

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

kamlyn happiness

Disturbed by the alarm which has been ringing for the uptenth time. kamlyn stirred awake in annoyance."Gosh this early" she whined sleepily while tripping off the alarm clock,"I should get some more sleep"she said smiling childishly.

" kamy darling get up it's time for school you are late already " hearing her mother's voice kamlyn grumbled sadly.

" Mom not now I'm really sleepy " looking at her daughter Mrs.yang frowned annoyingly

" you wouldn't have been in this state if you had listen to me to stop playing video games all night long. Tell me what time did you fall asleep last time?".

While still in bed she raised her hands Indicating a five with her fingers." 5am Mom "

shocked mrs.yang pulled her up, " listen here kamlyn yang". Being called by her full name kamlyn knew she's in trouble this time. " Henceforth you will not stay up all night playing video games, watching TV and whatsoever you do at night, or else your father will have hear about this. Do you understand?"

pouting, kamlyn tries in calming her mother "yes mom ".

Mrs yang seeing her daughters sad facial expression , all her fury immediately dies down. Hugging kamlyn Mrs yang said in low and soothing voice. "kamy darling you shouldn't be doing that ok? you don't want your father angry do you?"

"No mom I'm sorry I will listen to you ok but don't tell dad" she pouted pitifully

". Don't worry dear dad won't hear about it . Now go freshen up and come down for breakfast you won't be attending school today , I will speak to your principal about your absence ok?"

kamlyn squirmed happily" really mom thank you, you are the best I love you" she said while hugging her mother happily

" Thank your dad not me." surprised she threw a questioning look at Mrs yang.

" oh common I don't know how he manage to foresee your waking up late. You know your father and daughter bond stuff you guys brag about, he made arrangements already I just came to give you some lectures.

" mom!" she whined.

" what? if I don't who would huh. Anyway go take your bath I'm leaving

" smiling and giggling she skipped out of bed screaming " I got the best mom and dad ever!!." watching her Mrs yang just smiled dotingly and left.


At breakfasts skipping her way down the stairs, kamlyn rushed to Dad and gave a kiss on the cheek " Good morning dad "

looking at the father and daughter Mrs yang exclaimed dejectedly " someone is left out " giggling kamlyn rushed to her mom giving a kiss on her cheek with a 'smack' sound "good morning mom" she greeted excitedly.

" looks like someone is excited to be absent from school today " Mr yang said jokingly while munching on his breakfast

" Dad I need to rest a little bit you know " kamlyn said pouting " Dad is just joking baby anything from my princess " Mr yang said smiling happily

" you are spoiling her alot Gabriel she won't be obedient any more " Mrs yang said while placing food in kamlyn plate .

" come on Elena I know my darling better than you do. she is not the type to misbehave ok, right princess? "

smiling widely kamlyn quickly defended " yes daddy mom is just being edgy " Mr yang looked at his wife and laughed wholeheartedly

" You pair of father and daughter are bullying me right, wait till you see how edgy I can be." Mrs yang retorted.

The happy family of three continued their banter. Staring happily at her parents kamlyn felt like she truly have found her happiness and she couldn't agree more.

In the heart of city stood the mighty Lu corporation. In the board meeting all executives seated at their positions. A disturbing silence enveloped the atmosphere, An aura so strong and pressurizing could be felt coming from the seat positioned in front of the meeting table.

There seated the CEO of the almighty Lu corporation. Looking at his facial features one will define him as drop dead gorgeous, exuding the aura of a devil. With a cold and indifferent attitude.

Staring at the executives they could already sense the displeasure in his contenance , Feeling the chills in their bones.

" young master the date of the event have been set we just need to acquire the venue from the Zhang's but Mr Zhang wouldn't agree unless he meets you in person ". The manager of the HR department quickly reported.

Staring coldly at the man who just spoke." I don't care how you do it make sure the Zhang residence is acquired by the Lu corporation. We won't be using temporarily anymore I want It bought within the span of 24 hours. Meeting ajourned ".