Read about a teenagers descent into madness and destruction as he faces the reality of the marvel world. Not only does he face the reality of marvel but also fights with it hand to hand, read about him versus the rest of the world.
Tomura dropped to a knee, he wouldn't let any of Nomus blood, organs or any research to do with it leave.
The lab and everything in it turned to dust, as the dust settled all that could be seen was the flying Nomu and Tomura Shigaraki.
Tomura threw his body towards the large procession of military power. His decay wiped the tanks from existence, he was too fast, too strong.
This was terrifyingly easy.
Soon the tanks and people inside them had turned to ash. He turned to the armoured vehicle and ripped off the closest door, he reached through and grabbed Ross.
He threw the man to the ground, Tomura could feel bullets bouncing off his skin but ignored them as he looked down at the man.
"You took Nomu" his foot placed itself against the man's ribs and started to slowly apply pressure.
Ross grunted and started to groan in pain as he started to turn red? Not like a suffocating red but his skin, his arms his whole body started to turn red.
Tomura took a step back in confusion as the man's body started to grow and morph, soon instead of the 6 foot tall Ross now stood an 11 foot tall Red Hulk.
What the fuck.
The Red Hulk roared at the shocked figure of Tomura and then threw a punch towards the teenager.
Tomura swerved underneath the punch and kicked out at the front of the Red Hulks knee jarring it.
Then his placed his palm against the
red leg and watched it turn to dust infront of his very eyes.
He grinned up at the wide eyed Red Hulk, he probably thought this was gonna like the fight he had with the real Hulk.
But this wasn't the real Hulk.
And he wasn't the same person he was back then.
So as Ross came tumbling to the ground from lack of balance and pain Tomura flipped the Hulk onto his back with a casual flick of his foot and climbed onto its chest.
He got onto his knees and began using a simple technique.
The technique was to mercilessly smash his fists against the Red Hulks face, whenever it tried to punch at him he simply decayed the arm and kept punching.
The punches sent shockwaves that threw approaching soldiers flying backwards, against the real Hulk this wouldn't work.
He would just get angry.
This Red Hulk though was different, he felt the radioactive blood covering his body as he kept breaking the Hulks face as it tried to heal the damage.
As its face scrambled to heal its limbs were also trying to heal, it's healing factor was being pushed to the limits.
Each punch sent the blood spraying from its constantly rehealing nose, again and again and again.
Until it stopped healing, the body started to grow smaller, the voice went from beastial groaning to the deep panting breaths of a man.
Tomura stood up, Ross was still missing a foot, and his left forearm but still tried to scramble away. The man was kicked in his jaw and sent rolling across the ground.
He put his foot on the man's chest and looked down at him, his face was covered in blood as his eyes met his.
"Listen Ross, I won't kill you" Tomura said as he looked down at the man.
"In fact you will never see me again if you don't want to" Tomura said as he dropped to a knee besides the man.
"Now, it's not because I'm a changed man or anything like that, it's simply because I wanna live in New York, visit Marvel Girl and buy some nice cloaks without being shot at or have military eyes on me." Tomura grabbed the man's jaw in a vice grip.
"Now remember you mentioned Marvel Girl at the Avengers meeting right" his hand forced the man's head to nod.
"Right, glad to hear you remembered but if I ever hear word of any harm coming to her, you will be my main suspect"
"I will then find you, kill every man working under you, kill your whole family, then torture you." Tomura said with a calm tone.
He lightly slapped the wide eyed man twice.
He stood up and walked towards the jet with the military base left half decayed and in flames behind him.
He was sat in the co pilot seat of the jet as Logan flew, he didn't have a clue how to help if Logan did need any.
But Logan seemed pretty damn good at flight.
Logan turned to him "We just ignoring how he kidnapped that fucker" he said as he nodded to the Nomu sat in the back.
Tomura shrugged "I don't have a clue, maybe he turned to that red Hulk thing but I don't know" he said as he glanced back to the blank eyed Nomu.
A few minutes of silence passed Logan turned to him with a conflicted look on his face. "So, you and Red huh?"
Tomura turned to man in confusion "What?" He asked, what the hell was red.
He seemed to grit out the next words "You and Jean, I can smell you all over her whenever she goes out." He said, he didn't exactly seem happy.
Tomuras mind caught on to something Logan had said.
"Why the fuck are you sniffing Jean?" He asked sharply as he met eyes with the man who seemed surprised.
"I can smell her from dozens of metres away" Logan said as he pressed a button on the dash.
Tomura felt abit awkward now.
"Listen Logan, I know you have a thing for Jean." He said as he met eyes with the man "But me and her are kinda doing our own thing, I mean it came out of nowhere-"
"Just say you two got a thing" Logan interrupted.
"Well yeah, we got a thing going on" Tomura said.
Logan looked back at the dash "Good for you Kid" he said as the rest of the flight passed in slight awkward silence.