
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

chapter 14 Decision

A few days passed and normality returned, people went back to their jobs, or obligations, the markets opened again, strangely many of the supplies had disappeared, forcing the sellers to renew their stocks, children went back to playing in the parks, more than once a while you could see their faces looking aimlessly, as if they missed something.

Even though the memories were erased, there were still traces, of their dear ones, deeply rooted in their hearts.

At the orphanage Vincent missed Rose, she is in a coma at the Magic Hospital, and of course he sent a spy in illusory form to accompany her to her bed.

With the help of the Grimoire it was easy to find her location, being connected to the soul, he could feel her somehow, the rest was simple.

His mind wandered through these days, When everything passed he could calmly understand the whole situation, sadness, and a little guilt.

He had somehow connected the dots, an attack of this scale on the city five days after the ritual, even if he doesn't know exactly how, it got on the wizarding world's radar.

The location of his RItual was nearly 50 miles away, in his mind it should have been a relatively safe distance, but after what happened he wasn't sure.

But on the other hand the attacks were generalized, they didn't seem to be looking for something specific, which made him think that they weren't looking for him specifically, But Rose exuded Demonic Energy in combat, he wouldn't be naive, not to think that the Death Eaters didn't I would look for her at St. Mungo.

A sense of urgency in his heart, he should go to the magical world.

Seeing firsthand the cruelty of wizards, made something change inside him, he didn't know exactly what it was, but he felt an anxiety, he had to build a place for himself, in the beginning he just wanted to grow slowly and slowly build his place in this world, but everything that happened made him change his mind.

Compared to those men he felt weak.

The cruel truth of this world convinced him that he would have no peace, no time to slowly grow up.

The situation demanded urgency.

But this time he would go prepared, he will use methods he didn't even think of using before, to get magical essences, Corrupt and devour souls.

Watching, the people in town, remembering people who were killed, and how their loved ones didn't even have the opportunity to say goodbye to them, reminded him of the evil of the people heart, he wasn't in a children's story about magic, he was in a world in war.

His mind wandered in scenarios and hypothetical scenarios, not very encouraging.

If they somehow captured him, he would become a lab rat with no rights in the wizarding world, or live isolated like magical creatures like Werewolves, vampires and Giants, or even worse.

Did he seriously think what kind of life he would live, would he succeed with his previous criteria?

Get a good job, maybe be a billionaire, academic successes that would give you a reputation as a genius, create technologies that would revolutionize the world, marry a beautiful equally talented wife, raise a family, and have time to enjoy with your friends maybe a football, at the end of the week ending in a pint night at the pub.

But those things that would surely make him, or any ordinary man happy in his past life seemed so shallow now.

Such a purposeless life would obviously be a waste of the gifts he obtained.

And of course he could choose to live on the run and hide his powers by fitting into the ordinary world like a coward.

It would be a pathetic life, maybe even more pathetic than his previous life, the thought of going down that kind of path left a bad taste in his mouth, he no longer wants to be a mere cog in society, he knew he could have more, and he wanted most.

He was never a proud person, maybe he even was, plus the hard life in college, lowered his ball, sometimes he felt like the unlucky person, wronged, and poor thing in the world.

Obviously lies, to justify his laziness, never really trying, and accepting the worst possible outcome.

Losing without even playing.

But everything has changed now, he needs to figure out exactly what he's going to do, but to begin with, he would dedicate himself to protecting Rose, for that he had to get stronger, as quickly as possible, even if he had to break some codes of his morals, already questionable.

But now Vincent had priorities, a large bottle was gently brought to him at lunchtime.

After all, there is no better way to create cruel plans to steal and corrupt souls than after a good bottle of milk.

The lady who brought the milk enjoyed the cuteness suckling, not even knowing the child's dark thoughts.


Crewbury Prison

Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, Vincent invades the prison's administrative center, and of course he used a discreet illusory form, a mouse.

The animal deftly broke into the police station, with description, it was a very interesting experience to see things from the perspective of animals, and had a lot of potential to gather information, his mind vague ideas of a network of spies illusory, around the world, of course something on that scale would be impossible for his current self, both in brain processing power and Demonic essences.

But it would be an indispensable tool in the near future.

His purpose are prison records, his sense of morals even if somewhat distorted, did not allow him to carry out his plans with innocent people.

The interesting thing is that this was one of the few places that was not invaded and attacked, some tried to escape during the mess but were frustrated, killed by death eaters, only those who stayed survived.

England's prison laws have a long history, before it was called bloody justice.

Almost all crimes were sentenced to death, or if you were lucky, you would be sent to one of the colonies around the world, there were cases of teenage pickpockets, who were executed without mercy.

After the ban on executions, there was still life sentence as the harshest punishments, but in general, there were always cases of people who deserved death, but because of the current soft law they were not punished severely, living long and comfortable lives in the prison, in some cases criminal gang leaders, lived a life of luxury while controlling their criminal empires from within the prison.

Vincent looked for true scoundrels, people society would be better off without.

It didn't take long for names to catch his attention, especially that of a young man, convicted of a barbaric crime.

Alex Turnbull

Age - 19

Height - 5' 7"

Weight - 124.1 pounds

Blood type- A+

Occupation - Teacher assistant

Fixed prison - 7456 G1

Crime - Subject, used his privileged position to entice girls, and sell them as slaves, Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, murder, rape.

So young but already with such an extensive criminal record, Vincent thought, he wouldn't feel remorse or guilt for someone like him.

After obtaining the important data of its location, the little mouse sneaked towards the cells.

The building was aged, the cells were paired, the internal space was 4 square meters, only a bed, a sink, and a toilet, the inmates, were sleeping, well not all, at night and just an incentive for these animals, break free.

The mouse would sneak away when he saw all kinds of barbarism, murders, abuses, intimidation, he even witnessed a "Suicide".

The Fates assisted him as they strangled him to death with their sheet. Someone probably paid for him to commit suicide in jail.

Observing this place without order, it only made his heart harden.

Alex, he was in the noble wing of the prison, probably his gang has a lot of power in here, he even has the right to an individual cell, and a battery-powered radio, which played classical music, and that's how they do justice to the victims, the guy you get free food, clean clothes, a warm bed, while men and women who have never done anything live on the streets, in much worse conditions.

The mouse looks at the man, he has accomplished his mission, he has the exact location, after waiting just a little while, the mouse dissipates, as if it had never existed, leaving no trace.

Vincent who is still in his cradle, falls into a deep sleep, entering his spectral form of black smoke, he flew towards that prison.

In the corridor that some lights were still on, they began to fail, leaving the scene frightening, for the most gullible, As he approached Alex's cell even more, the radio started to make static noises, changing the beautiful music, for frightened sounds.

Standing over the young man, Vincent began a ritual, he didn't invade his victim like the others, he started sending demonic energy, into the young man's body, his soul was already well fragmented, but about the stress of the demonic energy, the process intensified, further fragmenting his soul.

The human soul is very peculiar, committing crimes, mainly murders, part of it, deteriorates, and slowly fragments, the deeper you go into this path the worse the state.

To devour his soul he must corrupt Alex's soul to the point of no return.

"Appear Grimoire" he conjures the grimoire.

[Sinner, I see that you have finally made your decision, know that this path has no return]

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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