Simon was a 13-year-old orphan who had been through a lot and had seen how cruel the world could be at a young age. In the view of others, he was never normal; he possessed incredible strength and a keen sense of combat, but it was his hidden ability that mostly terrified those around him. He is a foul-tempered young child who battles to survive in a location known as "The Underground," in which the impoverished and filthy live under odd rules. He was able to flee the dreadful environment he used to live in and ended up working as a guard for the viscount on the surface. As time passes, things become much more difficult for him; problems and stumbling blocks, as well as a slew of other tough challenges, appear. He has an underlying fire that never fades away, a spark that is fed by anger and passion, a flame that has unleashed his true power. This is the tale of Simon's journey from an underworld rogue to a famed fighter. (Isn't it typical?) The route wasn't simple; deaths, wars, catastrophes, assassinations, and other misfortunes awaited him. Read on to find out if Simon will be strong enough to overcome all of this or if he will meet a terrible fate. A\N: This story contains elements of adventure, humor, and fantasy. I read every comment/review and will try my best to answer each one. Because I'm not a talented writer, there's a chance I'll make some minor errors like spelling and punctuation. I'm not going to say much about the updates because I'm not sure how much I'll be able to release on a weekly basis due to my circumstances, but I'll try my best to keep things consistent. This was a little lengthy hehe. *Paused*
Simon was startled awake by the sound of heavy beating on his shaky wooden door.
As he sat straight, he grasped the sides of his throbbing head. "Another ridiculous nightmare," He rubbed his eyes and squinted at his door.
Following two ragged middle-aged guys, the door cracked open, exposing the little privacy he had. Simon stared at them unconcerned, then switched his attention to the damaged door just hanging on its bottom corroded hinge and moaned.
"Damn, that was a little pricey, you know?" No, you don't, since I purchased it after you wrecked it."
He cast a peek at the men, who appeared irritated as he paid them no attention.
After looking at their mugs, Simon irritatedly cracked his neck, "It's you two again, what is it melon heads?" He grumbled as he drew his blanket, or more accurately, a tattered rag, up over his head.
"It's still too early for me to start working I right or...?"
Simon peeked out of his patched rag to check if it was dark outside from the window but his view got blocked by a hairy face two inches away from his face. He gasped from the sight displayed in front of him and inhaled the awful breath from the man's smelly mouth.
He instantly choked and got up coughing. "Goodness gracious you smell worse than usu-"
Simon couldn't even finish his sentence because the taller man threw him like an empty bag from his rusted bed to the rickety dirty floor.
"You sure talk a lot for a kid" The same man walked closer to Simon along with the other one who was quite short for an adult man.
The shorter one stomped on Simon's hand when he attempted to get off the dusty wooden floor and smirked. "Don't worry about working, your packing your stuff and leaving this instant you little shit."
Simon raised his brow and uttered "Why again? You're not the type to give a day off." He sarcastically gave them an unwanted reply then instantly regretted it.
The taller man punched Simon in the guts almost making him puke his dinner from last night.
"We're kicking you out you dumb mutt, did you really think that we will give you a day off, pfft you got some guts."
He grunted as he slowly got up "Urgh and if I don't?"He sat on the ground and the men began coming on their nerves.
"Don't what?" Asked the confused taller man, then looked at the shorter man who had the same expression on his face.
Simon clicked his tongue in annoyance "Why are you guys so stupid I meant what if I refuse to leave?" He rubbed his eyebrows and stared at the foot above his hand thinking just how much he wants to pound that clammy foot into a soft dough.
"Simple we beat you half-dead then you can decide if you still want to stay."
"...Can you get your chicken leg off my hands? It's pretty heavy and..the feeling is not very pretty " Simon's bones cracked but didn't break under the man's feet. He grunted silently but still had no intention of talking in a more respectful manner.
"Hey, Nicolas."
"Yeah Thomas?"
"It's okay to kill this kid right? I mean he doesn't even have a last name ."
"Of course it is I bet that not even a single living creature would bat an eye upon his death forget asking or looking for him." Both of them started laughing and hitting each other's shoulders.
"Sorry kid should have done better." Nicolas paused for a second then yelled in joy. "Wait I am not sorry at all!"
The two brothers closed the gap between them which made it hard for Simon to escape leaving him only one choice.
"It's time to beat the life out of you." Both said in sarcastic voices thinking it will scare the young lad in front of them not knowing that the thoughts circling inside his head were just a bunch of curses directed at them.
