
Shrouded Wraith

My name is Eon and my sister is Aeon. We are half ghosts and incredibly beautiful specimens because of it. And we love using our powers to defeat the bad guys who threaten the balance of life. When doing so, damage to the surroundings is inevitable but who cares? The guys I work with are the ones who usually deal with it. ...What's that? Why are we doing this? Well... Can't we do it just because we can?

TreeBriarWood · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Diary of a fanatical man

Be forewarned, some mistakes in the following words are intentional as no handwriting is perfect.


Diary entry 6 - 57

This is my sixth diary, the fifty seventh diary.

I don't know why, but the number fifty seven usually reminds me of the time that we first picked up the twins five years ago and when I decided to keep a record of our exploits.

The Kidshas really grown from the snobby brat when we first met him, well them.

I can still recall the decision our boss had made as if it was yesterday, which I guess it was, just five years ago.

But nevertheless I still recall calling our boss crazy, but now that I see the kid again I can't help but think that I was the crazy one for thinking about dropping the kid at an Orphanage.

His abilities which bordered on supernatural have come in handy several times and saved us from certain death several times.

In fact, I can't even imagine our Twilight Glade Mercenaries without the little tyke anymore.

I would think that without the little tyke livening up the atmosphere with the shamelessness and cheekiness that he learnt from that bastard medic of ours everything would've been much darker.

If not at the least our boss wouldn't have kept his smile all this time.

He really should stop putting all the responsibility onto his shoulders as if our own lives didn't matter to him

We are all adults here and except for the kids we are all responsible for own lives.

I really wish I can choke the mans aggravating throat, he is such an annoying man.

We have sworn our lives towards you for Zeon's Sake! Not the other way around!

But anyway s he really shoulds top putting hismelf down for our misakes.

My writeing is geting worse, Ill stop ere fro now.

Anb I thinR I heer my name.

Zeon's Faithful Devotee Alabaster


Eon tossed a head in his hand to hand, playing with the head of the man named Margo.

As the carriage jolted and bustled on top of the rough dirt hill, the half giant blooded man grunting in exertion as he pulled the carriage uphill.

"You can do it Grant! Don't falter here! Use your giant heritage!"

"Shut up Eliza! I will punt you into a river! This is harder then it looks!"

And amongst the friendly bickering of the Twilight Glade mercenaries which bordered on insults, they soon passed the crest of the hill.

Before the hill which now turned into a slope downwards, a city stood in the middle of a basin of trees.

Standing proudly, the stone walls towered over the average man and even some of the giant kind, behind those giant walls being the souls that relied on them for protection.

However to the mercenaries who were still far away, the city only appeared to be incredibly small to their eyes with the people who were moving in and out of the city, making a living looking like ants to them.

"We're here!"

Hearing those words, the mercenaries burst into a chain of cheers as the friendly bickering ended.

Trotting forwards the mood which was already good after completing a hard commission bordered on ecstatic as they neared the city.

It was no wonder since they would soon meet proper civilization and would do many things much more properly.

From sleeping in actual bed instead of the hard ground, to eating proper meat instead of eating watered down stew all the way to cashing in on their rewards to earn lots of edges.

And from the Lich Margo's bounty which was accumulated from his various evil deeds which ranged from stealing the holy relic of an expedition group, murder and collaborating with humanities enemies.

The payout in edges would be enough for all twenty one of them to live good lives for 2 years.

(40 gold edges)

That and if they took back the artifact, depending on its state the artifact it was in they could earn a bonus of up to 10 gold edges!

As the mercenaries salivated over the thought of gaining several gold edges to be split in twenty one ways.

They started to reach a properly stone paved road and soon enough, they would reach the gates of the county named


"Are you sure you want to do this Count?" A girl raised an eyebrow with a judgmental look as she sat in a pristine, lush prison quarter, the thick metal bars being the only difference between a normal bedroom and a prison.

The thin count chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "You seem to underestimate me Heiress."

Hearing the mans words the Heiress scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "And you seem to be underestimating my families power."

"No no no, I'm not really doubting your families power, far from it, I'm someone who belonged to one of the branch families after all, I know what I'm dealing with."

"Then why are you doing this? What gives you the confidence?"

Glancing at the prison cell the man chuckled "Despite knowing you are fishing for information I'll bite."

Pulling back the sleeves of his shirt, the Heiress's eyes widened in horror as she realized what the man had done.


"Yes me."

Calmly pulling his sleeve back down, the Heiress quickly dashed to the bars at a speed that the man could barely catch with his vision.

