

Tomura walked into the Lab and came across Sterns analysing the bones of Sabretooth.

"These are fascinating" he said as he looked down at them. Tomura sighed and left the lab, those bones just reminded him of that night.

He scowled to hide his embarrassment at crying, and crying infront of Logan of all people.

He had to admit it felt good, he felt lighter somehow.

He also felt exhausted, he got zero sleep last night.

That Phoenix.

He thought back to what Logan said last night, about Jean not sleeping. Maybe she knows what wrong with him.

It's worth a try.


The taxi drove off leaving Tomura staring at the Xavier mansion with some conflicting thoughts.

He really hoped the drive would be longer, the closer he got the more dread he felt.

He took a deep breath and started to walk towards the entrance, he ignored the stares of some of the students and walked through the front doors.

The first familiar face he came across was Storm. Her eyes narrowed as she saw him but she stopped and turned to him.

"Hey, do you know where Jean is?" Tomura had developed eye bags that let anyone who looked in his general direction know he wasn't sleeping well.

"Yes, her room most likely" Storm said as she looked the teenager up and down.

The boy was a mess.

"Where's that? I always get lost in this place" He explained.

Storm nodded "Down that hallway and then two rights and then the second door on the left" she explained simply.

Tomura nodded and thanked the woman, he then slowly walked towards the brand new door, he felt his palms itch.

He took a deep breath and knocked twice, the door opened quickly and Jean didn't seem surprised by his presence.

He took a deep breath but before he could even think to speak Jean did.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with her eyes narrowed, she also looked tired.

"Listen, I'm not sleeping-"

"Oh that's my problem?" She sarcastically asked.

Tomura took a deep breath, where lack of sleep seemed to make her snappy it just made him exhausted.

"Can you, I don't know, fix it?" Lack of sleep also made him stupid it seems.

Her eyes narrowed "Oh, can I fix it?" Her voice was sickly sweet. "Look at me? You really think if I could fix it I would be so tired!" She shouted.

Tomura just sighed.

"Why are you not sleeping then?" He asked.

She turned around and slammed the door in his face.

He rested his head against the door and closed his eyes, hoping, praying to sleep without nightmares.

Thirty seconds later the door opened quickly and he fell onto her carpeted floor with a thud.

"Why the hell are you just leaning on my door?" She asked the groaning body now laying on her floor.

He slowly stood up and turned to Jean "Why did you open the door?" He asked while rubbing his head.

Jean rolled her eyes "Right, why would I open MY own door?"

He slowly trodded over to her spinning computer chair, on the long journey he almost tripped over 4 forgotten T-shirts, 2 completely different shoes and a chocolate bar.

He fell into the seat and spun over to Jean who was staring at him venomously. "Why are you sitting down?"

Tomura sighed "I'm tired, just let me rest" he looked down at the floor "in this extremely messy room"

"I'm sorry I didn't clean up, I didn't know his Royal Highness was visiting" she said as she sat down on her bed.

"You should have known, you can read minds remember?" Tomura said as his eyes closed.

Jean just shook her head and yawned.

Which caused Tomura to yawn.

Tomura spoke slowly "I'm having nightmares, that's why I can't sleep."

Jean was silent for a moment "Then why did you come here?"

"I was talking to wolverine and he mentioned you weren't sleeping, I was wondering if I came here you'd have some" he sighed "information about the whole not sleeping thing"

"Why on earth would I know?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know I'm having nightmares but since your telepathic I was hoping you could just tell them to go away" he said to the woman who just sighed.

"I can't, that's not really how it works and I can't even get into your mind remember?"

Tomura sighed

Jean sighed "I'm having nightmares too" she admitted almost shamefully.

Tomura nodded "I wake up here, and then get burned alive by a bloody fire bird" he said as he wiped his eyes.

"Well not to make this a competition but being slowly killed by a faceless man in a church is much scarier" she japed.

He snorted.

Jean looked at him "So that's why you came here just to exchange nightmare stories?"

"Well it's been a while for me, I didn't have any other ideas" he said as his pushed his palms into his eyes.

She sighed "I don't have any either"

They stewed in the remaining silence.

Tomura stood up and nearly tripped before walking to the open door. He didn't know why he came here.

"Where are you going?" She asked incredulously.

"Home" he answered. "It's a lot tidier than here"

Jean scowled "I have your memories of that tiny warehouse in Harlem, I know it's twice as messy as this could ever be"

"Yeah, well I did this thing called buying a new place" he held his keys out in front of her and jingled them.

Jeans eyes widened "You bought a place?"

Tomura smirked "Yep, why you want a tour?" He asked sarcastically "Problem is a tour would take ages, given the place is massive" he bragged as he yawned once again.

Jean stood up herself "Yeah, I do want a tour. I remember asking to see your house back in Central Park" she said.

Tomuras eyes widened, did she have to?

"Well I was kind of joking with the wh-" he tried to explain.

"I don't care" she pointed out the door "Lead the way" she didn't have anything else to do, and maybe annoying Tomura would be some sort of revenge.

He sighed and then turned around and walked out the door, he tried to remember the directions storm told him.

"You're going the wrong way" she sighed "Just follow me"