
Shiro Emiya With With Biokinetic Skill

Shiro Emiya With With Biokinetic Skill Well, everyone is already used to how clichéd the protagonists are transported to another world or how a random ROB kills this person and grants wishes, just like a Genie from Aladdin. Well, in my case it didn't quite work as expected. And You're probably wondering what your shitty old life was like, full of death and random trope shrinking like every other young crosser and your golden finger. Well... not either. it all started on my last day, at work in the office on my way home. As you may have noticed by now, this 25-year-old young adult whose, after graduating and going to work around 8 hours a day, receives a salary that is not consistent with his position because, of course, the Law of supply is demand, which I think it's pure bullshit.

Kaioshin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5 - And the War begins!

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Note: This is one of my first fanfictions. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

🛑Insert GIFs and Images Here - Insert "Gudako completely crazy!!" images here!🛑


"It makes me angry when people actively try to play the victim. Is it too much to ask for an outcome where everyone can be saved, happy, and share a laugh about it in the end?" - Shirou Emiya


(A/N: Risei Kotomine's POV, the hero of justice!)

Upon returning to his church, the cleric named Kirei went to where his son and his son's teacher were discussing their next moves now that all the Masters would gather.

"You have summoned the Hundred-Faced Hassan. Sacrificing just one individual will make it appear as if the assassin has been eliminated, while, in reality, it will be used to give us an advantage," said Tohsaka Tokiomi, the "owner" of Fuyuki City, whose ancestors offered it for this ritual.

"Hmm, I understand the need to gain an advantage. It may be necessary to put on a show, a confrontation between servants to make it more realistic," replied Kotomine Kirei, the sadistic cleric who witnessed his own wife commit suicide before him, leading him to where he is now.

"Gentlemen," Kotomine Risei entered the room, having just returned from Emiya Shirou's house.

"I suppose you have dealt with the Orphan?" Tokiomi Tohsaka asked, showing great interest.

"Yes, he is quite a lively child. Tragic, really, that he lost his entire family. I planned to adopt him, but apparently, he still has an aunt who was visiting him. They will probably move away. However, I offered a job to the girl in case she wants to stay in this city for little Shirou. Little Shirou is the same age as your daughter, Tokiomi," Kotomine Risei replied, taking the opportunity to tease him.

"Let's proceed with the plan then... Kotomine Kirei. Let's go!" said Tohsaka as he headed towards the Tohsaka family mansion.


(A/N: Shirou's house...)

"So, this is how you pronounce it and how you read it..." Shirou explained, showing the Hiragana characters. (A/N: Just to give you an idea, I don't know any Japanese or Chinese. So, I won't discuss Kanji either. The idea is to present here that Shirou started teaching Ruler (Jeanne D'arc) how to read and write.)

"Wow, it's very difficult!" said the holy maiden who was trying to learn a foreign language. Somehow, she had the ability to speak Japanese implanted in her head, but not the ability to read.

"Well, you already know how to speak, so you've made some progress. Now you need to understand the characters, and then we'll move on to words. After that, we'll practice paragraphs to improve your reading and comprehension," Shirou spoke with closed eyes, as if he were a wise sage.

"In any case, as soon as you can recognize the words and read them, we'll make sure you don't become a functional illiterate. You'll probably be able to read and write in about a year, I think, Jeanne," Shirou said with a smile to encourage the maiden of Orleans.

"Hmm..." Jeanne d'Arc murmured something, but it was too low for anyone to hear.

"Well, anyway, do you plan on doing anything today? It seems the Servants have already begun to act for the Holy Grail War, so they might start fighting soon," Shirou asked curiously about the actions the holy maiden would take, now that she had declared herself his caretaker.

"Yes, indeed, I must investigate. But I cannot wander around the city. Now that I can't astralize myself, they may be able to track me here if I'm careless. So I'll wait for someone to start fighting before I start moving," said the saint from Orleans, careful not to put her "Master" in danger.

