

Where am I. A forest? Was I kidnapped? I'm sure I locked my apartment before I went to bed. I don't know what's going on. I'm in a forest ,but I went to sleep on my bed.

"Ack!!! My Head!"

Cultivation.....Battle Continents.....Sharingan! I've been transmigrated! I'm in a body. It has no past and was just made. I'm basically a 14 year old new born. I have no clue. I have my own version of the Sharingan. It's at One Tomoe. I also have a body perfect for cultivation. I'd be called a genius on even the highest tier continent. There are 10 Battle Continents. They Compete for rankings. Tier 10 is the lowest and Tier 1 is the highest. It seems I'm starting at The Tier 10 Continent. I should start by getting out of here. It seems this is the Tiny Continents Magic Beast Forest.


Someone's Heading this way. I wonder who would come all the way out here. This isn't even near a main path. It's also on the outskirts. Maybe someone about to break through a stage. I don't know.

"Hello There."


A weird noise came out. I haven't talked to anybody in a long time. I guess I should reply to ...Them? I couldn't really tell their voice from this far away.

"Sorry. Hi There. What're you doing all the way out here."

"Looking for a secluded area."

I knew it. I should hide my sharingan for now. Not like I can keep it active for long. I have been using my pure willpower to keep it active to check it out.

"Anyways. Welcome. I just decided to make this place my home. So unless you want to stay and keep me company you can continue doing what you're doing."

"Heh. What if I want this spot~"

Trying to be seductive Eh. It won't work on me ,who has been practicing anime character impressions for years. I can successfully change my persona at anytime. I'll just act like an idiot for now. I'll be uninterested in her womanly charm.

"Then you can just stay here. I won't be leaving anytime soon. Unless I want food ,or to explore."

"Eh?" 'It didn't work! I'm the goddess of my clan though. Even if it's only in terms of beauty I'm goddess like. I'm also pretty talented! How did this guy not fall for me. Not many people would be able to resist jumping on me like a dog in heat!' "Hehe...I guess ,but what if I want to take this spot by force. What will you do then. Heh."

I'll use a serious instructor persona.

"Then I'll beat the will to fight me out of you."

I probably would need to bring out the sharingan to even have a chance at running away. If this person wanted I would be meat paste in about 5 minutes. I've got to put the impression of someone laid back ,but is willing to fight for what they want. I can't back out from this.

"Oh~. What makes you think you can win."

I have to keep it up. I'll have to activate that.


"I of course have my own abilities! If you think you can look down on me then you're wrong!"

*Activates Sharingan!*

"What! This! Power! Is Insane! What is he!"

"If it's a fight you want...Then I Won't Hold Back!"

Of course ,If I held this for more then five minutes I'd start bleeding from my eyes.

"Hahah. I knew something was special about you. I won't try to fight you. I guess I'll just have to deal with it."

*Woosh.**Deactivates Sharingan.*

"Thanks. I'm glad I passed your test. Heehee!"

"Eh? Haaah. As Expected. I couldn't fool you."

"Well. I'm going to grab some food."



I made it back. I could barely hunt 5 rabbits and gather 50 safe berries before it was time for me to go back to camp. I've been informed of all the stages and realms. I have a cultivation technique. I'm also sure my Sharingan upgraded to Two Tomoe. Of course. It happened when I finished gathering and hunting. I don't know why though.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back."

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure ,go ahead."

"I wanted to know what your name is?"

"Sure ,but you should tell me yours first. It's bad manners to ask someone's name without telling them yours."

"Sure. I'm Ephthal. What's your name."

"What a weird name. Anyways Pei Ran. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too! I hope we get along well!"

"Sure!"'Weird ,he knows my family name and he isn't scared. Maybe he's sheltered and hasn't heard of my name yet. Well I'll get to know him soon.'