

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


The entire office room was silent after Jennie's words. It took some seconds before a reply to her information was given. "And why is that?" Ethan cold voice echoed out without shifting his attention from his important work.

"I am not aware sir, she said she came to see you." Jennie responded.

"I'm busy." Ethan stated plainly leaving the rest for Jennie to get.

"I understand sir." She said before she turned on her heels to head out, but not without giving a second glance to Kamlyn.

what they were talking about, she did not know neither was she interested. Her only problem now was to inform her 'Elder brother' that she was feeling hungry and needed something to eat.

She resumed typing on the tablet. She first made a sentence containing an 'I am hungry.' She thought wether to show it to him, on second thought she erased it and typed again. 'Sir, I feel hungry.' This was more better, she reasoned.

She looked over to him to find him busy, maybe she should wait a little, but she was just too hungry she couldn't help it. She placed a palm on her tummy before she made up her mind. She hesitated a little, before standing up, before she could stand properly, another knock was heard at the door again causing a distraction to Ethan and making her sit back down.

"Come in." Ethan said.

Still it was Jennie who made an appearance.

"What?" Ethan asked giving her a serious look this time.

"Sir, Miss Tang said it's important she sees you." Jennie laid down the message.

Ethan maintained his quietness for a while before replying. "Let her in."

With that, Jennie nodded a reply before exiting his office.

He got back to his work like he was not expecting anyone at all.

Kamlyn stared at the door before looking back at him, she brought her head down to the tablet. She should probably wait for the guest to leave before she tells him. She leaned back on the sofa dejectedly.

A little knock was heard at the door quite different from the other two earlier, meaning who ever this miss Tang is has arrived.

No response was heard from Ethan, he continued his work silently. She must not be a welcomed guest. Kamlyn thought.

Olivia slowly opened the door after she got no reply, she doubt that he was even on seat. She strolled her way into the big office and was actually surprised to see him seated at the table, busy at that. Then why didn't he acknowledge her entry? she thought.

"Good afternoon Ethan." She greeted with a huge smile.

"Mmm." He gave a curt reply without raising his face to look at her.

Olivia's smile slowly disappeared seeing his cold behavior towards her.

She stood waiting for him to offer her a seat, but when she stood for seconds without hearing a word from him, She quickly moved forward and sat opposite him. He still gave her the silent treatment, it wasn't even like she was around and she started to feel awkward.

She didn't even notice kamlyn who was sitting on the sofa on the other end of the office.

"Uhmmm Ethan..."

"I heard your reason for wanting to see me is important so start I don't have much time." He spoke, cutting her off her words.

"About that, uhmmm I'm here because my dad sent me." She spoke hesitantly.

On the other side kamlyn was inwardly dieing of hunger, she kept rubbing her hands around her stomach in a rotating motion. She caught sight of a glass of water, she thought that will hold her for a while till they are done.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Well.... haven't you seen the news yet? that's...... the reason why I am here. My Dad said I should go.... to you since it involves us both... so we could find a solution to it." She stammered out her sentence, she played the act of eye contact avoidance, like she was unable to look him in the eye while saying it.

Ethan remained silent.

"Aren't you saying anything?" Olivia mumbled.

Before he could reply a crashing sound was heard by the right side of the office which got both their attention.

Ethan faced the direction of the noise with his normal look of indifference, already aware of who was responsible for it.

But Olivia was not taking it better. Immediately she turned to the direction of the noise, her eyes widen and her mouth was slightly agape. She was not expecting this, the look of astonishment was written clearly on her face not only that, it was mixed with a trace of doubt and fear. Not just any fear, a fear of losing when she hasn't even started.

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