
5. Clever Moov!

In order to get the help from uncle and aunt Woo was standing just outside their room but when she was about to reach to the door, the scary laugh came on her ears. Also some unfamiliar voices were heard that made her confused. Her mind intuted her about the danger. "Stop Woo, wait for a moment" She instructed herself! She stood over there and tried to guess what may be happening inside the room. And the words came on her ears that blowed her senses, the words were, "Go and get the spirit of that unborn babies of Woo and Yu Han imprisoned, Those spirits are the only thing which is most powerful and that is the one which can help us to Entity on the whole world. Ha ha ha...

Again the scary laugh, she got frightened, her hands began to shake and in the haggle her hand bumped on the show piece on the table that was kept outside uncle aunt's room and it fell to the ground with a large sound. That was enough to made uncle and aunt alert about the presence of someone outside the room. Without wasting a moment she just ran away from that place. Luckily she succeded to hide from uncle and aunt, that now she knew their wicked side.

It was 8 at the night, all family members, that was Woo, uncle and aunt gathered on the dinning table for the dinner. Woo hasn't feeling hungry. How could she be? She was still in the shock to see the demon side of the closest family member. But she went for dinner because she didn't want to do any suspicious thing to get in the eye of uncle and aunt.

She tried to eat, but the food was not going down, through her throat due to fear and panic. She left that food as it is, saying, "Aunt, today I am just feeling uneasy, I will just take juice. She picked up the glass of juice and started to walk towards her room without seeing their reactions.

While walking till she reached to her room, she was having an uneasy feeling likewise their cunning eyes were following her.

As soon as she reached inside the room, she shut the door and took a sigh of relief. Her eyes filled with tears, "Where are you Han? " She was missing Yu Han badly.

"I never ever thought that the danger is here in my house only, in the form of uncle and aunt. May be this was the thing for which The Water God

have warned me." "Oh God! please help me to save my unborn children! "

" No Woo, no one is going to come to help you. You have to make yourself so strong that no evil powers can able to snatch your unborn babies from you. "She instructed herself.

She kept the glass of juice aside and started thinking over the situation that she have to handle. After thinking a lot she made a plan to ran away from the house in the midddle of the dark night.

So she pretended to sleep on her bed and decided to wait till uncle and aunt go into a deep sleep.

Meanwhlie uncle and aunt peeped into her room in order to keep an eye upon her. They saw her sleeping on her bed. They felt that she had gone a sleep. Looking at her direction they whispered something to each other. Then they went from there.

The night was on, it should be middle of the night. As she decided she woke up, and with a feather like footsteps she walked through the room. She picked up a hand bag in which she carried some basic things to survive, and she stepped out of the room. With the intention of assessing the situation she saw here and there.

Oh no! she glanced Uncle over there, sitting near the main hall entrance.

Now she was about to lose her courage, thinking that it was nearly impossible to cross the main door which was guarded by uncle. For a while she stood there only, suddenly she remembered the words of Water God. She just recalled him and prayed to him for the success in whatever she is doing for safety of her unborn babies.

After that she just kept on walking straight without seeing here and there without caring for anything.

Like a miracle she crossed the main door. May be uncle was in a sleepy, unconscious mind so he couldnt felt Woo mooving from the main door. Impossible had turned into possible! Now she was outside the house. Her eyes filled up with tears she remembered Yu Han. She remembered her first day whlie entering the palace. Her emotions was not controllable because from now onwards she was never going to come over here. That was her last day in the palace. But for her babies safety there was no other option left with her. She rememberd that scary laugh, "ha ha ha"

She gathered all her courage and without wasting a moment she started running away from her house. She started towards the forest, that was the safest place to get hide herself. That was the nearest way to reach to brother Lee, she was knowing that.

Indeed that was the darkest life on the earth and of her life too.


Will she be able to reach to her brother?

Do uncle and aunt get to know about Woo's ran away?

for answers keep reading...