Read about a teenagers descent into madness and destruction as he faces the reality of the marvel world. Not only does he face the reality of marvel but also fights with it hand to hand, read about him versus the rest of the world.
"Really Logan? You had to knock him out" Jean asked while looking over the young teenagers unconscious form.
"Yeah Jean, I needed to knock the little bastard out. He's an aggressive little-" Jean cut off Logan with an eye roll.
"When's Professor Xavier coming down?" Logan asked, Jean nodded to the door and seconds later it opened with a mechanical whirring and Xavier came in with Dr.McCoy following swiftly behind.
Xavier looked at the form with calculating eyes that roamed over the teenager, his eyes rolled to a careless looking Logan who shrugged.
Xavier hummed and wheeled towards the medical bed the teenager was resting in. "So, this is the child who has been so much trouble"
Jean looked back at her Professor with a peeved look on her face. "Your not going to ask why he's knocked out?"
"I already went through Logan's memories of the encounter" Charles Xavier said as he probed the mind of the teenager.
"And what? You think what Logan did is okay? He knocked the kid out!" Jean wasn't happy, the kid must be 15 at best and Logan had left giant bruises all over him.
"Was any of that truly needed?" She asked Logan who narrowed his eyes in return.
"I explained the rules, he comes to the school, gets food, shelter whatever and then he attacked. It's not like I could go easy on him!" He growled. "Last time I went easy on him a whole street was torn down and 15 people died"
Jean clenched her jaw and turned away from the older man.
Xavier sighed and nodded "I'm sad to say but yes, this really was the only route. We need him to work with us, he's a large threat to this whole city if left on his own."
Xavier rushed down to the medical wing, it had been 2 whole days of waiting. Surprising for sure but it seems the child's body needed a resting period.
But he felt the mind of the boy waking, thus why he was rushing down. The boy was dangerous and while Jean could quite easily handle herself he felt it was better to have that back up.
At the door he paused, he could hear the boys thoughts clear as day. He was having a conversation with Jean, he would wait. He didn't want to disturb any potential friendships.
If the boy makes friends then he might stay.
Tomuras eyes narrowed on the woman across from him, she was young. She had red hair and green eyes that reminded him of Natalie.
He didn't trust her at all.
"Who are you? Where am I?" He asked as his eyes bounced between her, the room and any doors.
He was in some sort of medical room, must be at that damn school. His breathing picked up slightly as he checked the shadows to make sure no one was hiding in them.
"I'm Jean, nice to meet you" she smiled and fearlessly held out her hand to shake. He sensed zero hesitation at all, she must not know his ability.
He shook her surprisingly soft hands and stood, he had some hospital robe thing on. His feet hit the cold floor with a slap and his eyes stayed on Jean.
"So welcome to Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters" she said with a beaming smile.
His frown didn't twitch, he knew this place. "Filled with mutants right" his eyes narrowed, studying her for any signs of a reaction.
He only noticed her smile dim slightly, before she handed him a bag full of clothes. They were washed.
He turned to Jean to ask her to leave while he changed but she was already gone. He quickly put on the familiar clothes that smelt amazing.
He looked around the empty room and couldn't find a door anywhere, where the hell did she go?
"I'm done!" He shouted, hoping she would let him out, he could decay the wall sure but that would bring mutants attacking him left, right and centre.
And if what Logan said was true, he really doesn't need that right now.
A mechanical sound had him turning to his right to see a sudden opening in the room, he walked out the opening and saw Jean waiting on the other side.
"Shall we go on a tour?" She asked.
He nodded warily and followed behind the woman, she couldn't be much older than him…20 maybe.
They went up a set of stairs and arrived in the middle of a bustling hallway, dozens of people were walking through the large wooden hallway.
All of them mutants.
One had horns sprouting from his hands, ones head was a damn fishbowl…he grimaced when he saw a student made of slime walking in his direction.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned quickly to Jean who was gesturing for him to follow.
He did as she asked and followed in her wake, they had to shuffle through the groups of the disgusting students.
The urge to destroy…it was gone.
His eyebrows furrowed as he thought back, he hadn't heard the hand since he woke up.
He grimaced at a sudden pain in his head and kept walking.
"Hey Jean!" Someone shouted, it was a deeper voice. A man, similar looking age to Jean with an odd red visor on his face.
Students were still mingling around them as they came to a stop and his tour guide started to talk back.
"Hey Scott! How was the mission" She asked with a beaming smile, Scott replied with a smile of his own.
"It was great! We've found another-"
Why were they so happy.
His head ignited in pain again.
He noticed Jean grimace herself and wondered what was going on. What was wrong with his damn head.
He shook his head and rubbed his temple.
He looked up to see the corridors now basically empty except for the occasional mingling student.
His eyes went to Scott and Jean, both were still taking until Scott turned his head to him. "Ah you must be the new student, it's nice to meet you" he said with a small smile.
Tomura didn't respond.
He didn't offer his hand, maybe he knows.
The idea, that they're avoiding even touching him was honestly thrilling.
"Hey Scott I'm gonna show Tomura the danger room you wanna come?" Jean said to a already nodding Scott.
Tomura perked up, a danger room?
"This, is the danger room!" Scott shouted as he entered the metallic room. It was a metallic sphere with odd platforms and multiple doors.
Scott turned to him with a grin "You wanna have a go?" Tomura nodded warily, he didn't know what this was.
But it had to be better than third wheeling his tour guide.
He streched his arms and watched as Scott and Jean left the room.
The room suddenly turned dark, he rotated and found himself in the middle of a dark street.
He found himself touching the floor, the texture actually felt like concrete. This was amazing.
His eyes were wide but observant as suddenly a group of military soldiers rushed out of the mouth of an alley.
Before they could pull their guns up and aim at him he had already rushed inside a nearby building.
He heard dozens of gunshots hit the door behind him. He rushed up the stairs of the tall house, he heard soldiers rushing up after him.
He burst through a door, and found himself on the roof of the three storey building.
In a single movement he turned and placed his fingertips on the staircase the soldiers were using and watched as the grey structure collapsed.
He heard screams and shouts as soldiers fell into a pile at the bottom of the building, he took advantage of the confusion and panic he created.
He dropped down what remained of the decayed staircase and landed ontop of the stumbling off balance injured soldiers.
In one second he had dropped to the ground level.
In two he had already decayed five of the twelve enemy soldiers.
In three he had reduced the twelve soldiers to piles of blood and bone.
"Professor said he's an Omega level mutant" Jean said as they watched his performance.
Scott's eyes widened behind his visor "Really? I mean surely an Omega wouldn't need to run from gunfire" he asked dubiously.
Jean only hummed.