
Sins Of Adoli

After the Earth was no longer habitable by humans, they departed for greener pastures amongst the stars. In the process many countries split up in their search. As luck or fate would have it, many countries found they had the same destination. The Solar System known as Margin 185.  Unwilling to share this confrontation led to what was known as the first War in the Stars. Afterward the many countries came to an agreement that they would split up the planets accordingly. Yet humans were not prepared for the horrors they would face. After the first settlers found their footing the flora and fauna of the planets they chose retaliated destroying their ships and culling their once thriving populations. On the Orin star, the humans faced what they called Orin's repulsion. Eventually, gaining a footing by learning to manipulate the powers of their new world. Even still the humans were limited in ability for generations and left to wonder if it be possible to ever rise again.

W_RDPM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2 - Crossroads: Beginning of the New Age

"If we were to put down our arms, what would change?" Hearing his response, Sasha couldn't help but laugh to herself. 'It is as the young prince said, none of these men really want to fight. Yet, duty binds you into doing strange things. I guess I can't end them today then.'

"As I am sure you know, your people did not want this war in the first place, and as the young prince was given this land instead of his older siblings there won't be any punishments. He is an understanding man and knows that this rebellion is simply you doing what you are supposed to do. He also commends your loyalty."

"He also disdains the reckless endangerment of mortals. For you to bring them onto the battlefield bothers him highly. For those who are not mutants, unfortunately you may no longer be soldiers. You will be given the job of policing civil disputes. As for your mutants they must all report to the capital in 3 days." The crowd of soldiers quickly fell into disarray. While some of the normal soldiers felt slighted, a majority of them felt relieved.

On a battlefield, war has developed to the point where normal men were simply there to make up the numbers. Though some who are exceptionally skilled can make a grand impact, most times it is not near enough to compete with the destruction a single mutant could cause. Yet, Marcus was still not convinced.

"Why must the mutants report to the capital?" As he spoke his remaining mutants quickly gathered nearest to him. Marcus himself couldn't help but imagine the possibilities. None that came to mind were any good to his health.

"Don't fret, child," Sasha said to the towering giant. "In 3 days, Prince Mecca will require each mutant to register their name and the nature of their abilities. Although you don't have to spell everything out, your birthname, nickname, elemental affinity, and one of your attacks must be listed."

"That doesn't seem too bad. Though it also doesn't seem to be something we need to be in the capital for, right?"

"Wrong, it has already been decreed, all mutants of Malfes must register 3 days after awakening or 2 months after birth. Those that do not shall be hunted by the Holy Blue Hoods of Le Soleil. As for the other reason for the summoning, there will be a tournament held by the prince. For those who wish to still have a military standing you must compete."

"Why not just let me keep my men?"

"Did you hear how foolish that sounded or are you just spewing nonsense? You will compete in teams of 5 for the tournament. Even after the tournament you may not form a group of over 20 soldiers." Seeing their fearsome giant admonished by such a little lady the other mutants couldn't help but snicker, until they remembered the sight of him getting stamped out of the sky.

"You have 3 days to report to the capital, do spread the word to any of the others you know. The Prince believes in Peace and strength and so shall be the theme of the new era of this great country."

Before Marcus could respond Sasha had already taken to the sky. As his eyes fell over the hill to where the boar rider stood, he saw nothing.

"Boss, are we really just giving up?" A mutant in red armor asked.

"Do you wish to fight the weird flying horse lady, Nox?" Silence. "Well, then listen up. For the mortals please go home and enjoy your time with your family. It has been over 5 thousand days since many of you have even seen your kids. Do not feel disheartened but rejoice in the newfound peace we have. Even if it were to only last a moment, that is a moment you have not enjoyed in quite a long time. You are dismissed." Hearing their commander speak, the normal men couldn't help but tear up a little. Although humans have already adapted to the flow of time on the Orin Star, 5 years here still means alot to a human's development as that is equivalent to 15 years on earth. For those with newborns they would go home to teenagers.

And so they departed to pack up and return home, for some tonight would be the day of true happiness for some it is one that would pain them for a long time to come.

"What about us boss?" A long legged dame dressed in purple armor and a retractable sword walked over.

"We must discuss how we will go about taking part in this tournament. There are 46 of us left. Although we must all report to the capital to register, it is not necessary to participate. Are there any who wish to abstain?"

"What if we don't want to register?"

"Nox don't be stupid, we all have heard of the explioits of the Holy Blue Hoods." The lady in purple added in disgust.

"You mean those stories we tell children, why should I fear ghosts?"

"Nox, you are a child, anyway you don't have a choice you are going with me. So are you Yoshi." The mutant in red reluctantly stood next to Marcus. Although Nox is known to be a troublemaker he knows better than to anger the mad behemoth too much. Yoshi the lady in purple soon followed suit.

"I have a few friends who would probably join us as well, as for the rest of you, quickly form squads and we prepare to enter the capital in the morning, unfortunately if you aren't able to form a team of 5 I am sure you will find a few people in the capital. If there is nothing else you are dismissed." Marcus then turned to head back to his tent followed by Nox and Yoshi, unsure of the days to come.


"Prince Mecca, the Primo has established control of the capital, what are we going to do now?" Sasha rode low to the ground enjoying the moonlights over the beautiful land of Malfes. The sands of Malfes have enjoyed constant strife since the country's inception. Who knows how many wars these lands have seen?

"We are going to settle down. Father wanted me to experience a quiet life. He says the reason Primo was so good at internal affairs was because at the time they lived in relative peace allowing him to grow up running through the towns causing mischief and becoming beloved in the eyes of the people."

"He was the life of whatever room he stepped in and considering his power of duplication it was all the rooms. Diplomacy and controlling the hearts of the people through their trust and genuine backing has been fathers goal since the beginning. Unfortunately, as we keep ending up back in the times of war it is hard for a warrior king to not have warrior children, though he would still like me to grow up similar to Princess Blaeset, as she was allowed more freedom in her teenage years she developed a community and built a city on her own through the love of the people." As he spoke, Mecca's face seemed to bounce back in forth in thought.

"Is that to say that Lady Lane was raised wrong? Or even Prince Krinis?" Sasha couldn't help but wonder what was really going on in the royal court, but then she got tired and decided to just let the prince speak.

"It's not that they were raised wrong but as you know, both of them were born in times of war and were groomed for battle. Lane no longer leaves her city as she never really developed any relationships outside of the family. Even for Krinis, if it wasn't for commanding our largest army he wouldn't have too many friends either."

"So are we going to be beauracrats?"


"So are we going to war?"


"Then what was the point of explaining if we aren't going to do anything?"

"I don't really know what to do, nor do I think I need to." Although Sasha wanted to contest she couldn't help but remember his age. In true Horizon family form he was already on the battlefield as a teen. "When we get back we will go forward with the plans we have established. You will be in charge of the Mercenary program and I will run my store."

"Yes, Milord."


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