
Sign up To Be Great Ninja

[Welcome to Ninja world] [Your data have been registered, please sign in to start your journey] 5 years old boy kneels in front of the grave looking blankly into the sky. He saw the memory of the body and understand where he is now. For no reason, yeah no reason. Why why why Why am I here. He is living a good normal life (well at least not too bad if the not freaking rich or whatever generation rich heir) Never asked to be reborn(NOT EVEN DEAD) , just casual fan of anime and manga. The most important is never given a choice which world he want to be. "Ask me!!! Whoever you are. why put me in this world. I rather be in one piece or dxd or hxh or gundam. Why NARUTO!!!" Not that he hate naruto. While he never gave chance to Boruto, he watch and read naruto to the end. But he just know the story plot barely, not remember them that much. Just barely knows who bad boy and good boy. That much the information he had. "Haizz, maybe it is my fate then. To know and experience this world better" Hoseki lament his fate "Sign up" . . . . . . . (Doesn't know where this fan fic will go through) Credit for all original world build, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner. I just write a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Last moment

"You had been worrying people around you this past day." Sakumo start the discussion after taking a sip on his tea.

"Sorry Uncle. " Hoseki just reply shortly

"Sigh, It been hard on you. A father or mother death will blow their children hardly. For you to lose the both.... I had no word to put to console you." Sakumo close his eyes after saying those word to Hoseki. He was there seeing their death when the fight happen.

"Say uncle, when they bring my parents back, I saw you are leading them into the village. Means, you are there when they are in their last moment. Did.. Did they ...." Hoseki shaking while trying to ask the next word.

"Pass my word for me to my son."

"While we can't keep taking care of you anymore, we always believe in you. You are strong, our greatest bet, the most shinny gem that not yet being polish. You can shed out tears. There is no need to shame on tears, for the tears witness that the person has courage to accept his fate."

"We has died. That already the fate. We have no other regret except that we cannot takes care of you anymore . But we believe. Deep in our heart, we believe the our son will rise and take a new step forward to the future. One day our son will shine like a sun, showering his lights onto the world." "That the last word from your mother." Sakumo is repeating Hoseki's mother slowly while still closing his eyes.

While clenching his fingers, Hoseki quietly shedding some tears hearing the words come from his uncle. The voice he heard no longer Sakumo, but his mother. The one who give birth to him, the one who fed him with her own hands, the one who teach him cooking. The one who gives him bath, the one who kiss on his head before sleep. The pictures of his mother showing her loves, keep coming to him makes him shakes and tears.

Sakumo and Kakashi only watch without any word. They understand whatever they say now won't be heard by Hoseki.

After some period, Hoseki takes some breath and speak once more, "They died with smile didn't they?"

"They do. The brightest smile of shining couple never stop even in their death." Sakumo nod and reminisce their last smile.

Hoseki wipe out his tears and say, "They sure do, or else they wont be my parents. As for me, I will ashame them if I don't take the step that they hope for. Uncle, I will be the greatest ninja that shinobi world will ever see." Hoseki hold his fist to his chest saying his resolve.

Then he goes on his knees and took a half bow and ask Sakumo, "Uncle, please teach me to be a good shinobi."

"Good. Great ambition your have there. I believe your parents will happy to see you." Sakumo hold to Hoseki shoulder, and say, "To have great ambition also come with great price and effort. You shall start the training together with Kakashi tomorrow morning " Sakumo get up and walk to door. "Well, i got some work to do, see you both at training field tomorrow."


After some short casual talk with Kakashi, Hoseki walk back to his house. While. Many things that they want talk about, Kakashi decided to hold it until next time. Seeing Hoseki not eager to talk any longer.


In his room, Hoseki try to wear the ninja suit had he had but end up with weird looks with loose shirt and pant including the shoes. Only socks are wearable.

"So this happens when your wearing them without chakra huh." he mutter while takes off them and go sitting in his bed.

Lying on his bed, "in three months the academy will take new students and I will register for it. Together with Kakashi, I won't have any good moments as he will shine alone with his good trained talent. Well that might not a bad things, while I'm might start slow, I'm not rushing to gain strength as i not decide yet which path i really want. Knowledge and experience will show the best way and that takes time and patience. There is saying, It is good to be ambitious, not conceited."




7:00 in morning. Hatake training field.

"What's with the mask?" seeing Hoseki wore mask like Kakashi, feels odd to have another one looks like his son. They even have same hair colour.

"Looking cool like big bro Kakashi." Hoseki answer honestly.

"Having one mask boy already enough. Drop it." Sakumo rubbing his nose bridge while saying that.

"Ok." hearing his sakumo, Hoseki obey without much mord. And drop the mask while smiling and having another thought for future. 'I will wear it some other time and act like Kakashi to fool around. That jonin challenge is already in my hand. Hehe.'

Looking at odd smiling Hoseki, Sakumo shaking his head and say "Let's Start."





Three months passed after Hoseki start his training just like that. Chakra, basic ninjutsu, taijutsu, basic sword skill and other basic for enrolment into academy are being push into Hoseki body.

To makes him looks less flashy and stay low he decides to use the item he got only after he enrol into academy. The sunrise looks so beautifully because it rise from dark. That why he resolve to only makes his name after he graduated normally like other peers, unlike his cousin according to the 'original' memories.

Standing in front a mirror, Hoseki looks at himself wearing the suit that he got, "Just like Kakashi but with black colour. It's good my blade also black. Well Hatake family wore the same as normal ninja though. Black is no problem at all. Some even wear orange and red. Who cares."

Finish his preparation, he goes to Sakumo house to enroll together with Kakashi to academy. Thats right, today is the day. The registration and enrollment of Konoha academy's new student. Hoseki decides to walk to academy together with Kakashi.

"Big bro, how will you take test today?" Don't you feel excited? " Hoseki ask Kakashi while doing backwalk beside him.

" How? Do as usual i think." Kakashi frown while walking as usual. "And stop call me big bro. We are same age."

"But you born before me so you are my big brother. Big brother are big brother. I won't. Stop calling you just because you say so. You are always my big bro" Hoseki reply with snicking smile.



[Konoha Academy Gate detected]

[Sign in Konoha Academy Gate?]

'Sign in.'

[a fragment of wood seed is obtain]

[a chakra capacity pills (low) is obtain]

"Fragment?" Hoseki mutter and keep walking as usual.

His father already dead when Sakumo reached them.

. . . . . .

For starting i think i will stay at 1000word for now.

It make me realized that writing is hard job especially using only smart phone.

Cute_Meloncreators' thoughts