
Silly System Turned Host into an Accidental Business Queen

When bookworm Xue Ying finds herself smack dab in the middle of her favourite romance and mafia novel, she transmigrates into Liu Yi Fei, the spunky adopted sister of the main character, Liu Xiao Jie. Armed with a peculiar system and insider knowledge of the novel's twists, she cleverly uses her business skills to tackle the challenges of her newfound life. In an captivating blend of university and ambitious dreams, Liu Yi Fei's strategic maneuvers capture attention, elevating her from a mere pawn to a shining star in the business realm. Through encounters with the male lead, and facing formidable obstacles head-on, Liu Yi Fei uncovers the profound idea that even a supporting character can shape the course of fate. Through her unique viewpoint and the indestructible system, Liu Yi Fei's journey illustrates how starting as the background provides a strategic advantage, finding her destiny holds more significance than she ever envisioned.

Dianos_Elle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter One: The Unexpected Transmigration

Xue Ying had always been enamored with the world of books. Her room was a testament to her passion, with shelves overflowing with novels ranging from romance to fantasy. Among them, her heart held a special place for "Whispers of the Underworld," a gripping tale of love and crime that she had read countless times. Little did she know that her life was about to take an extraordinary turn, one that would plunge her directly into the pages of her beloved story.

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, and Xue Ying had decided to revisit "Whispers of the Underworld" once more. As she turned the pages while drinking her favourite Melon Milk tea, she found herself drawn deeper into the narrative, feeling the emotions of the characters as if they were her own. She felt empathy for Liu Yi Fei, the spunky adopted sister of the main character, who was always in the background and used as a scape goat to her sister's endeavours. As she was deep in thought, she shook her head '' I need to go to sleep, I have a interview tomorrow '' as she moved her arm to the left the half full milk tea cup fell on the book and a sudden light flashed before her eyes.

Startled, she blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The room seemed to shimmer, and the book, now soaked in milk tea, began to glow with an ethereal light. ''What sort of magical chemistry went down in that milk tea ?'' She watched in awe as the pages flickered and turned on their own, revealing words and images that had never been there before. As though the story of the book unfurls endlessly, its path broken and winding.

Her heart raced as she witnessed the scene unfold. Gradually, a luminous light started to shape a swirling vortex at the book's centre, tugging at the boundaries of reality. Inhaling deeply, she extended her hand towards the vortex. The instant her fingertips made contact with the radiant light, she sensed herself being pulled in, whirling and spiraling through a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds.





Upon waking up from her dizzy accident, Xue Ying found herself feeling strange like she had lost weight...

"Oh no! What's going on? It's probably because I stayed up late reading, leading to these hallucinations."

However, as her eyelids opened and surveyed the surrounding in fright of unknown she suddenly sat up, her mind racing.

This wasn't her room, no, this was not even her house, or the local hospital. Panic surged through her as she glanced around, trying to make sense of her surroundings. Her reflection in a nearby mirror caught her eye, and she gasped. The face staring back at her with surprise was not her own. She recognized it immediately—it was Liu Yi Fei

Liu Yi Fei had striking features that made her stand out among popular beauties, even as a background character in the novel. Her almond-shaped eyes, which now were wide with shock, were a deep shade of brown, almost black like two tone shiny crystals, framed by long curled lashes coupled with eyebrows thin but majestic making her eyes alluring and mysterious. Her hair was a silky blonde, cascading down her shoulders in gentle waves, contrasting with her sisters black hair. She had a delicate yet resilient look about her, with a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, long nose and a small, determined mouth. She looked like a goddess out of a fairy tail.

"Impossible," she whispered, her voice trembling. "This can't be real."

Just then, a soft robotic chime echoed in her mind, ''System Initialization Complete. Welcome Xue Ying.'' and before her appeared a silly red rabbit with a fat body, disrupting her confused thoughts. Xue Ying stared at the fat silly rabbit in disbelief. She had read about transmigration in countless novels, but experiencing it first hand was surreal.

"Hello, Host! I am your system guide, Chicken leg," the fluffy creature announced cheerfully, bouncing slightly on its plump legs.

"System guide?''

'' Chicken leg??"

Xue Ying repeated, still in shock. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No joke, host! You have been transmigrated into the world of 'Whispers of the Underworld,' and you're now inhabiting the body of Liu Yi Fei, Liu Xiao Jie's adopted sister and a background character who is always used as the scape goat of the female lead schemes. I am here to assist you," Chicken leg replied happily, its fat body twitching with excitement.

Xue Ying or Rather Liu Yi Fei, blinked, trying to process what she was hearing. "So, let me get this straight. I'm stuck in a novel, in the body of a character who's essentially a doormat , and my guide is a... fat rabbit named Chicken Leg?"

"Precisely!" Chicken Leg said, nodding enthusiastically. "But don't worry, Host. With my help, you can turn this situation around. Think of it as an opportunity to rewrite your fate." Twirling his fat body next to Xue Ying looking like a a water balloon, expecting her answer.

"Rewrite my fate? I just wanted to read a book and drink my melon milk tea in peace," Xue Ying groaned. "Now I have to deal with mafia crime, drama and a sister who probably hates my guts."

"Look on the bright side," Chicken Leg chirped while floating up , "at least you don't have to worry about your interview anymore! '' Sitting down on her lap breathless from the previous exercise

'' And don't forget your name is Li Yi Fei now!'' giving her a cute wink.

Xue Ying couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Alright, Chicken Leg, what's the plan? How do I avoid becoming cannon fodder in this story?" She asked as in the novel Li Yi Fei fate is worse than death, she did not even get a bit of hope and ended up tortured by the mafia due to Liu Xiao Jie's plans.

Chicken Leg puffed up its chest proudly. "First, you need to gather intel on everyone around you. Understand their motives, their weaknesses, and most importantly, how Liu Yi Fei(Xue Ying) fits into their lives. Knowledge is power!"

"Great,"LI Yi Fei muttered. "So I'm basically on a spy mission now."

"Think of it as an adventure!" Chicken Leg stuck his chunky paw upwards in a proud way. "And remember, you have me to guide you. We'll make your life something spectacular!"

Spectacular, huh?" LI Yi Fei muttered, still skeptical. "Alright, let's do this. 

To be continued...

Hello Everyone!

This is my second time writing a novel and I hope to stick to it because I find the story interesting. I hope you feel the same way as me while reading.

Thanks !

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