

Madeline, a seventeen years old girl who lived happily with her family in a secluded part of decresh kingdom. Until that night that unfortunate night that changed her entire life as vampires had attacked their kingdom, that night she lost her father, she and sister were enslaved, her mother became a cook to those evil night creatures, and her brother was forced to become a servant boy. And the worst part of the entire situation was that Madeline and her sister Kathrine were not just slaves to anyone but slaves to cruelest vampire ever known in the world of vampires, The Vampire Lord. After becoming a slave to the vampire Lord her entire life turned upside down as the Lord's favorite 'mistress' made life difficult for Madeline as she was jealous of Madeline beauty and felt she was a threat to her position and decided to eliminate Madeline before she regrets it later. Oops that wasn't the worst part at all as Madeline later found out that she was not just the Lord's slave but his mate!, his mate! I mean she was human how could she become a mate to the strongest Vampire Lord ever known. I mean in a world where the stronger your mate the stronger you become as your mate was the key to your inner strength and she a weak human actually became the mate to the strongest Vampire Lord that ever lived. Does that mean the Lord would never unlock his strength? How could the Lord accept this?. How could Madeline accept this?. How Madeline's jealous sister and the Lord's favorite 'Mistress' accept such a thing?.

Reuben_Nengiyefa · História
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


In the conviction room

"How could you say Lady Diana is not qualified to become the Lady of this palace, she is cultured, intelligent and beautiful how could she be unqualified to be the Lady of this palace" a male vampire who was slightly younger than the rest said.

"You dare say Diana is qualified to be the Lady of our great kingdom of Vamera, infact she was not even qualified to be the Lord's mistress talk less his Lady, that will never happen as far as I am alive" a very stern looking vampires with darker eyes said with a deep frown on his face. How could he let such a thing happen, he especially knew how evil and conniving that Diana was and he was sure the Lord also knew about her evil ways so why did he still make her his Mistresses.

No this scheming woman must have done something, he needed to stop her before she became too powerful that he could no longer stop her, she had already deceive the other ministers but was not able to deceive him so she went as far as directly trying to seduce him. but she failed and since then they had been silent enemies.

"How dare you call Lady Diana by her name without respect, you may dislike her but she's still the Lord's only mistress and may be the future Lady of Vamera and you dare to call her by her name, you really have some guts to do that" the later vampire said.

"Future Lady and the Lord's Mistresses, you must be joking, how are we even sure she is the Lord's mistress" another vampire said.

"Yes, you are right, the Lord never agreed to her being his mistress so how do you expect us to believe the one sided story of a slave" another vampire said.

They were more people leaning to side against Diana but the majority of people were still on Diana side so no matter how strong the people against Diana were they were still outnumbered so the argument was very intense, that was the scene the Lord and Damian met after arriving at the conviction hall, the argument was getting more intense and violent.

"That's enough" the Lord said as he walked into the room with Damian walking behind, everyone in the room stood up and bowed at the appearence of the Lord as they waited for him to seat before seating down.

"My Lord..." a male vampire was cut off by Lord by a wave of his hand before he could say anything "I don't think I gave you the right to speak now did I" the Lord said with his head slightly tilted to the corner as he used his corner eye to look at the male vampire.

"Now can we get to the purpose of the meeting" the Lord said as he rested his head on his hand that was on his arm rest in a lazy.

All the ministers met eyes with each other not sure what to say, "My Lord, we want you to answer our question first, is they anything going on between you and Lady Diana" one of the ministers summoned courage and asked.

"I thought I remembered telling you to go straight to the agenda of the meeting so why are you still talking about Diana" the Lord said with his eyes closed and a frown on his face.

"My Lord that is the agenda of the meeting" another ministers said in a somewhat scared voice.

The Lord's closed eyes immediately shot open after hearing the word agenda of the meeting, what! he lost his voice fairy because of a nobody like Diana.

A low chuckle was heard coming from the Lord "you still love to joke around at your age don't you" the Lord said with a dangerous glint in his eyes, he was going to kill if they didn't bring his voice fairy to him now.

"I lost a beauty because of you, do you know that" the Lord said with a smile still on his face.

Immediately those words left the Lord's lip every single person in the room became pale, who didn't know how much the Lord valued his prey, the Lord unlike normal vampires didn't have a mate so whenever his inner demon became tasty for a particular person they had to satisfy its need before it loses his control completely and goes on a rampage and kill every single person in this kingdom and it's was not a lie the Lord could kill everyone in this kingdom even though they fought him with a combined force.

My Lord please calm down and describe this your prey" Damian as he was closest to the Lord and knew how hungry the Lord's inner demon was cause he had not been hungry for more than ten years now so if he were to go on a rampage he would completely destroy this kingdom until he finds her his prey.

The Lord just gave a single look at Damian and he seems to have understood.

"You didn't see her" Damian asked.

"No I didn't"

"I heard her voice" the Lord said.

"Find her" the Lord continued.

With only her voice? and they didn't even hear her. How?.