Read about a teenagers descent into madness and destruction as he faces the reality of the marvel world. Not only does he face the reality of marvel but also fights with it hand to hand, read about him versus the rest of the world.
He looked at the meteor above him…it was huge. 300 feet across at least as it flew down towards him.
He looked at the Emperor's form, was he mad?
This would destroy the courtyard completely nevermind all the soldiers that would die. His eyes traveled to the wide eyed Doctor.
"NOMU! GET THE DOCTOR OUT OF HERE!" He screamed as the meteor came flying down at him.
He knew he could run away, he would easily get out of its impact range.
But he jumped towards the Meteor anyway.
Did he have a death wish?
He ignored that thought as his body flew through the air, he could feel the wind rushing in his ears as he outstretched his left hand.
His palm hit the burning meteor with a crack, he felt his shoulder crack and screamed as his decay activated.
The meteor turned to ash in his hand.
He fell to the ground and hit the floor with a crack. He slowly got to his feet, however he noticed the annoying fact his left arm was broken.
His new healing factor was good, not as good as that monster though.
So as his arm slowly cracked back into place he met eyes with the Emperor.
The man was grinning.
He snarled as he was about to burst in speed at the man but was suddenly weighed down as his form glowed a vivid purple.
He noticed the meteors in atmosphere suddenly start to fall to the floor. They were miles away from the castle so it was no concern of his.
It was however a concern for the small villages under them.
What was his concern though was when he suddenly fell to the floor with a crack, his face was pushed into the stone below as he felt like gravity was swallowing him.
He couldn't see the man but heard him laughing, he snarled and tried to move but just couldn't budge.
"Ah, you could turn my meteors to dust with ease but can't bear the weight of them on your own shoulders." The Emperor laughed.
Tomuras eyes widened, that's why he dropped the meteors. So he could use all of his strength on holding him down.
The Emperor stepped onto Tomuras back and raised his right arm in the sky. "My people need the show, my apologies dog" he said sarcastically as his foot only added onto the weight Tomura was suffering under.
Tomura snarled as he pushed against the weight holding him down.
"I'm going to kill you" Tomura snarled, his voice sounded as if two people were speaking at once.
The Emperor laughed and dropped his hand to his side "Why? Because The Ancient One told you I killed innocents? Or are you just that deep into her pockets?" He said as he looked down at the teens flexing back.
"No! Because I want too" the voice was altered by the way the boys throat was pressed against the ground "I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU" his voice was trembling in anger as he started to press against the ground beneath him.
The Emperor laughed "Its good to see that pre death clarity, it's almost sad to have to put you down…boy" he then laughed more as his foot pressed down with all of his formidable strength added onto the weight on Tomuras back.
He pushed against the ground, every muscle in his body flexing. His arms were shaking as he finally lifted himself an inch of the ground.
That was the hardest part.
The Emperor looked down in surprise as he felt his foot lift, the boy was snarling and grunting as he slowly lifted himself.
The Emperor noticed with a grin, the boy was quite literally foaming at the mouth.
He smirked and grabbed a knife from his belt, it was fun while it lasted.
His lethal blow was not even 2 feet away when the black muscled thing he saw earlier suddenly kicked him in the jaw.
The Emperor was sent stumbling back and grabbed the bird thing by its legs and head in his large hands and in one singular movement tore the thing in half.
But the delay allowed Tomura to get to all fours, and he was still grunting like some sort of beast as he pushed through the weight holding him down.
The Emperor snarled and just threw the knife towards the boys strained face, a sudden portal opened in front of the magical knife and sent in into Balurs muscled back.
He growled at the rookie Sorcerer stood fearlessly over a hundred metres away. Then he was hit from behind again, he turned in surprise…
The black beaked thing had already healed, it's threw its body towards him and as Balur was about slap the beast away and finally kill the boy a whip wrapped around his palm and sliced it open.
Of course it healed almost instantly but he suddenly choked as a knee had flown into his throat at Mach 2.
Suddenly red chains wrapped around his knees, they were easy to tear off with his hands but he was hit with another knee, this time in the chin.
He fell onto the ground and then as he stood up again he was hit with another blinding knee.
He snarled himself and stood ready to deal with the situation.
Until a portal opened under his foot, he fell halfway through the portal and lost most of his left leg when the portal closed.
Gravity magic wasn't really an option if he wanted to keep full control of his powers on the white haired boy.
His leg healed and he got back to his feet and turned to the boy only to see him on his feet.
The boys eyes were glowing a vibrant red as the deep purple gravity magic was wrapped around his body like a cloak.
For the first time since his father had kicked him from Postvit the old home of the gods, The Demi-God Emperor Balur felt…
He felt fear
Nothing great but a tingling in his mind telling him to end this now.
On the other end of the spectrum Tomura Shigaraki, the vessel of All For One felt…
Well he felt exhilaration, his blood was pumping, he wasn't doing this for his guilt, he was doing this because he wanted to.
He wanted this fight.
And now every ounce of desire in his body yearned to kill the monster in front of him.
Not to save future innocents, not to punish the guilty and most certainly not because anyone told him too.
He wanted to murder this man.
So he would.
Because he wanted too.
The weight almost felt like nothing at the moment, his body was tearing itself apart, his muscles tearing by the second and his skin ripping apart from the sheer pressure exerted on him.
And he didn't feel a thing other than exhilaration.
He took a step forward, his foot crashed against the ground with a crash and The Emperor instinctively took a step back.
His hand then clenched and slowly lifted, he pressed his hand against the gravity magic and turned it to dust.
The Emperor took another step back.
Tomura took a step forward, his foot landing lightly against the floor below.
The Emperor took a step back.
The Emperors vicious grin had disappeared.
Tomuras had returned
Tomura burst forward in a burst of speed towards the Demi-God. He dodged under a swipe of the man's huge arms.
Then avoided a kick that went by his face, his palm landed on the half gods thigh and it decayed in an instant.
The loss of balance caused The wide eyed Emperor to fall to his back.
Tomura jumped lightly onto the man's chest that was the size of a car.
His right arm slowly lifted and he held his open palm high in the air.
His open palm, a sign of destruction.
"Sorry, have to give my Nomu a show" the voice was raspy as it dragged itself through Tomuras throat.
The Emperor couldn't even see the boys face, it was all covered in shadow all he could see were the red eyes.
The Vessel of All For One crouched down.
"Balur, I can withstand your power. Can you withstand mine"
His palm slapped against the wide eyed Demi-Gods face.
One of my favourite chapters yet to write, please lmk what you think and what I should do for the next fight scene