Flinching slightly the bars glowed with blue runes and shocked the heiress, sending her flying away with a powerful burst of energy.

Luckily the furniture that the jail cell had was bolted down by craftsmen otherwise most of it would've been sent flying by the blast of energy.

Seeing the burst of energy which propelled her through the air, the man felt a drop of cold sweat flow down of his head.

But nevertheless, the man annoyingly smiled and bragged. "Don't underestimate how dedicated I am, I paid for a master magician to make these barriers just for you."

Collapsing onto the ground besides the bed, the Heiress stared through the strands of her red hair and spoke.

"...You really are dedicating your all to this huh?"

The Count shrugged "Since I already went through the trouble of getting this, I might as well go all the way."

"The Church of Elizares will not stand for this."

"You think I haven't accounted for that fact? I got a certain lich to steal a holy artifact from them and now they're most probably dealing with that fact."

Hearing those words, the veins on her hands pulsed as she tightened her grip. "...You really threw away the last vestiges of your morality didn't you?"

"...You really are hypocritical."


"Nothing you should know." The Count shrugged his arms before his face split into a nasty smile.

"Actually, now that I think about it-" The flames on the left suddenly flickered and turned red.

Catching sight of the phenomenon, the Count bowed mockingly to the Heiress.

"Well then, I must get going now, have a good time Heiress."

Walking away, the man touched a specific stone underneath the watchful glare of the Heiress.

And with a rumble, the stone bricks shifted away to reveal a gap big enough to bring in two grown men side by side while having enough space to stretch their arms.

Walking out of the hidden room, the count pulled a book and the stone walls shifted away to bring the walls closed.

Watching the stone walls close, the man quickly returned to the wooden seat and rested his back against the rest.

"Come in."

Hearing his authoritive words, the person outside of the door opened the large set of double doors.

"What is it butler? It better be important otherwise I will cut your pay."

Hearing his words, the old man slightly balked at the thought and quickly bowed lest he incurred the counts wrath either way.

"I was just about to begin telling you Milord that the Twilight Glade Mercenaries which had passed through our territory are back."

The Count frowned "And why did you deign to tell me?"

"They are asking for an audience."


"They have the head of the recently posted Elizares Church Bounty."

Hearing those words, the Counts mind went blank as he tried to recall who that was, and upon realizing it, he silently tightened his fist underneath the table.

'That bumbling fool, I really shouldn't have trusted him.'

Recalling the confidence the man known as an elder in the magic tower had when he confidently stated that he wouldn't fail, rage seethed quietly beneath his skin.

"...Bring them in, you know the drill right? Prevent them from leaving the premises and seize the head from them."

"What about the backing behind them?"

"They won't want to deal with us as well if they don't want to face losses, just pin some crime on them."

"What crime should we pin on them milord?"

"Don't talk back" Snapping back, the Count brought his hands together above the table and stared dead at the butler.

"Bring them to our 'special' prisons"

Hearing those words the Butler nodded his head and backed out of the room.

Seeing that the Butler had finally left, the Count took off his glasses and massaged his eyes.

Letting out a long sigh, his head suddenly snapped to the side at an odd angle.

Staring at the window upon which the curtains adorning it have been fully drawn back and allowed golden light to sink into the room.

Glaring at the glass, the Count got up from his seat and quickly narrowed the distance from him and the window.

Swinging the glass panes open, he glared at the surroundings.

"...It must've been my imagination."

Muttering to himself he closed the windows and closed the drapes.


'...Well that was surprising.'

Eon quickly calmed his non existent heart as he saw the count turn his head away from the window.

From the Count's perspective, there was nothing but the howling wind at his place, but from his own perspective...

-It was to close-


The Counts face was directly in front of his own, it was so close that Eon could even see the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes.

Glancing backwards, Eon flew alongside Aeon and circled the premises of the Count's mansion.

Flying towards his mercenary comrades who doubled as his extremely extended family.

He turned back into his flesh and bone form and briefly rolled on the ground upon feeling a sudden weight cover his body.

Glancing at the mercenaries who appeared unfazed by the sudden appearance and instead looked curiously at him, Eon clicked his tongue.

'You guys are no fun.'

"The Count is thinking of imprisoning us and stealing the reward."


The money system.

Bits < Copper edge < Silver edge < Gold edge < Platinum edge

Each piece of money is made up of a hundred of the previous.

3 copper edges can buy a normal meal that can fill you for the day e.g. some bread, vegetables and milk, meat if lucky.

If spent over the course of an entire year buying three meals every day.

67.15 silver will be leftover for other expenses.