

Madeline, a seventeen years old girl who lived happily with her family in a secluded part of decresh kingdom. Until that night that unfortunate night that changed her entire life as vampires had attacked their kingdom, that night she lost her father, she and sister were enslaved, her mother became a cook to those evil night creatures, and her brother was forced to become a servant boy. And the worst part of the entire situation was that Madeline and her sister Kathrine were not just slaves to anyone but slaves to cruelest vampire ever known in the world of vampires, The Vampire Lord. After becoming a slave to the vampire Lord her entire life turned upside down as the Lord's favorite 'mistress' made life difficult for Madeline as she was jealous of Madeline beauty and felt she was a threat to her position and decided to eliminate Madeline before she regrets it later. Oops that wasn't the worst part at all as Madeline later found out that she was not just the Lord's slave but his mate!, his mate! I mean she was human how could she become a mate to the strongest Vampire Lord ever known. I mean in a world where the stronger your mate the stronger you become as your mate was the key to your inner strength and she a weak human actually became the mate to the strongest Vampire Lord that ever lived. Does that mean the Lord would never unlock his strength? How could the Lord accept this?. How could Madeline accept this?. How Madeline's jealous sister and the Lord's favorite 'Mistress' accept such a thing?.

Reuben_Nengiyefa · History
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14 Chs


The palace of Vamera had never been so busy, everyone was working busily on their assigned tasks, the maids and servant were decorating the palace for the Lord's Victory Celebration that was held whenever the Lord conquered any kingdom or whenever their kingdom signed treaties with other kingdoms.

While the ministers were busily looking for the girl with that magical voice that could awaken the Lord's sleeping inner demon, the demon that can only be awakens by it's owners mate, does that mean the girl was the Lord's mate, but that was not possible because the girl was human, how could a human be a vampire's mate, it was not possible and had never happened before so why did it happen now and to a person that was not meant to have a mate.

But from the looks of it appeared a human was the Lord's mate does that mean the Lord inner demon would be very weak, does it mean they would have a change of Lords again because it was a must that every Lord that ever ruled must have the strongest inner demon or that Lord would not be qualified for that position but the Lord was an exception because even without his mate and inner demon he was already the strongest vampire among all seven kingdoms but now that he now had a weak mate that made his inner demon weak would his outer strength matter anymore because for vampires the inner strength was everything unlike humans that focus mainly on the outer strength.

No they were probably just over thinking, they was no way a human could be the mate to a vampire and not just any Vampire but a vampire Lord, maybe it was just a coincidence that the Lord inner demon woke up the same time the Lord became attracted to that girl, yes it had to be a coincidence they thought but they still had to find the girl no matter what.

While far away at the Western part of the palace at the slaves quarters, all the slaves gathered at the slave hall ones again to be told their assigned work, it was finally time for the Lord's slave to start doing what they were brought in here for they had been slacking for too long because of the Lord's absence but now that he was back they could now begin doing their duty as his slaves.

"Without wasting any more time, we should begin, First of all, I'm holding this meeting mostly for the new slaves brought here from kingdom of decresh and Marha, you are new here and don't know how we do things here so I would tell you all you need to know today" Madan Becky said as she scanned the faces of every single person in the room.

"I would have told you earlier but the Lord's abrupt appearance disrupted me so I had to go welcome him but since he has been taken care off I will now Immediately move to the agenda of the meeting. Now..." Madan Becky began her meeting, she instructed them onbwhat they must and must not do and the proper way to behave in the palace.

After the long talk, she paused and continued "well if you must know everything I just said is to the Lord's slaves not his personal slave, the Lord's personal slaves are more like his Mistresses, you are only meant to serve the Lord's on his bed and not to work for him like the others do, you must know that you are not the Lord's mistress but his personal slave the Lord doesn't have Mistresses, except for Lady Diana the rest of you must simply serve him on his bed and nothing else, do you understand" Madan Becky said in a stern and warning voice warning them not to try anything like trying to gain the Lord's favor because she knew deep in her heart that the Lord didn't accept Diana as mistress and was treating her differently maybe she was good in that aspect or maybe he liked the taste of her blood not that he wanted her to be his mistress and she was sure Diana also knew about it they were just fooling themselves, but she couldn't help it she wanted Diana to become the Lord's wife not only his mistress, she wanted the Lord to marry a woman that she trusted and knew very well and a woman that truly loved him and not just any woman that just wanted his money or for his power, she knew the Lord very well and knew that what he needed in his life now was love and care not a woman that just wanted to be the queen and didn't even love him and she felt Lady Diana was the perfect woman for that so she had been supporting Diana and her lies even though she knew that the Lord would be angry if he found out she still felt she was right and she knew best after all she had watched him grow up so how could she not have that motherly control over the Lord.

"Yes Madam Becky" the slaves said which distracted her from her thoughts and brought her back to the reality.

"Good" she said with a satisfied smile on her face but no matter what she still had that authoritative aura around her telling people she was higher than them.

"So another agenda for this meeting is the party we would be holding tonight for the Lord, be warned only the Lord's personal slaves are allowed to attend the evening party, while the rest of you will be at the glass terrace house that is meant for the Lord's slaves" Madam Becky said as she turned to look at the people standing beside her using her eyes to tell them she was done with her speech when she sunddenly stopped and turned back to face the crowd with a convicted expression not if she should talk or not.

"Don't worry I will give you the good news after the Lord's party so just wait" she said with a creepy smile that made everyone in the room including Lady Diana to shudder.

Thanks for reading up to this point I'm really grateful to all my wonderful and committed readers and please don't forget don't forget to comment. Love u all

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