"In any case, we better continue our studies, and then we'll see what we'll do," Shirou told Jeanne, as it was still too early for any major decisions.


(A/N: Change of POV. With an Einzbern Homunculus!)

"Let's go, Saber! We can't stay here. It's so boring! We can't be stuck in the castle. I'll show you my car and how I drive!" exclaimed the cheerful and childish Einzbern.

"Master, you should rest. We don't know when the other Servants might attack us," Saber said, concerned about a possible ambush.

"Come on! We have the strongest Servant! There's no way he can defeat us!" Irisviel said, already sitting in the car and patting the passenger seat, urging Saber to get in.

Uff! Saber sighed but reluctantly accepted the "pleasant" ride with Irisviel.


Vrum! Screech!

"Hahaha! Look, Saber, how much fun we're having!" Irisviel said happily, speeding the car over 90 MPH and taking sharp turns as if it were nothing, making Saber extremely uncomfortable.

"So, where are we going?" Saber tried to change the subject while holding on to the passenger seat for dear life, trying not to be ejected from the car. Although, if she were thrown out, she wouldn't be hurt.

"We're going to investigate and look for some action! Possibly a battle for you. Kiritsugu is already in the city with Maiya, and they have begun investigating the participants of the Holy Grail War," Irisviel said casually, as if she didn't care. (A/N: The main reason Irisviel behaves this way is that she's young. Like, really, really young! As a Homunculus created specifically for the Holy Grail War, she's only 9 years old. YES, "9". One could argue that she was born in an adult body with knowledge implanted in her head, but that doesn't change the fact that she's 9 years old. Now you understand why the world of Fate is messed up. Not to mention Sakura's situation...)

"Phew... At least you were considerate enough to inform Kiritsugu," Saber replied, feeling a bit less worried.

Irisviel pouted. "Hmph! As if I would cause any trouble."

Screech! Vrum!


(A/N: At the same time, at the Tohsaka mansion.)

"The Church has informed us! The last of the '7' Servants has been summoned. Caster has appeared," said the sadistic priest, Kirei Kotomine.

Assassin appeared from the shadows behind Kirei.

"The last Servant has been summoned? Then it's time," said Assassin with determination.

"Indeed. You will go directly to the Tohsaka house," confirmed Kirei.

"And when I get there?" Assassin inquired.

"The house has a powerful bounded field; it should be a piece of cake for you," Kirei said, inciting Assassin, as if he weren't sending him to an early end.

"Are you sure?" Assassin asked again, a little suspicious, thinking he might be sent to his death.

"I believed you were supposedly an ally of Tohsaka Tokiomi," Kirei asserted.

Assassin entered the Bounded Field and started avoiding traps. Soon, he spotted the source of the mana crystal that kept the traps active.

["Like a rat in a mousetrap,"] the assassin thought.

Whoosh Zip!*

"Finally!" the Assassin exclaimed, thinking he would disable the Bounded Field.

Whoosh Bang!

"Ugh..." the Assassin groaned in pain as his hand was pierced by a golden spear.

"You little worm crawling on the ground. How dare you steal from my garden, mongrel!" spoke a man who appeared on the rooftop of the mansion, dressed in full golden armor, with numerous portals appearing behind him, containing an infinite number of weapons, swords, spears, halberds, and more...

Whoosh Bang!

Whoosh Bang!

Whoosh Bang!

Whoosh Bang!

"A worm should just keep looking down... until it dies," the man finished his monologue.



Alternate Title: So the Game Begins!



A.N: Eager to see what Shirou Emiya will do! Check it out in the next episode of..


THE NEXT CHAPTER: Confrontation?! Adopted ?!





Throw stones at me!!!


Author's note:

See you later.


That's it guys, see you later!!!

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!




I have my patron to thanks:


Nicholas Berenguer

Ben Phillips


Taco Tsk




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