
Shinobi in One piece

Andrew Newgate, our protagonist will be the real son of White Beard aka Edward Newgate. He will get the memories of Madara, Hashirama, Tsunade and Mito Uzumaki when he reincarnates. He will also get their bloodlines. So he will have three bloodlines, namely Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki. He will have their unique powers as well. Plus the memories are just memories. Not their experiences. So if he acts childish or something then that's another matter. Plus, he will have Whitebeard's physique as well. Meaning, he will be mighty powerful in strength once he trains. His DF is also already planned by me. Everything that needs to be done is already in order. this time, everything will be planned beforehand. No changes will be made. Even if the readers request me to do so. It will be Harem like always. Harem is mostly decided. Won’t be massively stupid Harem. Just I think 5 people. Let’s see how it goes. Might make some changes to the plot as Alex will have a lot of impact on the world with his actions. It is Wish Fulfilment.

Hancock_Sama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

3. Situation

When Andrew fell ill, Whitebeard pirates made the whole world chaotic. Marines, revolutionaries, dragons. Everyone was chaotic and hectic.

At Marineford, it was literal chaos going on at the moment.

"Sir, we got reports that Whitebeard pirates are moving towards the start of New world." A navy brigadier barged into the Fleet Admiral Sengoku's office without even knocking on the door.

Sengoku was resting while laying back on his chair after he had finished all the paperwork that he needed to do.

"What!" He exclaimed in astonishment and straightened his body immediately like an instinct.

"Send Vice Admiral Garp to me now." Sengoku said in a hurry and the Brigadier general ran out of the room as soon as possible.

Sengoku took the Den Den Mushi on his table and made a call as well.

* Pera Pera Pera Pera*


The call was answered on the other side and the Den Den Mushi changed to afro style hair and a eye mask on its head.

"Kuzan, get to my office right now." Sengoku didn't even give a greeting and just ordered immediately.

"What happened?" Kuzan asked lazily and even yawned through the call.

"It's urgent, I want you here right now!" Sengoku yelled angrily and the cut the call.

"Ugh." He rubbed his head and felt a headache creeping up very fast.

'All of them are good soldiers but they just get on my nerves sometimes.' Sengoku shook his head and tried to calm down by taking a deep breath.

Hearing Sengoku's voice and his anger that was coming through the Den Den Mushi, Kuzan decided to hurry to his office as soon as possible.

Garp was the first to get to his office and just barged in without any sort of knocking or ceremony.

He had rice crackers in his hand and his other hand was busy shoving them into his face with a huge smile.

"What is it?" He took a seat beside Sengoku and kept on eating his rice crackers that weren't finishing for some reason.

"Ugh, Whitebeard pirates are moving towards the start of New World with more than half the fleet." Sengoku sighed heavily and said.

Listening his words, even Garp had a gleam in his eyes but then he just smiled and ate another rice cracker before answering.

"Doesn't matter, he isn't the sort of person to do things sneakily." Garp waved his hand carelessly and continued to devour his rice crackers.

"I know but the Five Elders will surely call me to take countermeasures." Sengoku shook his head again in distress and sighed heavily.

"What's up?" Kuzan soon entered the room and asked.

Sengoku repeated the words to him again and looked at him to ask his opinion on this matter as well.

"Well, I can go to keep a lookout but I don't think we really need to do that." Kuzan just shook his shoulders and got up from his seat.

"Yeah, take two vice admirals with you as well." Sengoku nodded in relief and ordered.

"Sure." Kuzan just waved his hand and lazily left the room.

Meanwhile in Baltigo at the same time,

Dragon got the news from one of the cadres that Whitebeard was moving to the start of New World.

"Just keep a lookout and monitor their movements. He is not our main concern." Dragon said authoritatively and looked towards a certain direction where Mariejois was.

"Yes sir." All the cadres answered resolutely and dispersed from the room.

At the Holy Land Mariejois,

"That Old troublemaker is at it again." One of the Five elders spoke and said to the others.

"Yeah, let's call Sengoku and tell him to send Garp and two Admirals there." Another put down a suggestion.

"Hmm, I agree." All the elders agreed one by one and this thing was fully decided in a matter of minutes.

As this all was happening, the Whitebeard pirates had a very heavy atmosphere going on at moment because Whitebeard's only son was ill and in the bedroom.

"Marco, how is it?" Thatch, the fourth division commander asked while the others also looked at him in anticipation.

"The situation is severe and we need a professional doctor as soon as possible." Marco was a doctor himself and he could do some rudimentary treatments but he wasn't a professional.

"We'll try to speed up the journey as much as possible." Juzo said and jumped towards his own ship.

Others also did the same and jumped to their own ships to convey the message. They needed to go as fast as possible to their destination.

"We have a visitor." Whitebeard suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the front of the Moby Dick.

A marine ship was seen floating on the ocean in front of them. It was quite big but still couldn't match the Moby Dick in size.

Currently, Kuzan was standing on the marine ship and looking at the Moby Dick and the rest of the Whitebeard fleet that was moving closer to them quite fast.

"Where are you going?" Kuzan looked at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard had also gotten up from his seat and was standing and the helm of the ship facing the marine warship.

"Brat, whoever stops me today won't get any mercy." Whitebeard had a fierce gleam in his eyes and you could tell that he was serious about his words.

"Hmm." Kuzan looked at Whitebeard deeply and then waved his hand. An ice storm was formed on the sea that pushed the navy warship out of the way.

'I hate this job.' Kuzan groaned in his his heart and finally stopped using his power when the ship was a safe distance away from the fleet.

Whitebeard was still standing on the helm until the fleet disappeared from the Navy's view before he returned to his seat.

Kuzan heaved a sigh of relied when he saw that the ship left his view and the pressure was lifted off of him.

Standing in front of the world's strongest man is no joke. Especially, when he is still in his hay days and can still bring about a hundred percent of his power.