
Simon says

Simon was a 13-year-old orphan who had been through a lot and had seen how cruel the world could be at a young age. In the view of others, he was never normal; he possessed incredible strength and a keen sense of combat, but it was his hidden ability that mostly terrified those around him. He is a foul-tempered young child who battles to survive in a location known as "The Underground," in which the impoverished and filthy live under odd rules. He was able to flee the dreadful environment he used to live in and ended up working as a guard for the viscount on the surface. As time passes, things become much more difficult for him; problems and stumbling blocks, as well as a slew of other tough challenges, appear. He has an underlying fire that never fades away, a spark that is fed by anger and passion, a flame that has unleashed his true power. This is the tale of Simon's journey from an underworld rogue to a famed fighter. (Isn't it typical?) The route wasn't simple; deaths, wars, catastrophes, assassinations, and other misfortunes awaited him. Read on to find out if Simon will be strong enough to overcome all of this or if he will meet a terrible fate. A\N: This story contains elements of adventure, humor, and fantasy. I read every comment/review and will try my best to answer each one. Because I'm not a talented writer, there's a chance I'll make some minor errors like spelling and punctuation. I'm not going to say much about the updates because I'm not sure how much I'll be able to release on a weekly basis due to my circumstances, but I'll try my best to keep things consistent. This was a little lengthy hehe. *Paused*

Littleguy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Young lad

There were no sounds on the main road because it was late.

"Now, where should I stay?" He let out a sigh as he looked around him.

While immersed in concentration, Simon wandered aimlessly, tripping over tiny rocks and dist clods.

"Nothing will happen if this spreads; after all, this is still the underground, where people fight to live rather than cry to survive. Even though it's the fourth-largest city down here, they still live the same way...wait, I guess people here prefer to work rather than battle. They can be feeble, but not as weak as a child." He shook his head in discontent as he clicked his tongue.

Simon continued to saunter aimlessly through the streets, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

"I knew I shouldn't have done that...just striking someone triggered me, and now all I can think about is punching someone...what the hell?" He felt a clammy sensation crawling up his legs.

He looked down but couldn't see his feet; then he noticed greenish-brown water with nasty black bits of unidentifiable substance floating on the water that reached up to his knees.

Simon's face had changed to a frown. "Is this sewage water? How did I get here? That's why I hate overthinking as it takes me to the weirdest and worse places possible!" He gnashed his teeth as he cocked his head, wondering why he hadn't noticed where he was going and why he ended up in untreated sewage of all places.

Simon heard a scornful voice from behind him as he struggled to get out of the unfinished ground sewer line.

"You're having a bad day, huh?"

Simon kept silent because he was sure that if he glanced back at him, he would kill whoever he was.

"Don't worry, my son, it happens all the time-"

"I'm already in a foul mood, so don't talk to me." Simon grumbled as he tried to get his leg free.

"Oh, what a shame; I was planning to help you." The person's voice had a cynical undertone.

Simon swung around to see who was speaking in such an obnoxious manner.

A tall young boy who looked around Simon's age with a silly smile on his face leaning on the rusted sewer line railing with a weed in his mouth.

"Screw you cause I don't need any kind of help from some scumbag-"

"Oh yeah looks like somebody's stuck in scum, but definitely does not need any help." The young lad stared at Simon with a wide grin on his white reddish face.

"Will you shut your trap?!" Simon answered in an annoyed tone while struggling to get out. He lowered his upper body to free his feet from whatever gooey thing holding them back but failed.

The boy played with his messy scarlet red hair while smirking in enjoyment at Simon.

"Just for your information, what your leg is stuck in is a gooey wet mud, you walked through the broken railing of the unfinished sewer line without paying attention to the ground height change and got stuck so...somebody has to pull you hard or you can leave your shoes if you're wearing any."

"Why are you still talking?" Questioned Simon while vigorously pulling out one of his legs.

"Wait what? How did you..." Surprised the boy tried asking ignoring the long-haired stuck-in mud boy's words.

