
Sign up To Be Great Ninja

[Welcome to Ninja world] [Your data have been registered, please sign in to start your journey] 5 years old boy kneels in front of the grave looking blankly into the sky. He saw the memory of the body and understand where he is now. For no reason, yeah no reason. Why why why Why am I here. He is living a good normal life (well at least not too bad if the not freaking rich or whatever generation rich heir) Never asked to be reborn(NOT EVEN DEAD) , just casual fan of anime and manga. The most important is never given a choice which world he want to be. "Ask me!!! Whoever you are. why put me in this world. I rather be in one piece or dxd or hxh or gundam. Why NARUTO!!!" Not that he hate naruto. While he never gave chance to Boruto, he watch and read naruto to the end. But he just know the story plot barely, not remember them that much. Just barely knows who bad boy and good boy. That much the information he had. "Haizz, maybe it is my fate then. To know and experience this world better" Hoseki lament his fate "Sign up" . . . . . . . (Doesn't know where this fan fic will go through) Credit for all original world build, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner. I just write a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Brand New

Like everyday morning. He wakes up and eat breakfast. Yes. This 5 year old kids cooks for himself even before his parents death. His mother teach him for simple meal that he can have every morning and night. Easy and and fast hommade bread. Flour, water and salt. Easy recipe but still eatable and everyday meals makes he feel that it was great meal. He can also choose to put anything if he feel it does not not enough. Well not like there are pizza to jealous to.

After having his meal, Hoseki dress up regular shirt to go out and explore his village. Franklin speaking he want to explore place to sign up.

'Tok tok tok'


" This early? Usually uncle Sakumo come a bit later. Who is it? " he mumble while walking to the door.

He open the door and see the unexpected person to standing in front of his door.

" Gre.. greetings, hokage sama!" while bow down to 90 degree Hoseki greets the person in front of him.

The third hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen has comes to visit Hoseki after hearing Sakumo report worrying about his nephew behaviour. While this action considered rare, it might be his uncle Sakumo, urging the hokage to do something about him or he might be trying to have some free times after peeping someone. Who knows.

Anyways the hokage now in front of Hoseki house to visit him.

" Greetings" Hiruzen greet him and look at Hoseki weirdly.

'Umm. This boy look healthy and good condition. Where the gloomy side Sakumo talk about?'

" Hokage sama? " Hoseki doesn't know what to do. Should he invite the hokage inside or should he ask the hokage why he is here. The plan he has last night has nothing to start with hokage. He plan to start with his uncle or cousin. Anyways, the hokage is here and he should grab this chance. But he don't know what to start with and thinking tha he should know the hokage intentions first.

"Owh, you are Hesei and Ruby son right?" hokage ask him

"Yes, I am."

"Do you have your breakfast? "

" I do."

"Good, follow me then" Hiruzen said and walk away. Hoseki immediately close his door and follow behind without a word.

After a lobg walk, they arrive in front of a river and Hiruzen sat down on a big stone beside the river. " Sit down." asked Hiruzen

Hoseki sit on another stone while looking at the river then hokage. The he heard Hiruzen probing him with questions. "Hoseki what is your thoughts about your parents being a shinobi?"

Hoseki looks to river in silence, taking a deep breath, "Dad always says, the smile of people in village are came from the peace which obtained by high prize from our ancestor, So he and mom being a shinobi also is to protect those smile. Father always saying that, mother refute by saying she becomes a shinobi for me to have peaceful lives." Hoseki express what he feels in smile while dropping his tears.

Then he continues, "While they looks like having different reason, to me it is the same thing. They want to protect the village so that me and everyone can have smile while having live. Of course they always immediately have me to sleep early after the arguments and mend their different ideas in night activities. Hahaha unfortunately i have no siblings."

"Uhhukkkkk... Uhhukkkkk " Hiruzen suddenly coughing

" Hahaha.. They are too loud. I ask the neighbours about that and they spit that out accidentally " Hoseki laugh loudly continues, "Whether tiredly comes home after their shift, or return with injuries they always look happy and prideful with their ideal. Anyway their mission as shinobi ends with tragedy leaving me here alone. I miss them greatly." Hiruzen calmly hear the story Hoseki.

"Do you know hokage sama?" Hoseki continue with history while looking at the river. " The Monday, second weeks of last month should be mom's birthday. While waiting for her return. I ask untie Shuko to buy beautiful gloves for her present. But it turns out for me to celebrate her birthday alone in tears."

Both of them silence for a while then Hoseki said, "Mom and Dad dies for what they believe as a shinobi. In past month, i realize that i should not shame them and continue to live my life with smile as they wish. I was named Hoseki to be shine with smile so that the hope of my parent to be a shining gem to be a reality." Shout Hoseki while raising his right hand.

" Hahaha. Good. Good. Those shining couple really had a good son. People around the always having hard time to see they lovely dovely and shamelessly bragg about their son. Once even Jirayya kick your father after having hard time with your father brag. Of course he got his payment from your mother fist. Hahaha."

"To see you are good on your own feet like this make me feel relief. Otherwise if you go down to wrong path means i have wrong your parents." "I believed you have found your path on your own now. Your parents must be smiling in their rest now. Lets go return to village, I will treat you lunch" Hiruzen smile and start walking to ward the vilage.

As for Hoseki, he immediately follow and says with smile, " Yeah, I will walk my own ways, on my two feets, with compensation that village will gives."

Hiruzen almost fell on his feets hearing that. 'This brat reach his conclusion into that already?'

"I will look into that later on" says Hiruzen while walking oddly

'Don't think you can get away freely just because i am a kid.' 'I will get you pay everything my parents working for.' Hoseki keeps walking while having smile on his face.

"My brand new Hoseki will come from village funds" Hoseki keeps mumble alone while following behind dark face Hiruzen.

'This brat... Shameless like his parents!!!'

'In this early ages at that. I pray for his peers'.

After pay for their lunch Hiruzen quickly disappeared leaving Hoseki. Looking in direction the hokage disappeared. He smile. "You can Hide but you cant run. Hehe"

While walking toward his uncle Sakumo House, rearrange the plan that he already made and decide to leave the fund out temporarily.

After Knocking on the door he wait until the doors open by his cousin Kakashi surprised face.

"Dad! Looks who is here." shout Kakashi

"Who is it... Owh Hoseki!!" Sakumo also surprise by Hoseki suddenly appear in front of his house.

"Greetings uncle, Kakashi big bro. " Hoseki bow a bit and greet them." Sigh it just two month gap. Why you always call me big bro? " His cousin Kakashi asked him.

" Born first is a big bro, born later is little bro. Big bro need to takes care of little bro. I wish i had Little bro" Hoseki says with smile. Kakashi frown and say " Always talk about the cares before but never heard that wish before." "Yeah, new wish that i will never have." answer Hoseki quietly.

Seeing the changing atmosphere, Sakumo quickly invite Hoseki into his house.

[ Sign in in Sakumo Residential? ]


[Sign in complete. Dark Ghost obtain .]


Hoseki quickly looks at the new gained prize and saw a black bamboo.

Death Ghost (Hidden Blade)

* One of highest quality ever produce by Shiba Katamura in his life.

* A best product of 30 years effort of the greatest blacksmith of his era

* High durability and sharpness


Seeing him stand blankly at the door, Sakimo call "Hoseki, what are you doing? Come inside."