
Sins Of Adoli

After the Earth was no longer habitable by humans, they departed for greener pastures amongst the stars. In the process many countries split up in their search. As luck or fate would have it, many countries found they had the same destination. The Solar System known as Margin 185.  Unwilling to share this confrontation led to what was known as the first War in the Stars. Afterward the many countries came to an agreement that they would split up the planets accordingly. Yet humans were not prepared for the horrors they would face. After the first settlers found their footing the flora and fauna of the planets they chose retaliated destroying their ships and culling their once thriving populations. On the Orin star, the humans faced what they called Orin's repulsion. Eventually, gaining a footing by learning to manipulate the powers of their new world. Even still the humans were limited in ability for generations and left to wonder if it be possible to ever rise again.

W_RDPM · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 - The Saints

Orcton, Malfes

865 A.L.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Saint, Saint! Wake up." A chubby teen still in his boxers and hair rollers banged at the door of a quaint 1 story building.

"Who the hell is banging on my door? Darryl Maxxim what in the actual f-- whoo calm down. What the hell are you doing banging on my door?" A menacing shirtless darkskin 8 foot tall man swung open the door with lightning and fire spewing from his orifices.

"Sorry, Mr. Saint, I didn't know you were still home at this time. I just wanted to see if little Saint was here?" Darryl asked meakly.

"For what reason?" Although, his temper calmed the lightning and fire slowly dripped to his sides as if there was no escaping the incoming lashing.

"Sir, the Blood knights have returned and brought Prince Meccas decree with them. The rebels across the land have all surrendered. No more mortals are allowed to fight in the army and the prince is holding a tournament amongst mutants in the capital. The winners will be the only fighting forces in the country."

"So they finally put down their swords, eh? Why have you come for my son?" A soft hand rested on the back of Mr. Saint as his wife slowly appeared from the shadows.

"Well, the Brunish girl and the young master of the Torence family wishes to form a team to go compete in the capital."

"Fine, I trust the Torence family will fill his coffers enough, what do you say Missi?"

"They better be, they have been trying to recruit him for a while, though I am sure he wouldn't miss the chance to be with the Brunish girl. You should ask your friends in the capital to arrange for him. It's time for him to spread his wings regardless." After the wife gave her approval they both stared daggers at the chubbiness cowardly standing in front of them.

"Don't worry, although I don't have many physical gifts I have been invited to join the team for my mental acumen, and I will personally ensure Saint is well taken care of."

"More like he'd be there keeping you safe."

"Calm down Senior, Saint does struggle a bit on the bureaucratic side of things. I am sure Darryl wouldn't dare allow him to be taken advantage of." Missi said while patting Darryl's head menacingly.

"Speaking of, if the Blood Knights are here Marcus should be here as well. I will go speak to him. You can go wake Saint up Darryl. We'll be at the Blood Knight encampment." With that last note, Mr. Saint, and Missi both disappeared from the spot.

"Scary, too scary." Darryl took his handkerchief out and wiped his forehead before stepping into the house and closing the door behind him. "Who let those monsters stay here?" After walking through the front rooms he finally came across the room of his best friend.

As he opened the door he was amazed at what he saw.

"Fire, Fire!" Everything in the room was on fire.

"Hmm, fire? Ah, crap. Not again." Before the flames could spread further a young man similar in visage to Mr. Saint leaped from his bed and immediately began to swallow the flames as quickly as possible.

"Oh hey Darryl, how are you doing today?" Grabbing and consuming the last few smoldering embers of what appeared to be a few pages of "someone's" homework.

"I am good, but the news I bring is even better. The Blood Knights are back -"

"What are they back already? Uncle Marcus said he would bring down the ego of those cocky princes. I can't believe he was able to group up with the others and succeed so quickly."

"Uh, no. They didn't win. From what I gather they were attacked and routed in the night at their encampment."

"Oh those darn sun boys attacked at night? Despicable. Well I am sure Uncle Marcus took down many squads before being held down and forced to surrender to save us."

"Uh, no. They were attacked by 2 people. They believe it was Prince Mecca himself and his attendant lady Sasha."

"You're lying. There's no way uncle Marcus lost to 2 people."

"It is the truth I heard a few of the men recounting the stories to their wives. The mortals were sent home as part of the Royal decree. Actually the decree is what I wanted to talk to you about. The only warriors from now on will be Mutants and there will be a tournament in the capital as part of Prince Meccas token of goodwill. Those who win may have their own unit under the prince. Jane and Michael wish for you and I to join their team. Although we may not win against the veterans we may stand a chance with our coordination."

"A tournament? Sure, if you and Jane are going I will as well. I have to ask my parents first. I would like to meet this prince as well and give him a piece of my mind. How dare he hurt Uncle Marcus." As Saint mumbled on his way out of the house Darryl couldn't help but feel a migraine coming on.

Darryl and Saint had been friends for most of their lives. When the Baldur family moved into town, Ms. Maxxim, Darryls mother immediately became best friends with Missi and through this Darryl and Saint became brothers. From surviving primary school, to competing in sports even showering together as toddlers.

Though, when they were allowed to form a squad at school they found that their duo became much bigger.


Orcton, Malfes

Blood Knight Encampment

865 A.L.

"Commander Marcus, Lady Baldur, and Lord Baldur wish to speak with you." Although Marcus had already sent most of his men home he couldn't persuade many of them to leave his side. Even to the point where a few of the men forced him to take them on as butlers and servants.

"Ai, let them in?"

"Oi, you darn mammoth, I heard you got your butt whipped by the boy prince?" Saint walked in jeering immediately making the retinue of commander Marcus uncomfortable.

"You don't know anything Saint. In 2 attacks, the boy and his attendant destroyed our morale. His attendant is former Lt. General Sasha."

"The General Sasha who fought under Princess Lane?" Missi walked in bewildered. A female warrior herself, Missi always held the queen and the princesses of Le Soleil in high regard. Even more so for Princess Lane known as the queen of combat for the last 2 centuries.

"The same. I personally took a strike from her and found myself buried in the foothills just outside of the capital. I probably would have foolishly kept fighting if it wasn't for the intel I received from the fall of the capital. From what I was told Prince Mecca disintegrated a path through the capital with 3 arrows. It makes the arrow he shot at my soldiers seem like child's play."

"You fought the young prince? Marcus you must know that is a dangerous game."

"I didn't fight him directly. I know the royal family of Le Soleil are very vicious when it comes to protecting their own. We would still have a country if it weren't for that. He simply shot what I believe to be a warning shot at us. Even still it wiped out a great number of my soldiers."

"I didn't expect the boy prince to be that strong at his age, though I am glad he is an archer. If he received his dad's power and was this strong that would be a real problem." After Marcus said that they all grimaced slightly fearing the Power of King Krins of Le Soleil.

"I still rejoice that he and the Holy Blue Hoods abstained from this war, however injured he may be, a cornered Badger is still a Badger. Though even without the Queen and King, the Alliance still lost. The republic of Orin and Mineo were simultaneously held back by Princess Lane and Prince Krinis, who stationed one of his field armies under her and used the Dark wave field army on us. With Blaeset holding their Main front in their own country we were really outmatched to begin with. All we had were numbers."

"So you decided to accept what I told you in the beginning?" Saint couldn't hold back his laughter. When his old friend came to him to recruit him he had already called the ending of this war. The only variation being the rise of the boy Prince.

"Laugh it up, though it still doesn't change things. In fact I need your help. I am sure you have heard the decree on your way into the camp. We all must go to the capital. Though I wish for you two to compete with me." The room grew quiet almost immediately.

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