"Shut your freaking face cave before I shove your head in this scum." Simon pulled out his other leg harder this time and gave the boy a nasty glare.

"Done..zipped the lip." Mumbled the boy while gesturing with his hands as if zipping his lips.

Simon came out of the sewer line and got to the dry ground. He looked at his wet pants and started removing the dirt from his toenails then glanced at the tall young lad with an irritated expression.

"Maybe I should use him to check if my skills really got rusty." Simon thought while gazing at the boy covering his mouth like a kid got scolded technically he's a kid but looked slightly older than him.

"But this guy seems to have some kind of resistance to my word since I attempted to make him shut up twice.. yet! He continued chattering like nothing happened even the third time...he still talked! Ugh anyways let me see if this idiot can fight or just run his mouth."

Simon confidently approached the youngster as if he wasn't about to kill him a second ago.


''.." The youngster stayed silent and just stared at Simon.

"Hey, beanpole..." Simon called him again but he refused to give him a response.

"It's okay you can speak." Simon calmly informed him yet he stayed quiet.

"I said open your damn Mouth!" He angrily yelled at him.

"Okay, you don't have to get mad at everything my son." The young lad closed his ears and turned away then faced Simon again. Simon raised his bruised fist threatening to punch him.

"Cut the crap and fight me just say it if you're bad at it. I'm not wasting any time on you. Don't ask me why because I just felt like it."

"Well well that's sudden you wanna fight, no worries I'm not as bad as I look."

"Great. But you sure do look bad at it." Simon took a step towards him closing the gap between them and anticipating the simpleton moves with a broad smile on his face.

"But my son you seem injured, should I hold back?" He asked while pointing at his bruised hands with a smile on his face.

Simon rolled his light green eyes while gritting his teeth but still smiling. "If you do, I will kill you and I will kill you again if you underestimate me got it?"

"Got it your the boss son." The young lad said while laughing at Simon's weird expression. He got in a stance ready to fight but Simon kept his hands in his pockets only slightly leaning forward.

"Hey. I said I won't hold back so you don't either okay? Go all out, my son."

"Stop calling me that also only if this fight interests me I will take my hands out of my pockets but if this fight bores me I will-"

"Now who's talking extensively? Let's get on with it." The young lad pointed out and leaned closer.

"Right away."

The young lad sent a few kicks and punches however Simon dodged all of them by just a few inches.

"Not bad he's fast yet I can see through all of his movements so not as good, which makes his speed pretty useless." Simon analyzed as he ducked from a kick.

"I will show you how it's done, little scum."

"Woah I couldn't even land one hit on him from the beginning of the fight is he a pro?! If so why didn't I hear anything about him, should I advance?" the boy thought internally in amazement.

Simon spun swiftly from behind the youngster before he even realizes, he instantly struck a kick right in the middle of his head knocking him to his knees.

"Ugh!" the youngster held the sides of his head as a numbing pain ran through his skull till his spine.

"Tch this fight bores me, I didn't even take my hands off my pocket don't worry you did good..not." Not a bead of sweat dripped from Simon throughout the whole fight.

The young lad lifted his head and saw "the stuck in mud boy" unamused expression, he opened his mouth but no words ca out.

"Don't worry you won't be able to stand straight without shaking for another ten minutes or so, also I'm not exaggerating some other people got the same hit and looked exactly like you for five or ten minutes besides I honestly don't think you're any different." He smirked as he swiftly turned around.

Simon glanced one last time at the person who was on his knees trying his best to stand still struggling to get up pathetically before leaving.

"Now see you...actually no I don't wanna see you." Then Simon resumed walking away.

"Wait I am not done...yet." The youngster grunted while slowly getting up.

"Oh, you're standing?"

"Yeah, you haven't seen anything yet!"

"Well is that so? Then show me." Simon smirked when the lad widely smiled at him while standing.

Plot twist Simon was the youngster's son!

I have a problem with the tenses please bear with it,

I will try my best to improve my writing style.

Thank you for reading Simon says.

Littleguycreators' thoughts