

His head was clear as he watched the man, The Blob. The man was just stood still, the rest of the Brotherhood was fighting the X-Men.

Tomura started to walk over to the large man while stretching his arms.

"Guess this is my job" he said to himself as he closed in on the mutant slowly.

He had read about the Blob, the brotherhood are infamous and whenever they're in a fight people will note down what happened. It's all over the internet about how blob is apparently immovable with skin that not even wolverine can cut through.

Tomura felt his palms itch.

Tomura was close, so close he could hear The Blobs heavy breathing. The Blob smiled to himself as he suddenly lunged towards the surprised grey haired teenager.

Tomura rolled backwards and watched as the blobs fist came down where he was just standing.

The damage his fist left looked as if a bomb had just hit the earth. Tomura knew if he was hit with that he would die, his body is not like wolverines.

It's just a normal human body, no metal bones, no insane healing factor, just human.

He needs to be patient.

He dodged another punch from the far taller man and then ducked under a sudden kick he didn't expect.

Training with wolverine has its advantages, he rushed towards the man's off balance body while his foot was still in the air and placed his hand against the man's stomach.

He watched as the hand sunk into the blobs stomach but also watched as the man's body started to fall apart at the seams.

The Blob screamed in pain and tried to punch the teenager, who quickly jumped back and then ran his hand across blobs extended arm.

Blob screamed again as his arms skin was decayed into dust. The Blob clearly had some sort of healing factor, as his stomach was already healing from the severe damage.

It wasn't as good as wolverines but it meant that he couldn't wear the man down, he had to go for the kill.

Tomura dodged a sweeping punch and used the move to run to the blobs back in a burst of speed, he used that momentum to jump and grab onto the blobs shoulders.

As the Blobs shoulder melted away Tomura used them to pull himself up and then placed his hands on the Blobs skull.

The man's screams echoed around the battlefield, in a few seconds his skull had turned to a mush and the man fell to the floor dead.

His blood covered the grinning teenager, who used his bloody hands to slick back his bluish grey hair.

The teenager laughed to himself, now fighting with the protesters was fun, he looked back at the body of the mutant.

But that was exhilarating.

He looked over to the battlefield in wonder, A new guy made of ice was battling with the giant Juggernaut, Professor X had his eyes closed as he used his telepathy for something Tomura couldn't see.

But that fight that really caught his eye was Wolverine and Sabretooth. It seemed even, but Tomura had a bone to pick with the beastial man.

So Tomura ran to the fight, he approached from behind Sabretooth but the man must have heard his footsteps.

The 7 foot tall man turned with a beastial grin and swiped at Tomura with his shining claws. Tomura slid underneath the claws as Wolverine used the distraction to plant his own claws deep inside the beasts back.

Tomura however grabbed onto the man's foot and watched as the flesh burned away faster that it could heal and revealed the Sabretooths shining bones.


But the lack of muscle and tissue led the Sabretooth to drop to a knee with a growl. Tomura had to roll away from a sudden swipe and watched as Wolverine gained the advantage in the fight.

He ran back into the mix as Wolverine had planted his claws into the beasts chest and Sabretooth had buried his claws into wolverines ribs.

They were in a stalemate until Tomura grabbed Sabretooths face from behind and relished in the screams of pain as the man's face decayed away.

Soon even the man's tongue was decayed and the healing wasn't fast enough, not for decay.

Tomura would have held on if he could, but a sudden blast sent him flying almost a hundred feet away. He rolled and quickly regained balance, the grinning teenager was panting while his red eyes were bouncing around the battlefield looking for the perpetrator.

A blur appeared and passed by fast and he turned his head but was sent flying by a punch.


He was suddenly kicked from behind and fell to a knee, he stood unsteadily and was sent flying by another kick.

He stood and was about to decay the floor but was interrupted by a flash of red.

His eyes suddenly clouded over as red filled his vision, he stumbled forward and fell onto his knees as he looked down at the suddenly red grass.

He mumbled something before awakening elsewhere.

His eyes widened, he was in the church.


"The Witch" was said by the withered Hand.

"What witch? Tomura asked.

"The red one, surprised she hasn't done worse. You did kill her teammate" the hand said as it twitched, it's voice as raspy and deep as always.

The hand seemed to spasm and then laughed "Well, she probably hasn't found the body yet…but when she does…" the hand broke into laughter.

Tomura broke into a sweat. His body was vulnerable right now.

"Send me back!" He shouted as he ran to the doors of the church only to find them locked.

"You can't go back, she's locked you in and your too weak to break the spell yourself" the hand informed the panicked teenager who tried to decay the door but nothing worked.

Seconds passed with no sound being made other than Tomuras deep breathing.

"Damn…" Tomura said as he pressed his head against the cold wood. "So what! I just wait here?" He turned and asked the hand.

"Well…no, not exactly" said the hand mysteriously.

"Well what?" Tomura asked.

"You need to get strong enough to break the spell" the hand spasmed again "and to do that, you must accept the truth."

Tomura waited in anticipation "What truth?"

The hand twitched "and you must take down the wall" the hand seemed excited…

"What wall and what truth" Tomura practically growled.

"We are One"

Tomura shook his head "How? How are we one, make it make sense!"

The hand twitched "I am part of you, just as you are part of me" the glass behind the hand reminded Tomura of what the hand said last time. "We just need to embrace one another and accept we are one, that will then take the wall down"

Tomura doesn't know what damn wall he's talking about but it's eithe-

"AHHHH!" Tomura screamed as he fell to his knees, he held his now bleeding face. He looked towards the spasming hand.

"Quick! Quick! We are one!" The hand said, Tomura started to walk towards the hand "That beast is ready to kill you, the beast!"


Tomura ran to the hand and without a second of hesitation embraced the rotting body part.

"We are one"