
Shattered Autonomy

Struck by tragedy since birth, Kage Tesler emerges from the ruins of a place he called home, bathed in an embracing flame. In this devastation arrives a Hero belonging to the dystopia of the United Western States. Amongst the carnage, the Hero mutilates Kage's sister leaving him in an insanity all of his own. Spurred by this event, Kage embarks on a journey filled with deceit in which he will strive for an unprecedented strength. Yet is there something lurking beneath those murky eyes that shall stain the world in their scarlet hue? Will a world wrought by the awesome might of Evolution, corruption, and a forgotten wrath serve as the furnace to ignite a flame of inspiration or shall it devolve him into the confines of a decrepit madness? Updates Monday through Friday

Detred · Fantasia
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126 Chs

Doctor's Plight

With the surgery behind them Lingren fought with himself whether to include this in his report or not.

The mere fact that one could manipulate the blood from their body was a considerable discovery. But one in which the blood moved on their own when asleep transformed that discovery into an earth-shattering conclusion. The scientific community would come to study the lad in order to understand the extent to which such a power could be monopolized only to be beaten by the Agency. Then, will the boy be forever forgotten in the dark annals of history.

Sifting through the file on the boy, it was an ability apparently unknown by anyone. Not even the benefactor had mentioned such information when asked on their relationship. The person was most likely just as clueless as to the preciousness of such the child they had operated on, otherwise, they would already have been eating dirt.

Now, Dr. Lingren had to come to a conclusion. It was a simple one, was what many would think. Reporting the child would grant the hospital quite a considerable grant as well as special support from the government accompanied by a keen eye from the Agency for further operations. Lingren was already a somewhat known man due to his prior surgeries, however, with this most recent case he may be allowed to be even considered for a directorial position one day. A day that would come very soon.

The man lifted open a metallic case. Its face shone with the light from the lamp on his desk. His fingers eaten by heartily pumping veins snapped the trigger to his gold-stained lighter burning a blue flame for his eyes to survey. Despite being a doctor in his own right, Lingren enjoyed the mighty puff of a cigar or four within the confines of his office. Of course, it was only on such occasions did he feel compelled to pucker his lips against that tip of the rolled tobacco. The taste of such a decrepit thing sickened the man yet when the exhale finally forced itself from his lips did the stress fade away as a cleansing sense warmed his thoughts.

Once more did he glance over the document on the oak of his desk. It was a summary of the boy's prior visits as well as occupation, an aspect he read carefully. The more he read the more he nearly vomited as such sights and sounds were described by the attending physicians at the time. A child so young yet brought by great misfortune. It was a damned shame the amount of times Lingren had to gaze upon such readings. That was of course the norm for him, this document was much more dire than any such simple tales. No, if he hadn't called the contributors responsible for this summary would he have forever thought it to be a fairy tale. Details of horrific images, actions bestowed to gravely disturbed murderers, sought by a single child to bear witness to, surely should have broken his mind. From the list of medication it seemed to have done just that, but the heroism displayed from the child was something that should not have been the product of this document.

Only divine intervention could have propelled someone to maintain a steady enough mind forward. Several interventions in order to calm the long history of brutal events that stretched the span of the boy's life.

"Heh!" Vak Lingren chuckled at this troublesome idea. Ought he to begin praying again? No, the man was not of the god-fearing type few were anymore. He reflected back upon the persuasive attempt from the Agency. In reality, the whole hospital would be leveled with each staff member subsequently disappearing from the face of the earth. Knowledge at this level became ever more associated with death if the Asian Alliance were bound to discover it.

Lindgren's mind all but made up rested on divine intervention as he packed up his things for the night. Perhaps after some rest he would come to his conclusion.

Whomever this benefactor was, gave a sizable donation to the hospital leaving the director without worry. And not an ounce of suspicion remained or would remain on this auspicious occasion.

Thank you to all the new people who have stumbled across my story this week!

I hope to continue a consistent schedule and improve the story the more it goes. So, with that said, I ask that if you have made it this far to write up a review so that I can gauge your opinions and thoughts at this point.

See you all on Monday and have a great weekend!

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