party's healer and their unofficial "big sister." Her presence was a reassuring one, the type of person you knew would have your back, no matter how tough things got.

"Yes, ma'am," Garret muttered with a half-smile, giving her a mock salute.

The last member of the E-rank party was a swordsman who hadn't said a word yet. His short black hair and sharp eyes gave off an air of discipline. He stood quietly beside Harlan, inspecting his blade with a focused expression. This was Reed—the serious one. The kind of guy who didn't waste words or movements.

"Alright," Harlan's deep voice cut through the air, pulling everyone's attention back to him. "Let's get one thing straight before we head out. We're here to take down a mutant, and I don't need anyone stepping out of line or trying to play hero."

He shot a pointed look at Garret, who responded with a shrug and a cheeky grin.

Harlan continued, "E-rank party, you'll be in the front. F-rankers, stay behind and provide support. Your job is to handle logistics and make sure we're not caught off guard. No one, and I mean no one, engages with the mutant until I give the order. Understood?"

We all nodded, though the weight of the task ahead settled on my shoulders like a boulder. Even Leon, who usually acted like nothing fazed him, was uncharacteristically quiet.

(Leon's POV)

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but there was no way I was going to show it. We were finally here, standing with adventurers who actually knew what they were doing. This was our shot to prove we belonged in the ranks of real adventurers.

Garret, the sarcastic one, gave me a knowing look as if he could sense my excitement beneath the surface. "Nervous?" he asked, his grin never fading.

"Not even a little," I lied.

"Good." He stretched his arms above his head, yawning lazily. "Because once we're out there, it's going to get real. And fast."

Harlan motioned for us to gather around, pulling out a rough map of the forest. He pointed to a spot deep within the outer section of the Duskwind Forest.

"We'll be heading towards this location," Harlan said. "The mutant's been spotted here, near a cave system by the eastern ridge. E-rankers take the lead, I'll be right behind, and F-rankers—you know your role."

"Logistics," Derrick muttered under his breath, glancing at his shield. "At least I won't be the one taking hits this time."

Marie was practically bouncing on her feet, barely able to contain her excitement. "This is going to be amazing! I've never seen a mutant up close before."

"Let's hope it stays that way," Lina murmured beside her.

(Lina's POV)

I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all too much for us. Sure, we had the E-rankers leading the way, but what if something went wrong? What if the mutant was stronger than we thought?

I glanced at Alyssa, the healer, who caught my eye and gave me a reassuring smile. It helped, but only a little.

"Let's move out," Harlan commanded.

The moment we started walking, the atmosphere shifted. It wasn't just another trip into the forest. This felt different—more dangerous. The trees seemed taller, the shadows darker, and the air thicker with tension.

As we marched toward the Duskwind Forest, I kept glancing at the E-rankers, watching the way they moved with ease and purpose. They were confident, sure of themselves. I just hoped that confidence was enough to get us through this.

(Third POV)

The group walked in formation, the E-rankers leading with Harlan overseeing, while the F-rankers trailed behind, keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of danger. The forest loomed ahead of them, its dark trees swaying in the wind as if welcoming them into its depths.

The mutant was out there, somewhere, waiting. And as the adventurers stepped into the forest, the real journey began.

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