Simon ducked under Thomas's hand escaping from a punch but got kicked in the face by Nicolas resulting in an instant nosebleed. He rolled on the other side of the room, wiped his blood from his lips, and stood up.
"At least give me some time to prepare.. seriously you stomped on my hand punched me then started chatting how are you expecting me to know that you wanna fight?! You jerks are so cheap-"
This time two fists were heading his way, one he dodged and the other he blocked by his forearm.
Despite Simon's young age, he was not weak.
He was actually quite good no excellent when it came to fighting. Ever since he got kicked out of the orphanage, Simon had to live most of his life on the streets fighting to survive, after all only the fittest and the strongest could live in the underground.
At first, he fought for his life but after passing the age of ten he fought for fun, and only with the strongest, many challenged him but instantly regret their decision.
He would love to meet someone stronger than him, he can't possibly be the strongest out there but all who came lost in seconds which obviously bored him. Simon moved out of the town and went to a faraway town bigger than most which had no news about the little beast who rose to power in the northern underground.
Simon stayed incognito and decided to watch the strongest one of the Bowen town before requesting a fight. He started working as a wood seller and stayed in a broom closet owned by his employers Nicolas and Thomas.
Unfortunately, he lost his job within three weeks after spitting on Nicolas's wife and Thomas's son, they were also commoners but they still had their filthy pride.
Three minutes later...
"Huff better be careful with who you are messing with, ha! All that for a spit now look at yourselves." Simon looked pathetically at the bruised bodies of the two men lying on the floor breathing heavily and barely clinging to their consciousness.
"Are my fighting skills getting rusty since I haven't lifted a finger on anyone after coming here or...Nah it's probably because this room or I should say the closet is ridiculously small and these guys are ridiculously huge."
"Yeah, that's probably the reason why I took so much time to finish only two pathetic adult men."
Simon heard from behind him someone running quickly then spook in a very angry and shocked tone. "For heaven's sake, what have you done you low life!"
Simon turned around and all his hair went into his mouth and face but after he brushed it back sassily he saw a shocked obese woman in front of the door frame.
"Speak!!" The woman's voice echoed angrily in the corridor.
"Nothing much...oh they might wanna see a doctor madam, you see they're kind of badly hurt." Simon picked the dirt from his nails and stretched out, not a care to the situation.
"YOU!" she dashed towards her husband Nicolas and gently placed his head on her lap.
"Yeah? Ohh right you won't able to afford to see a doctor well that's too bad.." Simon walked past her hiding a dark smile behind his hair which served as a curtain.
"You won't get away with this! You'll definitely pay for..." For a second paused Nicolas's wife, a chill ran through her spine when she saw Simon looking at her in the eye with a wide sinister grin across his pale blood-stained face.
"You were saying~"
"Sister in law, just leave him." Thomas fell unconscious right after speaking to her.
"Get out this instant, get out and never come back...if you do I...I" The woman stuttered in her words as she pointed her shaking finger at the door.
"Sure sure~" Simon softly replied and left slamming the door behind him completely breaking it this time so it fell to the ground showcasing all the drama happening inside.
As soon as Simon got out of the room which contained the broom closet his face went dark. "Tch no fun"
Simon was making his way out of the cottage when he bumped into Thomas's son Mathew. "Well look whose here. Why were you making so much noise do you think this is your house sissy?"
Simon didn't look like a girl even one bit it was just his long hair and lashes. He didn't reply to him because it seemed like a waste of breath.
"Oh, are you angry because father and uncle kicked you out?" Mathew zoomed his face into Simon's and tried to act cool but instead looked like a total idiot.
"You're not going anywhere before you properly apologize to me on your knee-"
"Ahhhhhhh!" Mathew cried in pain and surprise. Simon pushed his finger inside his ear as he twisted Mathew's left arm while he was busy running his mouth.
The wailing was heard from behind them which annoyed Simon even more.
"Listen carefully dunce I am not in the mood so shut the hell up before I make you regret you were born now go and silence that woman it's getting on my nerves got it?"
"..." Sniff sniff.
"Got it?!" Simon stressed on his teeth as he shot a death glare at Mathew.
"Oka- Yes...I got it!" Mathew ran in the wailing direction into the house.
The sounds were cut when Simon reached the road.
"Tch I used it again without noticing." Simon rubbed his forehead as he bit his lip.