
Shrouded Wraith

My name is Eon and my sister is Aeon. We are half ghosts and incredibly beautiful specimens because of it. And we love using our powers to defeat the bad guys who threaten the balance of life. When doing so, damage to the surroundings is inevitable but who cares? The guys I work with are the ones who usually deal with it. ...What's that? Why are we doing this? Well... Can't we do it just because we can?

TreeBriarWood · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

From the Beginning.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

A blue flame that slowly froze the around it into a blue mist sat on top of a candle wick as it burned quietly in the darkness revealing a scant few things.

"You really should you know?"

A talisman depicting several connected scribbles coming together into the likeness of a skull surrounded by flowers flickered underneath the blue fire.

"Since our world has magic, I don't get why you deny ghosts."

A pristine human skull which was similar to the skull surrounded by a ring of flowers, a crown of beautiful Poppy's resting on the temple.

"Is it so hard to believe in ghosts when the Orcs and goblins use their shamans to sacrifice them to their gods?"

An inkbrush which was still wet with the ink that it had used to draw the talisman adorned with golden skulls.

"The Shamans aren't sacrificing the souls to their gods and granting power to the orcs and goblins?"

A tattered piece of skin covered in a series of runic markings lay alone besides the candle dripping with wax.

The flame blew out as if a sudden gust had wind had stolen it away, the remaining blue embers slowly fluttering through the air from its place on the candle and landed onto the piece of skin.

Burning it away, the talisman glowed a blue light as the surroundings brightened.

"In fact, I'm half ghost you know?"

A tall boy around ages of sixteen cheekily grinned from his place on top of several corpses, the heads of various beings with strange features resting underneath him.

"My sister can attest for that fact can't you?"

A chuckle from the surroundings was the only reply as a similar, blue pale face appeared besides the boy.

Holding the a similar talisman with the skull surrounded by flowers in his hand.

Smiling brightly, the boy continued. 

"And if you still don't believe that ghosts exist despite seeing one yourself well."

The talisman in his hands burnt away.

[Forceful Exorcism]

All around him, his surroundings suddenly burned with green light as howls and screams.

Green fire burst from the insides of the skulls of the many corpses as the soul forms of the monsters appeared.

Ranging from the vicious orcs to their much smaller counterparts the goblins, they clawed at the skies as they tried to escape the green flames which burnt at their souls.

Seeing a few of them fleeing, the boy grinned and snapped his finger, sending a pure white mist flying straight towards the obliviously running souls.

Striking the souls, ice quickly grabbed at their forms and grew all over their bodies like a plague.

Preventing their legs from moving the ice quickly turned into glaciers as it froze the souls within them.

But one would think that would've been counterproductive due to the ice potentially ending the fire which plagued the souls.

The keyword here was potentially.

From the special ice that the boy controlled to the fact that a soul fire wasn't so easily extinguished, the fire still fiercely burned within the block of ice.

It even seemed invigorated by it as the souls burnt within.

Watching the souls burn with vigor the boy smiled.

"In fact, you deal with souls don't you Elder Margo? Oops, I should call you Lich Margo now shouldn't I?"

Mockingly staring at the man bound by slowly growing ice below the mountain of burning corpses, the flames seemed to not touch the boy despite sitting atop the source of the flames themselves.

"There are no such things as souls! The only concrete things in this world is the body and mind!"

Frothing at the mouth, a mad gleam flashed through the mans bearded visage.

Shaking his head in disappointment, the boy got up from the corpses and slowly walked down the hill of corpses.

"Even when seeing this fact right in front of us you still deny it huh?"

Raising his arms high, a mocking light filled his eyes.

"If souls don't exist then explain-"

"I have nothing to talk with you, you foul non believer."

"I really think you are the non-" "Ptuii!"

The boy abruptly stopped and let the spit which was flying towards him freeze in the middle of the air.

"You know, I think I'll just let you suffer under the soul fire and let you see if you have a soul or not."

Flicking his hand, the green fire surged forwwards and engulfed the man kneeling within the ice.

From the torso upwards, he was instantly engulfed in a green flame, wrenching a painful screech from his lips.

"Up up up! No screaming!" Ice covered his lips causing the screams to abruptly stop, this however, didn't stop the flailing.

"I know you want to join the symphony but there is an order of things."

"Now where was I?" He pondered for a moment before clapping his hands. "Oh yeah"

Glancing at the figure who stared at him with pleading eyes, the boy ignored it all and continued.

"If souls don't exist, then explain why the so called accumulation of all your knowledge, the magical intelligence doesn't have emotions like the systems in your towers?"

"I'm pretty sure the magical intelligence is just a magic system that knows how to make a decision for itself, none of that emotion that makes us human."

Pointing at the man who was glaring fiercely he continued.

"You created a fully functioning mind but couldn't prove your theory that the mind was the reason that mana generated in the body."

He snorted.

"In fact, you created a system that would suck up mana from the surroundings like dragons which I won't deny is useful but it didn't act like a dragon's heart."

"So when you go to hell, if it really exists, go tell your friends who will join you in the underworld that souls really exist."

Snapping his fingers, the flames suddenly surged forwards with a new hunger as if they weren't already burning fiercely.

Quickly burning the souls, the boy stared at the mountain of green flames that was slowly lowering.

Stretching his arms as if he just finished exercising instead of eradicating the lingering lives of several vengeful orcs and goblins including snuffing out the light of one incredibly vicious man.

The boy kicked up his legs and started to walk away while he smiled brightly in a way that would most likely tug the heartstrings of many a girl.

"Since I'm done on my end, I wonder what the boss will think when I tell him I actually completed the commission for him."

Sauntering away, the boy kept his hands behind his back with a stupid grin on his face while leaving behind the mound of corpses burning in a green fire.

Time passed as the sky darkened, the boy having disappeared into the distance.

Left behind by the boy, the mountain of green fire was snuffed out and only left behind lifeless husks that were useless.


Useless to many others but a specific race.

The ground shifted as that certain race dug up and aimed to devour the corpses.

